Vault Dweller said:
Balthamael said:
It took me less than half an hour to finish.
How long does it take you to eat a few slices of pizza?
"It's only $5-10, a pittance!"
"It costs less/as much as a movie ticket and a movie only lasts 1-2 hours! A DLC is in comparison excellent value!"
"How much do
you pay for [insert food item]?"
Have I covered them all yet? Because comparing completely different commodities certainly makes metric tons of sense. Tell you what, it can take you a while to finish
Perdido Street Station since it's a novel that spans 640 pages. By that token, does that mean the novel should cost as much as DA or even more (you even get
better writing)? And if a DLC that lasts half an hour costs $5-10 to purchase, should the game--assuming 25 hours of gameplay--cost you $250 or $500?
Grifthin said:
Storage Chest.
Awesome Weapons and other Equipment.
Small Dungeon.
Background story.
You can get a storage chest for free. Awesome weapons and other equipment? Your average pimple-faced modder can pack twenty different sets of over-powered armor and weapons into one module too and the armor will probably look much less atrocious (lel visor). Background story? If you think the game's story is worth a single fuck-damn, then sure, but you're not left with very much.
You get to use the content every time you play through so half a hour per origin makes about 3.5 hours of playtime. Not to shabby at all.
That's assuming anyone wants to replay the game that many times. God, what a depressing thought.
Seems reasonable to me. And besides if you pirated it you can just shut the fuck up anyway you piece of criminal crap.
Even if he pirated it, it doesn't make people who actually shelled out money for this shit any less stupid. Laughing as idiots is an equal-opportunity pastime, you know.