So does the scifi/fantasy/post-apo work together without feeling moronic? I am still not sure about it.
This is clearly the decision of the publisher, considering how sub-par the performance of the console versions are - PB have always shown apathy towards console port quality. Unless you think it's been their plan as a "console only dev" to create under-performing products on their "favourite" platform? They do it because they have to, when you're under a big publisher, you rarely have a say these days either.3) This game was released for consoles with a preload prior to the non-preload release of the civilized PC. This shows that PB, as was obvious from their Gothic days, is and wants to be a console only dev, with the PC as the monkeys they just shit on. This is unacceptable and if I had anything else to play I would return this game in protest and only buy this console filth when it went on sale for $10. But I don't so I won't. But my rage is roaming frothily. Fucking savage console devs. Fuck you.
I don't care about who made the call, just that the call was made. And yes, the certainly favor the console since it is clear and has been clear since Gothic 1. Compare any game developed with only the PC in mind and compare it to any PB game. You will see the difference between console and good.
Neither Gothic 1, nor 2 nor 3 were released for console. The first game they released for console was Risen.
Also lol at your claim that Gothic is a console game with light roleplay elements. Just shows you never really played one of the most presticious rpg series while you have time to play fucking mass effect andromeda.
Maybe it is time for you to stop trying to lecture people.
Gothic was certainly developed for the console. Even if I didn't know that to be true I'd still know it to be true. You should change your name to Dr. Wrong.
They got progressively more mad, but did nothing about it for 6 hours, so I think i'm safe? Also jetpack is no problem apparentlyI'm kinda afraid of using my tablet and jet-pack in there. They keep getting angry when I open myIpadELEXpad.
And this is why the game will probably flop.
This guy complains about ai and bugs yet gives fallout 4 a buy rating.
I am starting to see why game are companies abandoning "game journalist" and going for you tube twich streamers.
This is clearly the decision of the publisher, considering how sub-par the performance of the console versions are - PB have always shown apathy towards console port quality. Unless you think it's been their plan as a "console only dev" to create under-performing products on their "favourite" platform? They do it because they have to, when you're under a big publisher, you rarely have a say these days either.3) This game was released for consoles with a preload prior to the non-preload release of the civilized PC. This shows that PB, as was obvious from their Gothic days, is and wants to be a console only dev, with the PC as the monkeys they just shit on. This is unacceptable and if I had anything else to play I would return this game in protest and only buy this console filth when it went on sale for $10. But I don't so I won't. But my rage is roaming frothily. Fucking savage console devs. Fuck you.
I don't care about who made the call, just that the call was made. And yes, the certainly favor the console since it is clear and has been clear since Gothic 1. Compare any game developed with only the PC in mind and compare it to any PB game. You will see the difference between console and good.
Neither Gothic 1, nor 2 nor 3 were released for console. The first game they released for console was Risen.
Also lol at your claim that Gothic is a console game with light roleplay elements. Just shows you never really played one of the most presticious rpg series while you have time to play fucking mass effect andromeda.
Maybe it is time for you to stop trying to lecture people.
Gothic was certainly developed for the console. Even if I didn't know that to be true I'd still know it to be true. You should change your name to Dr. Wrong.
Only if you change your name to "guy who loves gay sex with angry toadpeople more than gothic"
Also, is anyone else here getting the impression that damage resistance rises automatically with level? It's so hard to tell wtf increasing things actually does since resistances and HP aren't listed anywhere ffs.
There are Cleric skill checks in the Berserker town. Is it possible to run all the way to the clerics at level 1?
What exactly is "clunky" about it? I finally got the game, but the physical copy is arriving later today and I keep hearing this but people don't seem to explain what they mean by it.The combat is clunky, but the exploration/world feels like a true PB title.
The blinding effect when you enter/leave buildings and whatnot is ridiculous. Feels like the game was made by mole people.