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Let's Play Hearts of Iron 2 (Preparing for D-Day in Asia)


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
1940: Our Finest Year

1st of February of 1940

Fitting music that may suck or not depending upon your opinion


Unable to launch a counter-attack, we were forced to hold what we secured and to attempt predicting the next enemy move. For three months, we have for one moment found relief. The Werhmacht was brought to a complete halt during the remainder of the Winter, and we prayed that the conflict between the Prussian military elite and the Nazis would lead to our enemy's demise.


We were terribly wrong, for Operation Epic Fail of Valkyrie Profile has failed epically, with the only survivor being the Lithuanian Hitman, and the foiled assassination attempt served as a terribly effective propaganda tool. We heard about the latest Hitler speeches, where he promised Poland would fall before the end of March, and we knew exactly what to expect.


Every month, new sturmgrenadiers and Panzers were coming. We were losing this war, but we were not going to lose it without a fight. Perhaps, if we make the Germans pay too much of a price in blood and divisional losses for every inch of land they conquer, they will give up. Surrender is not a choice for us.


But our surrender was definitively a choice for our wimpy Allies, who sent not even a lone division in our aid, despite their clear naval superiority and our large port in Konigsberg.


We were all ready for the Spring of war: men, women, children, trannies and fags, but we knew that winning this war would be on the verge of the impossible. However, outlasting 1939 was arguably in the same situation, and thus, perhaps we had a chance yet.



: If we survive long enough, we'll have the most advanced infantry forces of the world by the end of this year and of course, it's stupid to begin fielding 1939 grade weaponry to our divisions as it'll make little different at this point and end as a waste of resources.We are reaching a turning point in this conflict. Soon the snow will melt, opening new opportunities for our enemies, and for us as well. However, with opportunity there is risk, hardship and sacrifice.


By the start of March, the Germans launched a major offensive against Radom, their panzers rolling through its vulnerable plains as the men bravely tried their best to hold their ground. The ferocity of the attackers made it clear Hitler wasn't just pulling rhetoric with his promise to conquer Poland by the end of March. The challenge ahead would be daunting, and, rather than waste their lives in a hopeless defense, the men retreated, with all mobile forces heading towards Warsaw to prevent the worst from happening. The First Battle of Radom has begun with several Polish victories, but things were far less bright this time.


Their poor synchronization however, allowed for counter attacks to be launched from Kielce, which would give precious time for Poland. The bloodshed returned. And the price of victory would be very high in blood, for all sides of this conflict. Then, as the battle raged on, a large force arrived in Radom, led by Mannstein himself, but the counter-offensive was not stopped, while German tanks began to race towards Warsaw, being covered by the other armors and soldiers holding their ground in Radom.


For the second time, Major General Maczek has saved Warsaw. His heroic leadership over a division ofr obsolete tankettes against the dreaded panzers has earned him a legendary reputation. It became a common saying in Poland, that a real Panzer General can outshine technological superiority. Legends of knights in shining armor facing dragons were being replaced in local folklore by legends of mounted knights in shining anti-tank rifles facing legions of dreaded monsters called Panzers, for, against all odds, the Polish Cavalry has been useful in combat, no matter their inferiority, no matter the risks.



And Mannstein was eventually driven out of Radom. However, that would only delay them. The Germans, according to the latest intelligence, had 144 infantry and 8 panzer divisions, outnumberend Polish forces by more than 2:1.


The Spring is usually associated with the beginning of life, and the Winter usually associated with the beginning of death, but now, the roles have reversed. The end of the snowfall announced the beginning of the bloodshed.


: They are throwing everything they have against Kielce! But I refuse to retreat immediately like a coward! We will hold them as long as we can!


: Warsaw is under siege! This time I have to agree with you, the more you keep them busy at Kielce to not reinforce the Warsaw attackers, the better our chances!


Even Rydz-Smigli would have his moment in this conflict. Although victory was not achievable, every German soldier being held at the Kielce offensive was one less attacking Warsaw. Meanwhile, as the battles raged on, a scouting force was sent to measure the strength of German forces in Radom.


More than six hundred thousand soldiers were identified, a massive horde, far outnumbered the Polish forces defending Warsaw, if they were given the chance to focus exclusively in Warsaw, all could be lost.



Once again, Poland has won the battle for Warsaw, after a bloody urban combat, while the brave men in Kielce still held themselves despite the critical situation. Eventually, they had to retreat, as the relentless German offensive proceeded through then northern front.


Hitler Speech also promised taking East Prussia back in the first two weeks of March. But that was very, very doubtful. As a distraction thus, the Nazis decided to pick new targets for their rampage of tyranny and conquest.


Knowing that Elbing and Torun are critical and must not be lost at any cost, a new wave of defenders arrive in the hopes of turning the tide of battle, and proving how important concentrated artillery can be.


With another night coming in the Battle of Elbing, the tide finally seems to turn in Poland's favor. However, this had a cost, for now Torun is far less defended than before.


Meanwhile, Denmark begins to suffer the ravages of war, by a lone German division, making it clear with the intelligence they gave that Germany is putting everything they have against Poland.

: Look at how allied recon points that everything is empty in the German heartland! If we had only one chance to cut off a large part of their army from supplies... I should keep that in mind, maybe such opportunity may yet happen.


After another dramatic battle, Elbing is secure, but it's far from over yet.



An even more ferocious offensive is launched against Torun, held only by cavalry forces and by Maczek and his old TK-Ses. An heroic defense begins as reinforcements from as many places as possible without compromising the front are sent. Flanking diversionary attacks are dismissed, for there is no way to perform them at such conditions.


And as things couldn't get worse, The Germans began an advance through our most vulnerable part of the entire front, and Poland has no choice but to do what they can to stop it.


The Battle of Torun seems to be ending. The Germans will most likely win it before the reinforcements arrive. There is a dark mood, for the same victories of September 1939 were no longer repeating. Maybe it would be the end now, for from Torun, Warsaw would be easily conquered.

However, aware of such fact, the defenders made a brave stand in hopes the reinforcements would arrive in time.


The only motorized division of Poland stands ready.


And like in many other battles of this conflict, the use of smoke eventually make of its turning point a brutal melee with bayonets.


Meanwhile, things turn from bad to worse. Przemysl was lost, but wouldn't be given up easily.


However, if Torun was lost...


The bravery and competence of Polish cavalry would soon make of them perhaps more famous than the old mongol hordes under Genghis Khan command, as the last cavalry in active combat duty of the world. They knew that they couldn't let their nation fall, they knew the consequences of fascist dominations from the refugees coming from the west.

They persevered.


And finally, the tide of another decisive battle was turned.


And quickly, divisions moved back towards Elbing before the Germans could take advantage. Meanwhile, to the South, the last attempt to hold Przemysl began:



But things weren't very hopeful. In fact, it was unlikely they would manage it.


They didn't, and thus, others bought them time to retreat, as the situation of Poland worsened to the south.


But soon legions amassed at Przemysl. The enemy knew that such was their only trump card. They would attempt everything to achieve a crushing victory there. Something had to be done soon. However, outnumbered, the Polish forces had little hopes of pushing them back... perhaps, if they lured them through poorly inhabited and industrialized territories, if they made them spread out too much and knew the exact time to fight back, for waiting too much or rushing would mean defeat... perhaps things could yet change.


But, when they reached safety, a counter-attack might be in order.


And things don't end yet in the north. Torun is once again attacked.



The German offensive through the south continues unchallenged. But if they spread out thinly enough, a counter-strike may yet change things in favor of Poland.


Meanwhile, victory is once again achieved in Torun.


It could be worse...

Operation Tear of the White Eagle

: The enemies feel so assured they will win this war they left their flank in Kielce exposed. This may be our chance to cut off a large amount of enemy forces from supplies, or to at least make a diversionary offensive that will force them to regroup and stop their first successful blitzkrieg through the south. Upon this operation depends the survival of our civilization. We must do our best to succeed here.

: This is insane! It'll risk the entire front! We must defend our land!

: If we stay on the defensive, we will lose this war. This is our last chance! If this operation succeeds, it might mean our greatest victory since beginning of the war, but it'll be risky. However, the bright Germans prefer heavy infantry with towed artillery brigades, while most of our infantry forces are lighter and thus can move faster, not out of choice but because we couldn't afford fitting them better. And for reasons beyond my understand, they have very few motorized divisions. We have a chance, and we can't miss it.


Will this be the turning point of this conflict? Will Hitler fail with his promise to conquer Poland before the end of March? Will the Lithuanian Hitman be back? Will Poland survive for the entire years?

The situation worsens, but Poland's determination does not waver. The war is far from over yet, regardless of what Nazi propaganda claims.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
This is why I don't like playing with the big powers in Hearts of Iron 2: once you get the hang of the game, it becomes just too boring to play with the bigger powers, not counting how boring is to re-organize hundreds of divisions and micromanage divisions in Hearts of Iron 2. I was hoping there would be a greater challenge in Mod 34, and even though its AI is somewhat better than vanilla, my test game with Germany(perfect for testing this mod because of its more complex and bigger tech tree) so far is going like this:


Of course, the fact I got Nat Spain, Turkey and Portugal as allies before the war started helped a lot. Axis Turkey is quite lulzy considering that Turkey became a democratic country in the game.

I could have gotten Persia to join the Axis too for the Lulz, but decided to not risk letting them be steamrolled by the Allies and opening a front for the Turks to worry about


King of the Juice
White Knight
Aug 13, 2009
Divinity: Original Sin BattleTech
Cassidy said:
This is why I don't like playing with the big powers in Hearts of Iron 2: once you get the hang of the game, it becomes just too boring to play with the bigger powers, not counting how boring is to re-organize hundreds of divisions and micromanage divisions in Hearts of Iron 2. I was hoping there would be a greater challenge in Mod 34, and even though its AI is somewhat better than vanilla, my test game with Germany(perfect for testing this mod because of its more complex and bigger tech tree) so far is going like this:


Of course, the fact I got Nat Spain, Turkey and Portugal as allies before the war started helped a lot. Axis Turkey is quite lulzy considering that Turkey became a democratic country in the game.

I could have gotten Persia to join the Axis too for the Lulz, but decided to not risk letting them be steamrolled by the Allies and opening a front for the Turks to worry about

Download the Kaiserreich Mod, the big powers aren't enormous, there are events for almost every country in game, and it's alternate history to boot.


Feb 17, 2006
Chef_Hathaway said:
Cassidy said:
This is why I don't like playing with the big powers in Hearts of Iron 2: once you get the hang of the game, it becomes just too boring to play with the bigger powers, not counting how boring is to re-organize hundreds of divisions and micromanage divisions in Hearts of Iron 2. I was hoping there would be a greater challenge in Mod 34, and even though its AI is somewhat better than vanilla, my test game with Germany(perfect for testing this mod because of its more complex and bigger tech tree) so far is going like this:


Of course, the fact I got Nat Spain, Turkey and Portugal as allies before the war started helped a lot. Axis Turkey is quite lulzy considering that Turkey became a democratic country in the game.

I could have gotten Persia to join the Axis too for the Lulz, but decided to not risk letting them be steamrolled by the Allies and opening a front for the Turks to worry about

Download the Kaiserreich Mod, the big powers aren't enormous, there are events for almost every country in game, and it's alternate history to boot.
Events which stop in about 1941. The event chains are very railroaded. Interesting setting but I don't know if it works as a game.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
I'm going for a different style in this post(more DRAMA and GRIMDARK besides A Rabbi collar grabbing Nazi POWs), Also I'll give more clear hints on what I intend to take as the direction of this Let's Play if the very subtle hints in previous posts aren't enough.

April 1940: The Month Poland Stood Still

1st of April of 1940


Again, couldn't think of another fitting music, if you think it sucks, don't listen to it.


One million and two hundred thousand Polish soldiers stood bravely against a massive army of three million and two hundred thousand Germans, backed by panzers and the most advanced military technologies. We couldn't win this war by ourselves. It was clear now. All we could do is delay the inevitable for as long as we could.


And our "Allies", they simply stared blankly, lauding our superb performance and use of what we have available to keep the Heer at bay, but simply ordered their men to sit and crap over the Maginot Line. There was no excuse, we have secured Konigsberg for months now. They just Failed Us... epically. We were on our own, and we knew that eventually, eventually, we would lose this war without their help. I have witnessed this:


But we didn't give up. We still had hope, a faint hope.

That perhaps, a miracle would happen.


Mysterious Narrator: The year Nineteen forty should be a decisive year in our nation's history, the year we would turn the tide against the Nazis. We never expected the level of passivity, the complete indifference from our allies to our struggle. I can remember the darkest time in our history, when our hopes began to wane. As the month of March ended, and April began, we would realize, how close to defeat our nation would become.

*Acessing records /*\*/*\*/*\ Completed*


: This is our chance. If we manage to lure then out, we can secure Stryj yet.

: You have no idea, imagine the consequences if Lublin is left barely defended! Don't do this!

: Rydz-Smigli! This is our last chance to turn the tide of war! If don't succeed, everything will be over!


: Telll me this report is an April Fool's Joke!

: At least we managed to lure troops away from Przesmysl, but it is true. We didn't secure Kielce. Their forces outnumber ours at almost 3:1, we have no chance of taking the land we lost back now. We must do our best to hold what we have.

: I could have achieved victory. You have failed us. You have disappointed your country.

: If you were commanding our army we would have lost this war in six of october! Shut the fuck up!

: ;_;


: Maybe...

Mysterious Narrator: The war began to turn terribly against us from here. Tthe partial failure of the first strategic operation since the beginning of this conflict, Operation Tear of the White Eagle, which didn't succeed at securing Kielce, was an omen of what was to come.



: What?

: There are too many of them! We can't stop them without leaving Warsaw open for the taking! We... we... ITZ... Preemptive retreat! We can't afford losing men in battles we have no chance of winning!


Mysterious Narrator: Everything began to worsen. Hundreds of thousands of refugees ran toward Suwalki while it became clear the battle was not going to be won, the soldiers making a brave stand to buy them time... there was so much death, so much fear, so much despair.


Mysterious Narrator: In sixth of April, Denmark was lost. They had no chance, and the same whelps who refused to give us any help gave neither to them as well. Now the Germans controlled the only strait giving access to our seas, thus, even if they wanted, they could no longer help us unless they dared to launch an assault against the German lines, and as pussies, they would never do that.

: The Allies can no longer reach us.

: The Allies had six months to reach us! Even if they could, I doubt they would do anything, in fact, it seems strange why they didn't.

Mysterious Narrator: The truth, it was far more terrible than simply plain incompetence and cowardice. It was a terrible truth, which once discovered, would change forever the world, but like all truths, its knowledge came with a cost.


Mysterious Narrator: There were a few good news in the front, like the fact that, despite not achieving its most ambitious goals, Operation Tear of a White Eagle was successful in its primary objective: to give an opportunity for the Southern Front to be secured. If only the Central and North Front were at the same situation, we could have endured, far more. But in the end, after all that would still happen, that would be for good for nothing.


: So, the Germans want "peace"? They think we are going to surrender in exchange of not being officially wiped from the map, that we are going to let ourselves become puppets for them and allow for our brave Jews to be exterminated?



: Surrender now to the power of the Reich, inferior Slavic, Nigger and Jewish Scum. We shall make Poland an Aryan State! SIEG HEIL! SIEG HEIL! 卐 卐 卐

: Worthless. the sabaton used inside medieval footwear of soldiers is more valuable in modern times than this culturally void band praising Poland. Only works like 1812 Overture are true homages to wars, and they are only done in homage those who were victorious, not to the defeated.


: Faggots, you lost it.

: Nigdy!






: Nie poddamy się nigdy


: Nigdy zapomnę! :honourblade: :tubgirl: :tearsofawhiteeagle:

: Nawet z tysiąca lat tranii, będzie duchu Polska będzie nie złamana.


: Bo sława!


: Będziemy dominować w naszych pięknych okolicznościach przyrody.


: Idiotyczny Niemców, Wyprowadź ich do Retardoland


: To jest nasz czas!


: Szukajcie światła


Storming New Cap... Warsaw


Mysterious Narrator: I was among the men there, we were outnumbered at twelve to one. The Germans hoped to force us to retreat in little more than a two hours. I still can't believe I have survived. We... we were ready to fight to the last men for Warsaw, we could not let them take it. The Soviets, their greedy eyes stared at our demise, we couldn't. If we lost Warsaw, everything would be over.

: Yes! Give me some light on this matter! If Warsaw Falls! We will lose this war immediately after! Our defenders are totally outnumbered and attacked from multiple sides.


Panzers advanced towards Warsaw, where forty thousand Poles awaited, and prepared themselves to defend the city against four hundred eighty thousand Nazis. It would be one of the direst battles since the beginning of the war


Taking cover into the wreckage from intense artillery bombardments, they awaited their baptism of fire, a battle that would enter to history. The Battle for Warsaw...


... begins


For reasons unknown, the massed offensive is nearly halved.



Several reinforcements arrive in this last stand of Warsaw. The battle would last for days.


And there was one last hope... if it failed, maybe defeat would be the outcome.


However, it seems that after all. It is over.


Mysterious Narrator: We wanted to stay there and fight to the last man, but when the order to retreat came, we decided to respect the decision of WhiskeyWolf, and left Warsaw to languish under the tyranny of Nazi occupation. Our hearts were hurt by such heavy burden. It was one of the worst days of my life. But I knew that if, like a few who refused to obey the retreat order, I stood there, I wouldn't survive.



Mysterious Narrator: But we didn't languish and mourn our losses, we fought back. We would never give up. We were now determined to refuse surrender.


Byelsk, field of one of the most heroic battles ever fought in this conflict. Amidst the unforgiving mud, outnumbered, ill-trained militias held their ground bravely, while Cavalry forces in Wizna were being readied to support them. Most of these men, they had no real military training, they were farmers, average civilians ready to defend their homesteads, ready to kill and die for their land, for their friends, for their family. The Germans laughed, assuming that despite the mud, it would be an easy victory here.


Many sacrificed their lives in this battle, so their families could be free from tyranny. Their determination and bravery in face of superior numbers was resembling to another war which still didn't happen in this time line. They resembled the brave Finns who stood to defend their land, no matter how hopeless the struggle seemed, no matter how superior their enemies were in technology and numbers.


: No, we shouldn't retake Przemysl yet. And somehow, the Soviets didn't move even after we lost Warsaw.

: Maybe the fact we control parts of East Prussia is the reason. It is not completely over yet.

: Finally you said something that isn't stupid. Congratulations.

: -_-


A second offensive is launched to disrupt the German attempts to stabilize Przemysl.


And after so many terrible losses of ground, another victory ensues.


The cavalry saves the day in Bielsk. The Polish Army prepares itself for a last stand. A Last Stand in Wizna. For now, perhaps there will be another month, or maybe three if a truly otherwordly strategy employed, but it is over. But Poland will never let them defeat her easily. They will pay with blood, as they have paid, for every mile of land they stole from her. Alas, Hitler has failed miserably in his promise of conquering Poland by the end of March and securing the totality of East Prussia, for at such odds, it is perhaps a miracle Poland still wasn't completely crushed.


Mysterious Narrator: And thus, the month of April ended. It was a terrible month, a month we feared the worst would happen, that the Soviets would destroy us for once and all. But somehow... we were still alive. The war was not completely over yet. We never imagined the chain of events that would occur in the next month, events that would change forever the history not only of Poland, but the history of mankind. The world was never the same again.


Just one notice. The next update will require some event editing from my part. And also, is there any catch when change the default .bmp files of the battle images in the combat screens? I intend to change the standard photo with the soldier tossing a grenade to something that fits better with what I intend to do.

And yeah, maybe I could have done better, and I don't claim being the master of Hearts of Iron 2 anyway. I did this thread first and foremost for fun. Also, I've been doing this in a quasi-ironman mode, having reloaded the game only 3 times so far during all the length of this LP, continuity fixes due to lost save games and the restart in Page 2 excluded;

I could have just tried again, loading the save game from March, 27 to see if I could get a better result, but that would be too pussified of a move. But no matter how dire the situation is, Poland is not yet lost.

Also lol at seeing those 42 divisions sitting in the Maginot. Wonderful, but can't complain because Germany AI helped me a lot to compensate for it.

And finally, I think I might have used the avatars of all Poles in Codex with this update.


Feb 9, 2010
War Saw, Potatoland
Your LP is incredibly awesome. The very evening I accidentally found it through Google search, I simply had to read it to the end, even though I had to get up very early the next day. And I've registered just to hail your epic effort.

Speaking of replacing this grenade throwing picture, you just have to either edit the
Hearts Of Iron II Doomsday\gfx\interface\ill_battle_land.bmp
file and replace it with something different, but please note that image size and type must remain unchanged. But I think it would be much easier just to use copy-resize-and-paste method on the final screenshot. Even MS Paint can do that job.



Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
PrzeSzkoda said:

Also, love the google-translate Polish. :cool:

It is good for what it is.

Also I'm on a bit of stop with this thread because event editing is a bitch.

Do anyone know how to do an event that gives uber combat bonuses to each unit type of a single country? No point in hiding it anymore, although I'm undecided between this and just going the standard route and fighting to the bitter end because the latter doesn't require any event editing and changing of bmps to this.


Yes, alien invasion through multiple provinces of the most industrialized countries (US, UK, France, Germany, etc) Aliens DoW everyone, then I need an event that triggers a cease-fire while the aliens begin their attempt to conquer Earth.

As I'm in doubt on where to take from here, I'd rather ask you which you prefer:

1) Poland fighting to the last

2) War of the Worlds + Poland fighting to the last

Option 2 will ensure greater rapage and nearly impossible game, while making this LP last longer because I never expected a chance of winning in a normal game. I'll give several nearly game-breaking bonuses through events to the alien if event editing allows it, "compensated" by man... alienpower limitations and 0 MP from conquered provinces, because that would reflect the fact they are miles ahead in technology. I'm trying to make it so that it'll take the entire military forces of mankind to stand a chance at defeating them.

Problem will be the cease-fire(forced peace treaty by event) and later, the alliance events. Also I'll have to edit the Barbarossa and likely the Soviet Invasion events to avoid total clusterfuck.

Sovy Kurosei

Dec 29, 2004
Cassidy said:
Yes, alien invasion through multiple provinces of the most industrialized countries (US, UK, France, Germany, etc) Aliens DoW everyone, then I need an event that triggers a cease-fire while the aliens begin their attempt to conquer Earth.

It would be like one of Harry Turtledove's alternative history book series!

As I'm in doubt on where to take from here, I'd rather ask you which you prefer:

1) Poland fighting to the last

2) War of the Worlds + Poland fighting to the last

Go, go aliens. Although I would imagine that would be a lot of editting.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Option 2, of course. I'm not certain but I'm pretty sure someone at HoI2 forums has made suitable events for that. Try to search for them. Also, with any luck you'll meet me as one of the Alien "generals", :D If memory serves, Pdox had time in DD to put our names in.


RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007
Somebody finally decided to move this to the LP forum, about time.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
GarfunkeL said:
Option 2, of course. I'm not certain but I'm pretty sure someone at HoI2 forums has made suitable events for that.

Good to know, and good thing I haven't bothered editing anything yet.

Lately I've been playing Risen so I more or less decided to give a break to my LP threads though. I'll see if I can find any events in Paradox Forums.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
A mini-update to show you this thread is going to return to an active state now.


27th of April of 1940

Xenu Theme


We no longer expected to win this war in the long term. The Western "Allies" have forsaken us, cowardly entrenching themselves instead of giving a brutal offensive against the Germans while we still tie up most of their divisions in Eastern Europe.


We have done our best, and the war was not yet over. We will go to the end, we shall never surrender, we will fight to the last man, and as long as the faintest hope of liberating Poland remains, we shall fight the good fight, with bullets and artillery shells rather than with voices.


: The enemy forces outnumber us at more than 3:1. We cannot win Suwalki with those forces, and we cannot send reinforcements in time. Instead, they retreat immediately, as it becomes obvious.[/url]

: Madness! We must hold on to Wizna no matter the cost! We cannot afford to lose more ground! We cannot...

: With the loss of Warsaw, Wizna is no longer a viable ground to hold! It is necessary to fall back, to regroup. We are fighting an uphill battle against the Germans, but we will not and cannot give up, the future of our country and of Democracy in Eastern Europe depends upon us.


: No, Wizna must be defended!

: Look at what you just done! You're putting two divisions under risk of encirclement! We cannot afford to lose any of them due to that! We must stand and fight to the end, the Muddy season will last until June, but we must take advantage of it as long as we can!


: We cannot lose the organization of our man fighting for a worthless part of our territory in a battle we will never win! Retreat! Let them take the less defensible terrains! We cannot...

: This is a dishonor to our glorious Poland! We must defend Wizna to the end.

A few have decided to stay and Wizna, rebelling against WhiskeyWolf orders, to fight to death against a gigantic enemy force.


And once again, history would repeat.


Three hundred men, on the face of defeat, held out a far greater force, until no longer one of them would stand




Hopefully, their sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. They shall never be forgotten.


Meanwhile, in the southern front, Germany suffer defeat after defeat, as they are tied up in the mountains, which they foolishly attempt to take over and over. Perhaps it is not the bitter end yet, for perhaps, Poland still have a faint chance of victory, of retaking Warsaw.


Weather would for a while, buy time for Poland, but unlike the Soviet Union, they had nowhere to retreat anymore. One more successful push, and everything would be over.


Another decisive battle begins in the Southern Front. The goal is not to retake Przemysl, but to keep German force moving towards it to reduce the pressure on the other, more vulnerable fronts, until the nearby Polish armies regained enough organization to attempt a push towards Kielce, then Lublin, in the hopes that liberating Warsaw may yet be possible, even when completely outnumbered by the enemy.


It was a brutal battle, but with their nonlinear defense forces, Poland could outnumber their enemies in specific areas of the front, and thus.


The month of April signaled the downfall of Poland. It has always been an uphill battle without the support of the pussy Allies. Poland couldn't outbuild the industrial superiority of the Reich. For every Infantry division trained and ready to battle, the Germans had three built. They stood for as much time as they could, fighting to the bitter end and occupying East Prussia for more than six months. They did the best they could with the supplies, manpower and capability they had, and now, only a miracle could save them. The victories over the southern front, after what appeared to be a complete steamroll of the enemy, and the greatest losses of territory Poland had since the beginning of the conflict marked the month of April. Perhaps Poland would be able to resist yet for months, but victory was a distant, faint possibility.

1st of May of 1940

7:00 AM


Good morning and welcome to the News at 11 at 7 Radio Show, bringing News at 11 earlier for you, and have a happy May Day, now for the latest news. A huge flaming object, believed to be a meteorite, fell over a farm near the town of Roswell, thirty minutes ago, waking up the entire town with an extremely loud noise. Police and firemen have been dispatched on the local. Several meteorite rain sightings are being reported across Kwanzania. We ask for you to stay calm and wait for further news.


7:30 AM

Good morning and welcome to the News at 11 at 7 Radio Show, bringing News at 11 earlier for you, and have a happy May Day, now for the latest news. We have received confirmation from our correspondents in London that what appear to meteorites have fallen all over Southern England countryside, and according to undisclosed sources, next to the German town of Wilhelmshaven and next to the Soviet city of Vladivostok. More news on these unexpected meteorite storms will be informed as soon as they become available. Stay tuned, and don't panic! This isn't a sign of ITZ COMING to Kwanzania!


7:50 AM

Good morning and welcome to the News at 11 at 7 Radio Show, bringing News at 11 earlier for you, and have a happy May Day, now for the latest news. Unknown forces have attacked police and firemen in the meteorite crash site at Roswell. Radio contact from the Police and Fire department with their men has been lost and we had no contact with the civilians who went to the place out of curiousity yet. Worry not, this must be just a group of criminals or a weather balloon that fell against the cops. We will report further information as soon as we get updates. Stay tuned.


8:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the News at 11 at 7 Radio Show, bringing News at 11 earlier for you, and have a happy May Day, now for the latest news. Gentlemen, trannies and ladies, we have now received confirmed reports of an attack ongoing against the town of Roswell, and now can confirm that Earth is being invaded by aliens from outer space and advise you to build bunkers because of ITZ. According to eyewitnesses, gigantic three-legged and multiheaded dicks machines that fire beams of lights capable of vaporizing a man and saucer shaped aircrafts without wings began to raze and destroy everything on their path. National Guard and Amerikwan forces have been called to prepare defenses against these still unknown forces in numbers and power.


Similar reports are coming out of Wilhelmshaven, London, Madrid and several cities accross the world. Enemies from outer space began to advance over our world. It is unknown how the war in Europe will end, tied up in a long, bloody battle as Poland, the only democracy in Eastern Europe, bravely holds the torch of liberty against Germany, who knows happen to have the greatest threat they ever could face attacking behind their main front lines. The future of the Second World War, and of humanity, are about to change. Stay tuned for more news, and if you live nearby Roswell, get ready to depart because




Aug 15, 2008
Cassidy said:
: Bo sława!

: Będziemy dominować w naszych pięknych okolicznościach przyrody.

These two have some p. cool unintentional jokes n' pokes :D Admit it, who's the neopagan panslavic Ziemowit here?


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City
Unfortunately I had to do this the hard way. By editing the save file. I managed to spread out the alien invasion through several provinces, and I edited uber INF with 30% softness(POWAR ARMORZ) and lolwut stats that can hold their own against 9 human divisions and armors with 10% softness (I'm tempted to give them 0% to really make things hard), but there is one serious problem to which I can think of two solutions.

The alien invaders in other provinces than Willhelmshaven suffer penalties for not being supplied

The solutions I have yet to try to fix this and ensure that all invasion landing grounds are successful are:

1) Give several h4x transports with loldiculous air defense, speed and virtually unlimited range across the Earth to the ALI and set them to supply transport missions targeted at the other invasion grounds, and hope the AI won't mess them up.

2) Find a way to link an offsite province(unlikely)

3) Edit huge supply and oil stockpiles in all the provinces being invaded (If I knew how to do that :( )

Does anyone know how to do (3) and whether it'll fix the supply problem or not?


Feb 9, 2010
War Saw, Potatoland
Just give them a lot of convoy ships, I would say at least 1000. No need to change their stats, it would take years for the Allies and Axis to sink them all. The AI does the job of creating convoys nicely, as long as all of the isolated alien footholds have access to the sea.

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