MECHANICS and stuff.
Liable to change halfway.
Rolling Rules:
The first roll will always be made to gauge the difficulty of a task or will be made by an opponent.
The last roll will always be for Eulos.
A temporary malus or bonus can be applied based on various circumstances, items, etc.
Permanent ones also can be applied in the course of the LP.
Feats of Strenght Gauge:
Bonus points can be won or lost depending on the success or failure of a feat of strenght.
+3 at the moment.
Difficulty Tiers Base Values:
They can change due to various circumstances, items, etc.
Mythic -1000 penalty, gods' realm.
Epic -100 penalty, heroes and demigods' realm.
Legendary -10 penalty, super human.
Manly variable penalty, from mundane to above human, almost all the feats of strenght will be in this category.