My 2 cents:
As much as I agree with a lot of what slumlord was saying in that thread, throwing around racial slurs is too much. I really don't want to visit here and see that kind of language in every post (or any post really), it's super offensive and banning people like that really is necessary.
Then go to literally every other website that polices language for thought crime, nigger.
What you censorship craving faggots fail to understand is that quality posts/content come from creativity, censorship induces self-censorship which is the death of creativity. Eg: if every time I stop to write a guide/analysis I have to worry "are my words going to make some faggot butthurt and get me banned?" I simply won't even bother. And that's the same for everyone.
It's quite telling that the people who call for censorship are always the ones whose posts aren't worth reading, so they don't even have a clue on how creativity works.