They gave in exchange some pretty awesome monuments, though.
Don't bother replying, you believe in "cultural marxism" so you are a lunatic. Merely having the chance to post the statue at Treptower Park in an unrelated thread is a plus. It's a very nice piece of Berlin, very quiet and strangely devoid of random drunkards pissing everywhere like most of the city.
About the article, I do wonder who was the retard on the "Alt-right gaming site". Probably a false flag from some madman.
Nah, you're just a lying retard. Muh alt right is made up bullshit like muh alt right gaming website is made up bullshit, by the same scumbags. Muh alt right did not invent the term cultural marxism it's been around a long time.
Now kill yourself you disgusting fucking retard.