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KickStarter Knights of the Chalice 2 Thread - Augury of Chaos



P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Autism is the word you are looking for


Dangerous JB
Nov 24, 2012
Globohomo Gayplex
"Hey, you like RPGs right? Well, if you want another one, buy my book about libertarianism and my shitty RTS game!"

I haven't played KotC yet but the creator seems retarded beyond repair.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Autism is the word you are looking for
Actually the word you're looking for is "narcissism" with a good helping of plain ol' mental retardation.

It's generally what modders often have, only worse.

It means his main motivation is most likely personal fame, which is always a shame.
You think that a guy that never advertises his games, doesn't do interviews, hides his updates behind private forums and doesn't sell his game anywhere besides his own website is after FAME?
Given that he's a self-professed free market worshiper I'd say he's simply mentally unwell.

In the immortal words of BLOBRO:
Last edited:


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
If only there was some way he could generate revenue with his products.
Pierre has a master’s degree in international economics and finance. He has studied at the universities of Bordeaux in France and Bradford in the UK. He has lived and worked in France, India and the UK. He works as an analyst in the UK and is also an independent video-game developer.
You lie, surely he would have found one by now if it existed!


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
If only there was some way he could generate revenue with his products.
Pierre has a master’s degree in international economics and finance. He has studied at the universities of Bordeaux in France and Bradford in the UK. He has lived and worked in France, India and the UK. He works as an analyst in the UK and is also an independent video-game developer.
You lie, surely he would have found one by now if it existed!
After all he's a professional, while we're mere amateurs.


Jul 12, 2012
It would be funny if he was about change his mind on steam/gog and decided to tell the codex, only to see this topic.


Feb 15, 2014
OK, so you respect developers who make fighting games, which are one of the most restrictive genres out there in terms of what you can actually do in-game. Then you dismiss Pierre's work on KotC because "it's [just] a combat simulator" that failed to implement things like "non-combat skills, dialogue trees, C&C and so on." Apparently two characters jumping, kicking, punching, blocking, and comboing contains a wider range of situations than a tactical combat map with 10+ combatants, each of whom has a variety of actions, skills, and equipment?
From the POV of what tactical options are available to you and how many things you need to keep in mind when making your move on a single unit: it does. That's why they play them at tournaments. While on a given battlefield in a TRPG you might a bit have more variables (different spells, items etc) than moves in a fighting game 1v1 situation (though unlikely when compared to 3D ones where it's 200+), the fact that a fighting game is real time means that you can and have to chain combos on the fly with very precise timing (couple of frames of animation). It doesn't stop at memorizing all the moves, because there's a fuckton of different possible combinations you can create with those moves when you combine them together (assuming you know the games mechanics well enough to be able to do that). In games like Guilty Gear and BlazBlue you have also heat and guard gauges on top of all that stuff (just links, dash/jump/false roman cancels etc)
The larger the scale, the more streamlined the combat: grand strategy games have very simplified combat, you have more control/options in RTS but not by much, in RPG and tactics games you have a lot of different commands and even larger focus on combat+you control much less units and finally in fighting games you have by far the largest amount of options to choose from on a single unit since you're only controlling one character in a 1v1 fight.


Jan 11, 2006
The White Visitation
OK, so you respect developers who make fighting games, which are one of the most restrictive genres out there in terms of what you can actually do in-game. Then you dismiss Pierre's work on KotC because "it's [just] a combat simulator" that failed to implement things like "non-combat skills, dialogue trees, C&C and so on." Apparently two characters jumping, kicking, punching, blocking, and comboing contains a wider range of situations than a tactical combat map with 10+ combatants, each of whom has a variety of actions, skills, and equipment?
From the POV of what tactical options are available to you and how many things you need to keep in mind when making your move on a single unit: it does. That's why they play them at tournaments. While on a given battlefield in a TRPG you might a bit have more variables (different spells, items etc) than moves in a fighting game 1v1 situation (though unlikely when compared to 3D ones where it's 200+), the fact that a fighting game is real time means that you can and have to chain combos on the fly with very precise timing (couple of frames of animation). It doesn't stop at memorizing all the moves, because there's a fuckton of different possible combinations you can create with those moves when you combine them together (assuming you know the games mechanics well enough to be able to do that). In games like Guilty Gear and BlazBlue you have also heat and guard gauges on top of all that stuff (just links, dash/jump/false roman cancels etc)
The larger the scale, the more streamlined the combat: grand strategy games have very simplified combat, you have more control/options in RTS but not by much, in RPG and tactics games you have a lot of different commands and even larger focus on combat+you control much less units and finally in fighting games you have by far the largest amount of options to choose from on a single unit since you're only controlling one character in a 1v1 fight.

From the POV of what tactical options are available to you and how many things you need to keep in mind when making your move on a single unit: it does

when making your move on a single unit

Thanks for the treatise on how deep fighting games are but I already knew that and it's totally irrelevant. I don't care to compare options of 1 unit vs. 1 unit because the entire point of tactical RPGs is that you control more than 1 unit. Further, you seem to be ignoring the entire point of my post in the first place.


Aug 30, 2008
A master's degree in economics yet this guy can't seem to wrap his head around supply and demand.


Nov 22, 2012
The codex really got me interested in this game, but as others have said I'm not gonna buy it for that price from his site.

I don't really understand why he would refuse money for something he has already completed, but unless he starts thinking straight and releases it on gog or some other store, this one is a pass for me.
I've got a lot of both old-school and new incline in my backlog to care for this.


Aug 19, 2009
IV Republic of Polandia
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014
On October he was in touch with GOG, but was very butthurt that they wanted to sell Knights Of The Chalice but not Battle of the Sands:

Pierre Begue said:
First off, VentilatorOfDoom, I would really appreciate it if you didn't come to my forum to tell me that no-one cares about one of my products (that's your warning). You have the point of view of the RPG player but that's not the only point of view out there. Being its creator, I obviously do care about BotS. Some RTS players may like BotS, in the same way that some readers may like my book. Your opinion is not the universal one and it's not the only one that matters.

In addition, anyone interested in seeing another game like KotC should care about BotS too, because the viability of any business depends on its sales. I've said it before, but I don't get paid anything for the humongous amount of work that KotC 2 requires. Financially, it does not make sense to do it. That's one of the reasons why I had to split the work between two games.

nonadventurer said:
these days if you're an indie developer, being offered a distribution deal for any of your games is already a great boon.
This may seem at odds with what I've just said above, but money is not everything. If the relationship with the distributor is one where the distributor gets all decision power, and the developer gets none, then I'm not interested. That doesn't mean I won't do a deal for KotC alone or for both games. It's something I'll determine from talks with GOG, in my own time.

I would also very much dispute the idea that getting a distribution deal for any game is always a great boon. In any case, you're not in the position that I'm in, so you cannot make the assessment that only I can make as to whether a distribution deal would be good or not. Finally, I don't consider that it is particularly urgent for me to get any of my games on a distribution site. I hope that clarifies things. I am now locking this thread.


Anything to add, JudasIscariot ? :3

Sorry, but no, nothing to add for the usual predictable reasons :(


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
I really dislike the way he goes about house-ruling 3.5 without really seeming to know what he's doing. I had a discussion about the classes with at length once, in which I tried to convince him to use Pathfinder for everyone's sake, but he's insisting on keeping a self-modded abomination of 3.5, so I suppose crossing your fingers and hoping for the best is all that's left.
His houseruled 3.fail is still better than Pathfinder as is. :M


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
His houseruled 3.fail is still better than Pathfinder as is. :M
I think Pathfinder includes a lot of refinements he doesn't have. Like the combat maneuver system. He could still apply his house ruled classes and casting rules to pathfinder.


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
His houseruled 3.fail is still better than Pathfinder as is. :M
I think Pathfinder includes a lot of refinements he doesn't have. Like the combat maneuver system. He could still apply his house ruled classes and casting rules to pathfinder.

You meant the system that does not work?

Monster HD, and thus BAB and CMD, scales far, FAR faster than player BAB (thus CMB) and bonuses and "combat maneuver" rolls will quickly become impossible even if you focus on them. People even pointed this out in the playtest and they kept it as is anyways.

As screwed as martials were in 3.5, at least they could actually use those abilities most of the time if they put some effort into them.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
You meant the system that does not work?

Monster HD, and thus BAB and CMD, scales far, FAR faster than player BAB (thus CMB) and bonuses and "combat maneuver" rolls will quickly become impossible even if you focus on them. People even pointed this out in the playtest and they kept it as is anyways.

As screwed as martials were in 3.5, at least they could actually use those abilities most of the time if they put some effort into them.
That sounds like 10 min of numbers tinkering would fix it.


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
That really amounts to "increased feat rate" (which is a wash because PF split tons of feats for no reason and loves excess requirements) and Magus/Alchemist/New Paladin for the big stuff, maybe the skill system.

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