Well, I tried. There is most definitely an overall performance boost, and there is no doubt that RPCS3 emulator is well on its way but playing high graffix games on RPCS3 (Like Persona 5)--
--scratch that, it's not the actual graphics really that make P5 nigh-unplayable for mid-range machines, it's part of it but a huge piece of that puzzle is how that game's framerate/syncronization goes fucking nuts with those SPU threads and PPU whatever-the-fucks.
Anyway TL;DR version is: I used to get 9-11 FPS in P5 in the city full of NPCs, now I get 10-13 FPS. Huge increase though even if the numbers seem small. For those interested in P5 performance in recent builds this is my rigz:
Intel iCore i3 3.9GHz
8GB RAM of slowest, cheapest brand/type
Random mobo
Now, remember that Catherine runs perfectly on this same rig so I'm convinced the problem with P5 lies elsewhere.
Catherine and Wiz: LoLS both now perform almost perfectly. Probably better than on a real PS3, heh. Other than P5 I really can't think of any fucking PS3 game I'm even remotely interested in playing. P5 is the only one, and seems like barring a huge coding breakthrough on how the SPU/PPU emulation works its shit during game play, seems like at least 1 year or even more before we're playing P5 and similar games (as in with similar issues, such as THE LAST OF US, which is unplayable regardless of your rig).
It's looking good though, I mean CITRA made huge strides. I remember posting in this thread less than 1 year ago about how games ran like shit, and now basically any 3DS game runs amazing on CITRA and playing shit in high-resolutions is legit strats; speaking of CITRA what do I need to do to play the "New 3DS"-only Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (3DS port/enchanement re-release)?
I quick Google tells me I apparently need to download a specific CITRA build for New 3DS games, like that one, but I'd rather just ask here and maybe get a link for it.
Too bad I actually owned a PS3 and played all the shit worth playing already
And thank god Ni no Kuni 2 coming for PC otherwise I'd be <pulls collar to the side while steam comes out of the ears; later he dies>.