Those brown eyes of yours are god's way of warning people you are full of shit.
Sounds convincing but the only 'shitposting' I do is in the SJW in gaming thread, and the only people pissed by it are retarded fat fucks like bradylama and rimjob, and diversity goblins such as yourself and root. I know because all the brofists I get, with my ratio rapidly approaching 2.0.
Those are the people who've complained. And I can think of Unkillable Cat for example, who is so politically motivated that he couldn't stand to brofist one of my posts where I linked a vidya, but instead brofisted the guy who thanked me
Holy sweet delusional shitkebabs you guys don't have one scrap of decency or honesty in your whole body. Anyone who doesn't go along with your victimhood or whatever stupid crusade you are on (it varies what that exactly is) and they are on the ultimate shitlist.
Fuck man, I am part jewish and I can still get a laugh from a few guys around here who claim to be literal actual nazis. This is why thirdworld shitholes never go anywhere, and why taking over the west will only doom it to the same horrible fate as the god forsaken corners of the world you came from.
You don't live in reality, don't care about reality, can't take the slightest personal responsibility or accept one shred of blame. The reason the west left you in the dust is that we can. We understand what it is to be truly progressive and free (not the way you guys try to pervert these ideals to your own gain).Unfortunately, this very nature is quite open to people who don't follow the honor system, those who don't give a slight shit about honesty. Democracy worked for the time it did because westerners have these values ingrained into their core being. Goatherders and gypsy drifters who care only about getting their way can't be trusted in such a system any more than they can be trusted alone with your sister.
Short version: yeah right tell me another one