I'm downloading it right now, never played originals EE, but loved the vanilla, if D:OS2 is more of the same I'm all for it.
You can rebind camera rotation to different keys. QE for example.Middle mouse button?
- Can only rotate with end and delete keys? *sigh*
This is easily my biggest complaint about the alpha. Larian seems hell bent on avoiding writing dialogue options in the first person, this type of writing is very awkward and non-conventional for an RPG:The dialogue system. [...] It's uterly jaring to constantly read "Tell him X" "Say to him Y", write like normal people Larian, you have been trying for god knows how many years and still cant do it
Well, Swen is the creative director.Who the fuck greenlighted this mess? Fire the idiot.
Because multiplayer: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/inde...e-on-early-access.102060/page-95#post-4732468Funnily enough Larian is not consistent, the PC and companions will often speak to each other in first person:
Larian, reinventing the (dialog) wheel instead of adding day/night cycle. Lizard Christ.
Why is this in EA? Looks and behaves like a feature complete game. I remember the first DOS release on steam and it was shit. Dunno what is there to add to this one besides some voice acting.
The new dialogue system was part of the initial Kickstarter pitch. Judging from the amount of confused comments in this thread, one might think that a lot of people backed the game without reading the pitch or looking at the screenshots![]()
So like you said, you made a modest impact, you really struck home with some people that really liked the game, and maybe the execution needed some work. So why not just make the execution of what you were going for so that the next one is totally awesome and those things that people loved about it is now even better. Then if there’s stuff that’s janky about it, yeah change the janky stuff, but not if it’s something that those people that loved the game really liked. Just make it better. I think there’s where things go wrong. People look at something and go, “Ok, so we have this core of people that love the game and this other group that fundamentally hates it, so let’s make it a different game.” And it’s like, “Well… no. They hate the game. They didn’t like anything about it. You’re not going to win those people over. They don’t even like the idea of what you’re making.”
The new dialogue system was part of the initial Kickstarter pitch. Judging from the amount of confused comments in this thread, one might think that a lot of people backed the game without reading the pitch or looking at the screenshots![]()
Played a bit more, the dialogue style is just... such a terrible, terrible stylistic choice.
The indirect dialog does take a bit of getting used to, though
I am trying to get used to the indirect dialogue system, but it feels like an improvement for the worse to me.the constant back and forth between the NPC's direct lines and the PC's indirect ones.
Which of the following is better and why?Most of the indirect lines could be easily tweaked into direct speech, just by removing the 'say that/tell them' parts at the beginning. Maybe they deliberately wrote them that way in case people reacted negatively to the indirect responses so that they could easily change them.
I'm guessing there's still no combat speed slider?
Correct. They said it'd be too difficult to implement.
Does your game have multiplayer?I'm guessing there's still no combat speed slider?
Correct. They said it'd be too difficult to implement.
That's funny. This very morning I'm implementing basic combat animations for my 2D crpg..... with at least 2 variables for combat speed (movement speed and after-attack delay). Then it's a simple matter of adding sliders, once I add an options GUI, which is a boring pain in the ass, but DOS2 already has that.
Did they give the same excuse for run speed? I finally tweaked that in DOS EE. Once I found the right tool to unpack MainLSF.pak, I just had to tweak one hex byte in player.lsf. Obviously there's a variable for it. If it can't be changed in-game because it drives a bunch of other stuff at initialization, they could load it from a plain text .ini file so anyone who knows how to use Notepad can change it without jumping through hoops. Or just put it in the Options GUI and say "you must restart the game for this change to take effect."
Yeah, they said that it would cause asyncronity problems.Does the combat speed slider (along with other features) been avoided cause of multiplayer?
Indirect dialogue is like keywords, it facilitates tr00 roleplaying instead of putting words in your mouth (where "you" can belong to wildly disparate races and cultures who shouldn't talk in the same way).They could just write bland/generic lines of dialogue instead, but I guess they wanted to try and eliminate the charade completely.
The new dialogue system was part of the initial Kickstarter pitch. Judging from the amount of confused comments in this thread, one might think that a lot of people backed the game without reading the pitch or looking at the screenshots![]()