Too bad for the artefacts, loot and magical books that will be lost.
Don't worry. If the artifacts were to be interesting to Erdrick, they ought to be able to survive a gigadyne.
Doubtful. It wouldn't be the first time treave gives us the full consequences for doing something stupid, such as shooting an ion cannon against the capital, which will set the entire world and Methuss' survivors against us, for not to mention exhausting Erd way too much. Speaking of which, kinda funny that he fully embraced his "carnage pigeon" nature: mass genocide doesn't seem to bother him much to consider doing so.
Kipeci got what he wanted at the end.
The point of the option is that if it goes off without a significant hitch, Methuss won't have enough survivors to be significant. Which is well and good, as we were hated there even prior to any opportunity to ion cannon the vicinity. It's not a matter of looting, it's a matter of decapitating the armies that would otherwise walk all over us by depriving Methuss of their best and brightest, their leaders and mages and formers of unpleasant surprises. The Methussian war effort would be dramatically weakened, and their advantages in superior organization would be lost so that we could have a bit of breathing room. That precious, valuable time could be used to raise up collaborators from the humans who don't want to oppose someone that could wipe a huge city off the map.
Are there disadvantages? Gosh, certainly. I don't tend to care much about loot, but you're right in that most of that is vaporized along with a number of lovely ladies. It definitely jumps into the fear end of the spectrum rather than the respect, and the rest of the human nations can't exactly ignore something like this and stand by unless they're just too fearful of the same happening. But I think our hand has been a bit forced, ever since Rin decided to invade everyone at everywhere. The human nations have our number and want us dead, so we need to make
some sort of move to preserve ourselves.
That said, you are reminding me of my earlier words of a vision for welding the disparate peoples of this world into a unity under our power. Perhaps nuking a whole city immediately upon our return is a less than ideal means by which to accomplish that end, though tempting from the angelic perspective of XP and the like. I'm conflicted.
I suppose that the royals seemed rather intimidated when we were showing off our more meager powers at their fortress, so perhaps we may pay them a visit and call for peace. I don't believe for a second that it will last if successful, but it would allow for some consolidation without drawing the whole world in on our head... at least, not as much as wiping a city off of a map would do.
Destroying the temple is likely to invoke at least the religious Barzamites to war, and yet potentially wipes out the troubles that we've been having about angel catching so that we could be more confident in zipping around and annihilating armies in the open.
Ah, I'm missing the DISCUSS!! that we used to have, with immediate pages of passionate arguments one way or another. I wonder if that's due to the general population of Codexians having to bother going through an extra section to get to CYOA Land and then here, as the whole section seems not so lively as it used to be and not just this thread.
I suppose... ah, let's go for
B > A2, you've got me convinced.
For B if nothing else and negotiations totally fall through, at least we've put ourselves inside the shields and don't have to expend as much mana to cause terrible damage. I'm not sure if we still have our admirers within the city, it would be a shame to destroy them and those who may be convinced... we might try to take a cute hostage to prevent war from breaking out, also.