felipepepe Let's focus on the most interesting part of that, which is, should such politically charged questions be left out of the games altogether. Common strategies espoused by Internet Warriors are:
(1) Only put things in if they make sense in the game. Except they're the ones making the game from scratch, so they could easily, at this point, make gays or Brazilians 'make sense'... or not. So how do you decide?
Good questions, I think it's up for the developer's view, they have to be critical to what they aim to achieve and what that mechanic does to help reach that goal.
Example: Mass Effect 3 may advertise itself as awesomely written sci-fi epic, but we all know that it's mainly a romantic simulator/fanservice game. If they really wanted to write solid solid & characters, they wound't make it a space orgy where everyone is bi-sexual, as it's obvious that if characters had depth they wound't just desire Shepard regardless of genre or imminent threats to the universe. In ME3, making everyone bi-sexual/gay helps achieve the game's (pathetic) goal, so it makes sense to be in. In Planescape:Torment it would be absurd to have all character being bi-sexual.
Dragon Commander will have TONS of real-life/political issues, but the game is about that, is a core feature. Having an elf cry about gay marriage in-game and plead me to vote 'yes' makes total sense with the goals of the game, and even better, allows me to consider and choose, instead of just being there because people asked for or because it's politically correct.
(2) Only put it in insofar as it enriches the game. Well the problem is if you put too little effort in it mechanics wise it's a silly gimmick that looks even more like a random political agenda-pushing. If you put a lot of effort in it, well, someone could always argue everything gay heroes bring to the table could be done another way, and so, the question returns: how do you decide whether to implement such things through gays, or not?
Again, I think it's up the game's goals. But this is way harder, because gays/no gays is considered actually a political issue... Some stuff get free pass, no one will care if some characters in the game are gay, that's already common, but there are no mainstream games where you can choose Male/Female/FABULOUS at character creation, so you're aware that if you add that you're making a political statement.
Is up to the developer to weight if adding gays instead of elves (lol) to the game is worth it. My issue with kickstarter games that "listen to the community" is that vocal minorities are way more interested in the political statement then how it will affect the game, vide current example, so developers farming cool-points are inclined to make it INCLUSIVE, instead of good.
(3) One kind of political question should not be unduly privileged over another through agenda-pushing. Aside from the irony that this is precisely how aid, NGOs, art, etc. work these days in representing minorities, is there an inherent reason that a gay guy wanting gays to be in the game is bad? i.e. if they have a suggestion that may benefit the game generally, then why is it any different from a turn-based player wanting turn-based combat?
We are free to say we want game X to be turn-based, and will definetly call it DECLINE if they don't. Gay people are also free to ask for gay characters, but crying HOMOPHOBIA when they don't has a MUCH heavier weight, it becames a political struggle. And it's a very delicate matter, since you can't be neutral about it... having gays is pro-gay, not having is anti-gay, both stances can and will be read as a political statement.
And as I said in the forums, in-game inclusion is a insane Pandora's Box that people don't even comprehend. If gays ask form gays to be included and developers include in the name of "diversity", what will they do other "minorities" asks the same? Why do your game doesn't pass the Betchel Test? You can't pull out the "it's fantasy" card anymore, because you burned it when you heard gays...
So, in the same way that changing your first-person game to a turn-based one mid-develpment will cause massive butthurt on those that liked FPS, and proably dissapoint TB fans due lack of adequate pre-production, changing your game to fit demands from a minority is a very dangerous move that may annoy people that think you're pampering a group and offend other groups that were left out.