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Final fantasy XIV any good?


Aug 17, 2023
This was my favourite MMO for a long time but the homogenization killed it for me.
I really hope they go back to the roots with the classes.


Jun 25, 2020
It looks like the FFXIV main singer did a J. K. Rowling. "People" founds tweets of her hating on trannies.
Makes the music in FFXIV even better.


Jul 11, 2023
She didn't even tweet such things herself some lunatic just decided to comb through her likes and got triggered.


Oct 28, 2020
She made the mistake of lying about being hacked. The only proper response in this situation is to tell the triggered idiots to fuck off.


Oct 28, 2020

Leveling the floor tank


Oct 16, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
In the original fight, falling off the edge meant you were completely out until the next pull.
The animation is based on that version.

What? Did they nerf it?
Not sure if it's also true of the Extreme variant. But for both Normal and Hard variants, if you fall off the arena, your body will now reappear in the middle after a short delay, allowing you to be raised.
I'm not too sure when the change happened, was likely late shadowbringers or early endwalker.
Aug 10, 2023
In the original fight, falling off the edge meant you were completely out until the next pull.
The animation is based on that version.

What? Did they nerf it?
Not sure if it's also true of the Extreme variant. But for both Normal and Hard variants, if you fall off the arena, your body will now reappear in the middle after a short delay, allowing you to be raised.
I'm not too sure when the change happened, was likely late shadowbringers or early endwalker.
Probably was changed because sitting out a whole session not only was a bad design decision but would make ressing on healers pointless.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Probably was changed because sitting out a whole session not only was a bad design decision but would make ressing on healers pointless.
I don't agree that it was a bad design decision or that it makes ressing pointless. It's one fight that is themed around that, same as leviathan. There are dozens of others without that caveat.

They probably changed it together with the overhaul of the ARR MSQ. It improved the ARR finale drastically, but streamlined certain fights in ways that weren't really necesssary.
Aug 10, 2023
Probably was changed because sitting out a whole session not only was a bad design decision but would make ressing on healers pointless.
I don't agree that it was a bad design decision or that it makes ressing pointless. It's one fight that is themed around that, same as leviathan. There are dozens of others without that caveat.

They probably changed it together with the overhaul of the ARR MSQ. It improved the ARR finale drastically, but streamlined certain fights in ways that weren't really necesssary.
There is to say that they changed a lot of stuff from ARR i seen some videos of older mechanics and such. The latest trials on the other hand becomed way more complex often also hitting you with different mechanics in a short time. Seems to me they are focusing the complexity toward latest patches and expansion maybe is a their way to create a learning curve.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Probably was changed because sitting out a whole session not only was a bad design decision but would make ressing on healers pointless.
I don't agree that it was a bad design decision or that it makes ressing pointless. It's one fight that is themed around that, same as leviathan. There are dozens of others without that caveat.

They probably changed it together with the overhaul of the ARR MSQ. It improved the ARR finale drastically, but streamlined certain fights in ways that weren't really necesssary.
There is to say that they changed a lot of stuff from ARR i seen some videos of older mechanics and such. The latest trials on the other hand becomed way more complex often also hitting you with different mechanics in a short time. Seems to me they are focusing the complexity toward latest patches and expansion maybe is a their way to create a learning curve.
Haven't played post SB, but I do agree with this. There is an overabundance of the 'The entire arena is covered in AoEs in different timings' mechanic, which was rather rare in ARR. I'd guess that it's become much more common over time. The only ARR fight I genuinely disliked seeing changed was Moggle Mog (not that it matters since it had been nerfed before).
Feb 3, 2022
King Moogle Mog was the only remotely challenging story trial in the game, kinda sad it was nerfed because the rest of the story battles were easy mode except for the level 70 red mage solo duty and the solo duty in Garlemald where you have 20 minutes to run back to the camp on foot but both were nerfed.
Aug 10, 2023
Probably was changed because sitting out a whole session not only was a bad design decision but would make ressing on healers pointless.
I don't agree that it was a bad design decision or that it makes ressing pointless. It's one fight that is themed around that, same as leviathan. There are dozens of others without that caveat.

They probably changed it together with the overhaul of the ARR MSQ. It improved the ARR finale drastically, but streamlined certain fights in ways that weren't really necesssary.
There is to say that they changed a lot of stuff from ARR i seen some videos of older mechanics and such. The latest trials on the other hand becomed way more complex often also hitting you with different mechanics in a short time. Seems to me they are focusing the complexity toward latest patches and expansion maybe is a their way to create a learning curve.
Haven't played post SB, but I do agree with this. There is an overabundance of the 'The entire arena is covered in AoEs in different timings' mechanic, which was rather rare in ARR. I'd guess that it's become much more common over time. The only ARR fight I genuinely disliked seeing changed was Moggle Mog (not that it matters since it had been nerfed before).
The Golbez trial was fairly complicated.
Feb 3, 2022
Probably was changed because sitting out a whole session not only was a bad design decision but would make ressing on healers pointless.
I don't agree that it was a bad design decision or that it makes ressing pointless. It's one fight that is themed around that, same as leviathan. There are dozens of others without that caveat.

They probably changed it together with the overhaul of the ARR MSQ. It improved the ARR finale drastically, but streamlined certain fights in ways that weren't really necesssary.
There is to say that they changed a lot of stuff from ARR i seen some videos of older mechanics and such. The latest trials on the other hand becomed way more complex often also hitting you with different mechanics in a short time. Seems to me they are focusing the complexity toward latest patches and expansion maybe is a their way to create a learning curve.
Haven't played post SB, but I do agree with this. There is an overabundance of the 'The entire arena is covered in AoEs in different timings' mechanic, which was rather rare in ARR. I'd guess that it's become much more common over time. The only ARR fight I genuinely disliked seeing changed was Moggle Mog (not that it matters since it had been nerfed before).
The Golbez trial was fairly complicated.

Beat him on the second try with half the party dead. Not comparable to King Moogle Mog at all.
Aug 10, 2023
Probably was changed because sitting out a whole session not only was a bad design decision but would make ressing on healers pointless.
I don't agree that it was a bad design decision or that it makes ressing pointless. It's one fight that is themed around that, same as leviathan. There are dozens of others without that caveat.

They probably changed it together with the overhaul of the ARR MSQ. It improved the ARR finale drastically, but streamlined certain fights in ways that weren't really necesssary.
There is to say that they changed a lot of stuff from ARR i seen some videos of older mechanics and such. The latest trials on the other hand becomed way more complex often also hitting you with different mechanics in a short time. Seems to me they are focusing the complexity toward latest patches and expansion maybe is a their way to create a learning curve.
Haven't played post SB, but I do agree with this. There is an overabundance of the 'The entire arena is covered in AoEs in different timings' mechanic, which was rather rare in ARR. I'd guess that it's become much more common over time. The only ARR fight I genuinely disliked seeing changed was Moggle Mog (not that it matters since it had been nerfed before).
The Golbez trial was fairly complicated.

Beat him on the second try with half the party dead. Not comparable to King Moogle Mog at all.
Have you tried the savage versions of the latest trials?


Dec 3, 2008
All fights that had permanent removal of players (Titan, Leviathan) have had that removed and the corpse now appears at the area spawn.

To compensate for this, modern FFXIV fight design is loaded with body checks, especially in Savage.

The current tier is just hell for body checks. P10S is lousy with them. And P12S, in both phases, is a "Stare at your debuff bar" fight, with most mechanics being communicated solely via debuff colours.

At this point I'm only logging in to reclear weekly, and 4 more weeks of that to hit a multiple of 8 on P12 books and I'm out. Thaleia is a meme, I run it for my non-Savage doing FC members to get their coins, Unreal is already tedious again, but at least Thordan communicates the mechanics in the worldspace and doesn't rely on weird shapes and colours. I'm entirely over it, the fight design sucks ass now and the best fight they've got is a reheated one from 2015.

Have you tried the savage versions of the latest trials?

Not addressed to me, but the newest trial Extreme I cleared blind in a single lockout.
Aug 10, 2023
Yoshi.P had actually an answer about homogenization on classes he basically said:

We adapted based on our feedback if we will have enough feedback we will change things again.
Feb 3, 2022
Insane given the fervent threads on the official forums since Stormblood asking for classes to be diversified. Either the community managers aren't doing their jobs and passing information on to Yoshi-P or he's feigning ignorance.
Aug 10, 2023
Insane given the fervent threads on the official forums since Stormblood asking for classes to be diversified. Either the community managers aren't doing their jobs and passing information on to Yoshi-P or he's feigning ignorance.
Is not really many people. Is a nice size but at the end of the day is not enough to have a switch. People play ff14 for many reasons and hardcore raiding is not remotely one of the major factors. They are still attempting to do content for them despite everything but yoshi is not wrong. He cannot change a whole system for a specific branch of players if there is not enough feedback the game is a MMO after all.


Dec 3, 2008
She's not wrong - Raiders make up a minority of the player base, especially outside JP.

I did a bit of a dive into the recent Lucky Bancho data and ordered it by normalised raid clear rates:

At best, a fifth of active level 90 characters have cleared the current Savage tier. And that's JP, on Chocobo - JP raiders run many alts to do "merc" runs, it's a big part of raiding on JP, so that's probably not a fifth of all players, just of all level 90 characters.

Outside of JP it's even worse - Under 10% of level 90 characters clear Savage.

The majority of this game's player base are honestly terrible - They can often barely clear dungeons, let alone trials or raids. The difficulty of jobs is geared around ensuring that these players are able to clear "normal" content even if they sit there with their thumb up their arse and cast one spell every other GCD. Raiders check out of the game after a little while generally, I'm certainly down to raidlogging as I mentioned above, and my static is all pretty much the same - Log on once a week to do Savage, and once or twice for FC events where I drag them through Thaleia or something.
Aug 10, 2023
She's not wrong - Raiders make up a minority of the player base, especially outside JP.

I did a bit of a dive into the recent Lucky Bancho data and ordered it by normalised raid clear rates:

At best, a fifth of active level 90 characters have cleared the current Savage tier. And that's JP, on Chocobo - JP raiders run many alts to do "merc" runs, it's a big part of raiding on JP, so that's probably not a fifth of all players, just of all level 90 characters.

Outside of JP it's even worse - Under 10% of level 90 characters clear Savage.

The majority of this game's player base are honestly terrible - They can often barely clear dungeons, let alone trials or raids. The difficulty of jobs is geared around ensuring that these players are able to clear "normal" content even if they sit there with their thumb up their arse and cast one spell every other GCD. Raiders check out of the game after a little while generally, I'm certainly down to raidlogging as I mentioned above, and my static is all pretty much the same - Log on once a week to do Savage, and once or twice for FC events where I drag them through Thaleia or something.
Was never a game tailored around hardcore raiding and stuff. Sure they are offering some content for those kind of raiders but ff14 was never wow. In wow they often focus in hardcore raids and stuff as effect of this they struggle to hold the interests of players that are not interested in that they are attempting to fix this by introducing delves.

FF14 focus more in story related content,crafting,glamours and such.

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