I've removed games available on PC and trimmed my Xbox "collection" to this:
the /V/ list is really depressing. A few exclusives, a lot of multiplatform games, but how many of them can be really called great?
Beyond Good & Evil was decent, but not the best Zelda clone.
Riddick was one of the first popular consolefagged FPSes. Eeeh.
DOA? Boobs are always nice, but it's not that the genre evolved that much since the SF2 era, is it?
Doom 3.
Morrowind? Hiking simulator genre emerges. Wheee!
Fable. AWESOME design gimmicks. Can we get the gameplay back?
Halo. Got the casuals into the FPS genre. #nukeitfromorbit
Indigo Prophecy: Press X to pay respects.
Ninja Gaiden: supposedly great (haven't played yet), but isn't it the series with each next game being worse than the predecessor?
Oddworld: Loved first two Abes, but going 3D turned out to be a difficult task for devs... See also: Castlevania.
Splinter Cell: see Ninja Gaiden, 1st game was probably the best.
Kotors: Last good Biowhore / Obsidian / Star Wars games. And were they really that great?
Thief 3: inferior to first two games in every possible way. The Age of Decline is upon us!
A really depressing platform, marking the end of the Golden Age...
Now let me go back to modding the hell out of Archimedean Dynasty. I mean - fuck me! Game was made in 1996 and it hasn't been surpassed by any other game from the genre in almost 20 years. Plus the genre of X-Wing / Wing Commander "arcade-ish sims" is p. much dead.