
I wasn't beelining it to the Hort or Ignadon at all. I ended up there while doing the beserker quests because as soon as you get to the DomeI would have probably given up on the quest instead of trying to complete everything like a checklist, IF I managed to survive all the Hort quests in the extremely hostile environment of Ignidon. I guess this example is shit quest design, but we also don't know if there are other people you can talk to that will give you information about Stormson down the line. I'm just saying, as a first time player who is progressing naturally through the game, I was able to finish the quest without use of a quest compass and I feel like if you were b-lining to Hort to do all Cleric quests, you'd probably be metagaming and know how the quest played out anyway.
the teleporter three can take you to The Hort.
And I think you're really reaching if you want to pull the "we don't know if some completely random potential other NPC completely unrelated to the events will lead you to the NPC in question". You can't even ask people that aren't directly related to the questline about Stormson or where he might've gone.
Are it is indeed, because it's plural. And no, there are no such glasses. It's either/or.IsAre there glasses for both loot and creatures or just one or the other?
I think its are instead of is.
And the loot glasses will make you wear nothing else forever. The glasses that give Sixth Sense can be replaced by actually having Sixth Sense, and Clerics get Tech-sense (detects albs, robots, and advanced equipment/loot), and the Barbarians get lifesense (detects everything that's alive).
It's possible to completely trivialize a lot of combat in the game with Lifesense/Techsense glasses/abilities, btw, by shooting through walls, floors and ceilings with AoE weapons, because there's no collision detection in combat - they go right through. It's especially broken when you're attacking Converters.