Ladonna said:
Fuck, If I hear another person say 'I will buy it, even though I probably won't like it' I will shoot someone. Grow a brain, and if that isn't possible, buy one with all that money you seem to enjoy throwing away on shit you don't even like or need.
I can only speak for myself, but I only buy games that I like, or at least have reason to believe that I will like. I’d love to only play games as good as the original Fallout, but where are those games today?
If my favourite food is not available, I eat something else rather than go hungry. It’s as simple as that.
And even if Fallout was good for a few replays, you can’t regurgitate it forever.
I was disappointed by Oblivion, yes, since it was less enjoyable than Morrowind. But I still found it entertaining enough to play it for well over 100 hours. The latest game I’ve played is STALKER. It’s a better game than Oblivion, and I palyed it for about 30 hours. It’s very difficult to measure enjoyment, but I would say that on average each of those 30 hours were more fun than each hour spent playing Oblivion. Still, Oblivion undoubtedly gave me more entertainment for my money.
There is a difference between disappointment from not getting what you expected or hoped for, and disappointment from not getting entertainment value for your money.
I guess that Gears of War, the worst game purchase I’ve made in years, is a borderline case. For the same money, I could have gone to the movies about ten times. But considering what they show in theaters around here these days I’m not sure that would have been a better choice.
Even if roleplaying is my favourite flavour of game, I also enjoy a good first person shooter. And there isn’t even enogh of them. (At least if you prefer single player games. I guess there is plenty of both shooting and â€roleplaying†to be had if you enjoy playing multiplayer online.)
Just to put things in perspective, I’ve made a list of games, old and new, ranked according to the ammount of â€entertainment for the money†I’ve gotten out of them. It’s NOT a comprehensive list or a â€best†list, the point is to show how comparatively â€lesser†games can give you a surprising ammount of entertainment. Honestly, I spent an insane ammount of time playing Doom and making Doom levels, so it ranks higher than Fallout here. And no game comes near Heroes III when I try to estimate how many hours it has eaten away from my life.
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Ultima Underworld
Age of Wonders II
Baldur’s Gate 2
Gothic 3
Neverwinter Nights 2
:!: Edit: Note that the list is NOT comprehensive and NOT a "best" list :!:
The list is ment as an EXAMPLE, comparing the personal entertainment value I've had of some different games.The point being that when deciding if you should buy Fallout 3 or not, comparing it to other games available, rather than the original Fallout, is reasonable.