I tend to agree with you on all that, was just curious of your opinion. I'm not even sure the 60fps framerate is such an improvement; I prefer the "cinematic" 30fps plus motion blur of the original.Outside of the improved framerate, I didn't like the PS4 remake of SotC at all. It suffers from some of the same problems as the Demons Souls remake by the same company - it butchers the artstyle and overall feel of the original game. This is a game that really benefits from the "aethereal" quality of low-res textures and the very specific type of overblooming that Team Ico was so fond of in the PS2 days. This allied with the limited view distance of the original really made you feel like you were in an alien, mysterious - and most of all barren, lifeless, melancholy world, and of course that is in itself important to the game's narrative. All of that is pretty much ruined in the recent remake, it's too colourful, too "alive", too banal shit boring.
Reminds me a bit of people increasing the render distance to the max in Morrowind, "clearing up the fog", so to speak, and proudly posting screenshots/videos of the "improvement". Errr, nope.