"When the Louis_Cypher walls of text flow, the thread must go"
My first impression: Sounded more like you were just afraid of calmly stated political argumentation, spoken with principle. Dispassionate autistic facts, that you don't agree with. That these post would then be seen by people Googling these topics, influencing them. I'm usually polite, calmly make my case, use evidience. For example posting the relevant historical or genetic studies surrounding a topic. However, if you are serious about fearing that the Google index will attract normies, I can understand that.
I don't really care about the topic TBH.
But in the interest of discussion:
I'm gonna take your objection at face value. That it will attract non-RPG fans to the site, if we post politcal analysis of games. Google will direct people here, just interested in activism. Seems like a legitimate concern. But from a Gamergate point-of-view, doesn't this also look like censorship of criticism of a consumer product? The overall appraisal, after all, must include all aspects that are unsatisfactory to the audience, including it's overt politics. It also looks, to many users, suspiciously like trying to socially engineer the forum toward a more socially left-wing position, because:
O'Sullivan's First Law: "All organizations that are not explicitly right-wing will over time become left-wing."
A big part of Gamergate was the accusation that activist journalists were shills, inserting both unwanted ideology, and also shielding major corporations from criticism. Is not say criticism of an inaccurate medieval Bohemia, or the insertion of other political messaging that is unwelcome, or hostile to our nations, perfectly reasonable?
I guess you are in a difficult position, if you really think it's gonna attract hordes of normies. I'll take you at your word; you long for RPGCodex to be just an RPG forum, with high quality technical discussion. Keep managing the percieved culture away from politics, if you wish. Perhaps a better balance could be struck.