Naim pauses, thinking of what to say. After a while, he replies, “Reckless and insubordinate. I suppose he had his talents, in a way, but he would have made for a poor soldier. I don’t think we ever got along.”
“Hm, that’s a pity.”
“Why would it be a pity? Because of him, she left me,” remarks Naim absent-mindedly.
This guy isn't to be trusted. No need to kill him, however.
Give me one good reason for not brain-raping him.
Qin turns to address me. “How about you, Kurou? What did you think of Hoshikawa? You met him too, right?”
Great. Just great. I carefully keep the impassive expression on my face.
Once we are in the washroom – the ceiling is opaque here – Naim wastes no time before grabbing my collar. He shakes me strongly enough for my sunglasses to fall off. “What are you doing here? Are you insane? I almost didn’t recognize you. If Kawano hadn't said anything...”
Uh, I wasn't actually sure he was Shulgi, but I knew he was up to something. Pretty sure I wanted to brain-rape him, not stab him. Turned out I was right and the king of Egypt got killed in his sleep. Had we brain-raped him, we'd have gotten that info and been able to prevent it.Naim is a pawn in a much bigger game and he could (potentially) be a great ally. Also, what the fuck are we going to tell Azo? We can't exactly continue on with our mission to find Kyrie and to determine the Empress and Relius' plans from the inside if we return telling him that we turned the world's biggest movie star into a drooling vegetable. Think ahead, goddamnit.Give me one good reason for not brain-raping him.
You guys are buying into Lambchop's whole "NAIM IS THESUES!!!!" nonsense, which I always thought was bullshit from the beginning because the analogy doesn't really work. I seem to recall Lambchop19 being pretty goddamn gung-ho about stabbing Kumare in Chapter 3 of Ean's saga just because he might have been Shulgi. Well, he was wrong then and I am pretty sure that he's wrong now.
Bros that don't want tentacles rammed down their throats, shouldn't be dicks to the protagonist all the time. Just say'n.Hints:
This also means that there is a possibility that we are the Theseus if we ram our tentacles down his throat in a restaurant washroom on the off chance that he might not be placing our welfare as a priority... but sometimes paranoia is justified too, for our own safety.
I will say this, though; we have the resources to pin the assault on Cyber Jack and get away scot-free should we choose to...
What Naim gives us is dependent upon how we choose. C obviously get's us the most info and without the possibility of deception. B1 Get's us next to nothing, so I'd recommend against it.we are the one who doesn't have sufficient information, while you can expect Naim probably knows more than we do. This means that the choices have to be considered not only in terms of the amount of information that it nets us, but also how Naim might interpret our choices given the extra knowledge that he has.
A2 has the possibility of giving us a lot of information, but I believe there is a high probability that Naim will...alter it somewhat in an attempt to use us for his own ends. I think that that is the entire reason he's telling us. Whatever Kyrie's situation and whatever Naim's motives, Naim has a goal he is unable to achieve on his own. He intends to use us to further his objectives and you can bet our well-being isn't going to be a high priority, as treave said. Maybe his goal is to rescue or save Kyrie somehow. Maybe it's to become the new president of the Shinar. We won't really know unless we either wait and possibly get manipulated or jack his brain and find out now.Why would he tell us that Kyrie is alive?
This is one of those choices where it's better safe than sorry. We'll find out who's side Naim was on once we know what he knows - along with a bunch of other useful info, no doubt.This also means that there is a possibility that we are the Theseus if we ram our tentacles down his throat in a restaurant washroom on the off chance that he might not be placing our welfare as a priority... but sometimes paranoia is justified too, for our own safety.
I will say this, though; we have the resources to pin the assault on Cyber Jack and get away scot-free should we choose to...
Uh, I wasn't actually sure he was Shulgi, but I knew he was up to something. Pretty sure I wanted to brain-rape him, not stab him. Turned out I was right and the king of Egypt got killed in his sleep. Had we brain-raped him, we'd have gotten that info and been able to prevent it.
Also, we won't be returning and saying that we turned anyone into anything. We'll say he cyberhacker, Jack did it - like it says in the choice.
This means that the choices have to be considered not only in terms of the amount of information that it nets us, but also how Naim might interpret our choices given the extra knowledge that he has. Why would he tell us that Kyrie is alive?
“It's good to see you again, Your Majesty, but what have I done wrong?” I call out. I'm not even going to mention the credit she stole from me; that'd be just petty of me, no? Naim looks uncomfortable, averting his eyes from me. I suppose he knows the truth.
“So it seems you are stubborn. Very well. Kyrie, get over here. That boy is dangerous.” She raises a hand as the soldiers move forward. Naim looks troubled, but he says nothing.
“Ensign Hoshikawa.” Naim is piloting the yellow Onuris, sounding conflicted. “I’m sorry. I…”
“Are we going to fight here?” I say coldly. “If you’re going to do it, then do it.” I’m in no mood to talk about anything right now. Naim draws his beam saber and leaps at me. He’s not piloting anywhere near his best – I easily block him with my own saber, even in an uncalibrated frame. He pulls back, landing a few dozen metres away. Sensing incoming danger, I have my CF leap to the right, dodging a rifle shot from Jean that gouges out a small crater in the ground.
If I’m going to have to take the two of them down to escape, I’ll do it.
“Senya, just come back with us! I’m sure the Princess-“
“No, don’t.” interrupts Naim, his voice now composed. “Jean, we didn’t manage to capture Hoshikawa. He managed to fight us off and escaped where we could not track him.”
A2 has the possibility of giving us a lot of information, but I believe there is a high probability that Naim will...alter it somewhat in an attempt to use us for his own ends. I think that that is the entire reason he's telling us. Whatever Kyrie's situation and whatever Naim's motives, Naim has a goal he is unable to achieve on his own. He intends to use us to further his objectives and you can bet our well-being isn't going to be a high priority, as treave said. Maybe his goal is to rescue or save Kyrie somehow. Maybe it's to become the new president of the Shinar. We won't really know unless we either wait and possibly get manipulated or jack his brain and find out now.
(Also, for the record, I think B2 is a better alternative to A2 because it makes it more likely that he'll let some of the truth slip in an attempt to convince us Kyrie lives. It'd also keep him off guard.)
This is one of those choices where it's better safe than sorry. We'll find out who's side Naim was on once we know what he knows - along with a bunch of other useful info, no doubt.This also means that there is a possibility that we are the Theseus if we ram our tentacles down his throat in a restaurant washroom on the off chance that he might not be placing our welfare as a priority... but sometimes paranoia is justified too, for our own safety.
I will say this, though; we have the resources to pin the assault on Cyber Jack and get away scot-free should we choose to...
You're the one with the spin, bro. Just how do you know that's all he knew again?Nigga please, he didn't know shit, we wouldn't have gotten a fucking thing. All he knew was: "convince Runi to kill me at Heracleopolis", so don't try to spin it like you had a crystal ball all along
Right. We trusted the guy that was obviously up to something instead of jacking his brain like we should have. Also, what about the poisoning of the water supply? What about the other agents in the court? If he was dead by brain-rape and we even had an inkling of what was going on it'd have been better than taking his advice.The issue there was that we left Memphis undefended to go attack Astarth, giving Astarth a window to set up the assassination.
Still, didn't want to do that. Messy. I wanted to be able say the guy had some sort of attack and collapsed.Also, I meant stab him with Ean's brain-raping sword, but really it's the same thing.
Nope. That's you right now.My point is that you are trying to draw a connection between two different scenarios where it just doesn't work
So his character isn't relevant to whether or not we decide to trust/work with him? Come on, Brosquilax.How is Naim (supposedly) having a similar personality to Theseus relevant at all? What are the implications of it and what does it have to do with the choice at hand? Not sure if I'd agree with the comparison either, but whatever, I don't feel that it's relevant.
That situation tells us nothing for certain. Our skills were extremely superior to his. Maybe he didn't realize our mech was uncalibrated and feared going toe to toe. Maybe he let us go because he knew Kyrie would never forgive him for killing us. Maybe he didn't have the heart to do it after we saved his ass so many times and wanted to let us go so that he wouldn't have to feel like he owed us anything. Could have been a million reasons. I'd like to believe the guy is bro, but his constant looking down on us (even when he didn't realize it was us) let's me know that it's not in his character to give a shit about anyone but himself and his own desires. Maybe not to a Dio level, but he's still a selfish prick.However, considering that there is some definite mysterious power behind Relius' apparent resurrection and the Empress' rise to power, I doubt he can do a damn thing about it himself. Let's do some quote-mining to see how trustyTheseusNaim is:
So his character isn't relevant to whether or not we decide to trust/work with him? Come on, Brosquilax.
Has Esquilax led us astray before? Listen to reason here. Brain-raping Naim "because he's Theseus!" seems retarded to me.![]()
Once we are in the washroom – the ceiling is opaque here – Naim wastes no time before grabbing my collar. He shakes me strongly enough for my sunglasses to fall off. “What are you doing here? Are you insane? I almost didn’t recognize you. If Kawano hadn't said anything...”
lol, yeah, I remember. I had to fight you tooth and nail on that one. :DNot true, Lambchop19, I ended up voting for the earthquake option back in the end of the Egypt chapter. I was considering holding out against Nabu's psychic assault, but you were the one that actually swayed me away from it.
So his character isn't relevant to whether or not we decide to trust/work with him? Come on, Brosquilax.
Again, not the situations, bro. The character. People murder and make selfish choices for love all the time and Naim's personality is prone to it. Let's not give this Theseus his chance.I guess I can see some sort of vague similarity: they are both glory-hungry guys who are fighting over the same girl as us. But other than that - I don't see how these situations are at all alike.
Hey, you are right a lot of the time! Sometimes I need someone to talk me down too btw. Not this time though.Besides, you guys have done pretty well while I've been posting sporadically.
Another step down the bad road is a given, but it's totally. Worth. It.
Halfway through their meal, Naim gets up. Giving Qin an apologetic smile, he excuses himself. “I need to head to the washroom for a while. Could I borrow your bodyguard for a while? I have things to ask him.”
I stare at him from under my shades. “My place is with Ms. Kawano.”
“Oh, I insist.” He leans in close to me and hisses in my ear. “I need to talk with you… Hoshikawa.”
It seems that he realized who I am after all. I curse silently as I look at Qin, who shrugs and waves me away. “I’ll be fine. I won’t die just because you leave me for a couple of seconds, but come back soon!”
Again, not the situations, bro. The character. People murder and make selfish choices for love all the time and Naim's personality is prone to it. Let's not give this Theseus his chance.
That situation tells us nothing for certain. Our skills were extremely superior to his. Maybe he didn't realize our mech was uncalibrated and feared going toe to toe. Maybe he let us go because he knew Kyrie would never forgive him for killing us. Maybe he didn't have the heart to do it after we saved his ass so many times and wanted to let us go so that he wouldn't have to feel like he owed us anything. Could have been a million reasons. I'd like to believe the guy is bro, but his constant looking down on us (even when he didn't realize it was us) let's me know that it's not in his character to give a shit about anyone but himself and his own desires. Maybe not to a Dio level, but he's still a selfish prick.
“Ensign Hoshikawa.” Naim is piloting the yellow Onuris, sounding conflicted. “I’m sorry. I…”
“Are we going to fight here?” I say coldly. “If you’re going to do it, then do it.” I’m in no mood to talk about anything right now. Naim draws his beam saber and leaps at me. He’s not piloting anywhere near his best – I easily block him with my own saber, even in an uncalibrated frame. He pulls back, landing a few dozen metres away. Sensing incoming danger, I have my CF leap to the right, dodging a rifle shot from Jean that gouges out a small crater in the ground.
As to the situation with Relius, yes, it's more than he can handle. Maybe he wants to clear Relius out so he and Kyrie can be together. Who cares. The point is, it'd better to have all his knowledge of the situation while not having to work with someone who doesn't place a high priority on our well-being, doesn't like us too much and is suspicious as hell.