Update: Divinity: Original Sin 2 producer David Walgrave tells me that Larian doesn't plan to patch out this technique because it's "part of the system."
"It appears that it is not a never-ending loop and you're not doing anything else while you're doing it," wrote Walgrave. "It's not like you're damaging anything for free without spending action points. If I understand this trick, it's still within the purposeful synergies of our skills and usually these are accounted for."
That's true: you can't do anything while the loop runs its course. Though, based on the video, which shows a troll losing 6048 HP like it's nothing, it's obviously quite a loop, technically 'never-ending' or not, and I've asked for further clarification. For now, rather than 'fix' the combo, Walgrave says they "applaud" it. Examples of techniques that would be patched out include anything that "breaks the fun" or is actually a bug. "If this would tick in realtime, it would be a bug," wrote Walgrave. "And if this does not cost AP/skills and/or is not blocked by cooldown/consuming a scroll/... then we look into it."
Otherwise, "If you glitch the system, congratulations," concludes Walgrave. So there you have it, feel free to combo trolls to hell all you want. The original story and explanation of the trick follows.
Or you know, just leave some cheese in the game because it's fun and if someone finds it bad, he could avoid using it!
*I want D:OS2 avatars, Beast us up
You are making 2017 newfags look bad. Do you even know whan a quest marker is? Not every marker on a map is a quest marker.Stop making fools of yourselves, this game has no quest markers.
Dude, stop smoking crackcocaine.
There's several quest markers all over. The yellow ones AND especially the red ones, tell yo exactly where to go. It even follows NPC's around. If that's not a quest marker, I don't know what is.
Or you know, just leave some cheese in the game because it's fun
After seeing that people were bitching about PoE being over-balancing the game and killing any fun, I'm happy that Larian is leaving fun stuff like this in the game.
Beware as he becomes Edge Prince in the second act .but on the other hand Red Prince is cool companion
Or you know, just leave some cheese in the game because it's fun
After seeing that people were bitching about PoE being over-balancing the game and killing any fun, I'm happy that Larian is leaving fun stuff like this in the game.
As long as you guise think pressing the "Win the fight" button is "fun" then sure.
Maybe it'd be even more "fun" for you to play the game in Story mode then.
I picked the assassin elf because her special skill to eat people and remember shit(it is important for a few quest,also eating tainted fish is good),turned out to be a decent story till now.Took the skeletal asshole because there was an interesting mystery,turned out that he doesn't have many unique interactions,still nice mage.Also the insane chick with the voice,i am sucker for insane bitches,turned out a good archer.Meh i killed that liberal stump the moment he begun to whine about how bad patriots and nationalists are.From him i learned that you should start a revolution when your ruler begins using country flags.Welp, seems like I'm the only one who likes romance writing in this game. Chose Beast's dialogue expecting lolwat reaction, he turned out to be a much more genuine person than I initially thought and opened himself up more to me. But then again I can easily be impressed so...![]()
Left his ass on Island them moment he started to tell my soldier how piracy is noble revolution and how evul Queen is for daring to unite Dwarven People and securing their borders... Felt like I was traveling with ANTIFA member. My Dwarf had soldier and mystic as tags so... Other companion I kicked out from party was crazy assassin elf who threatened my char with knife despite that I did returned and saved their asses on ship. Womyn gonna Womyn I guess; but on the other hand Red Prince is cool companion, Human mage chick is kinda of cute and I can treat her as little sis which I am sure will make some Feminazi harpy goingand I picked guy with crossbow over undead mage cause we both were soldiers bros and we drunk and killed Magisters together; Crossbow is nice tool to bash doors too. perfect bromance till he hit on my Dwarf.
He said it was joke and not tried to this again like those faggots in Biowhore game do; so yeas I would not expect Belgian game to be Librul heresy free but its far from SJW crap-sheet Kwan games are.
I would recommend to play as a custom character,they are fun as companions.If you play as them they loose all their character.So how important are the custom origins exactly? They seem like Larian has put in a ton of work into them and even if they are pretty SJWey if a ton of game content revolves around them I might as well roll one even if I miss out on some talents in party creation. Talking skeleton and the ex-slave seem okayish.
Update: Divinity: Original Sin 2 producer David Walgrave tells me that Larian doesn't plan to patch out this technique because it's "part of the system."
"It appears that it is not a never-ending loop and you're not doing anything else while you're doing it," wrote Walgrave. "It's not like you're damaging anything for free without spending action points. If I understand this trick, it's still within the purposeful synergies of our skills and usually these are accounted for."
That's true: you can't do anything while the loop runs its course. Though, based on the video, which shows a troll losing 6048 HP like it's nothing, it's obviously quite a loop, technically 'never-ending' or not, and I've asked for further clarification. For now, rather than 'fix' the combo, Walgrave says they "applaud" it. Examples of techniques that would be patched out include anything that "breaks the fun" or is actually a bug. "If this would tick in realtime, it would be a bug," wrote Walgrave. "And if this does not cost AP/skills and/or is not blocked by cooldown/consuming a scroll/... then we look into it."
Otherwise, "If you glitch the system, congratulations," concludes Walgrave. So there you have it, feel free to combo trolls to hell all you want. The original story and explanation of the trick follows.
Or you could just do this:I must say that after I went through some things in act 2 I started to appreciate game's combat more . Enemies finaly got some cc abilities and hefty gimmicks that require specific tactics . Scarecrow fight with it's cheesy terror aura , chain ccing troll while keeping him perma poisoned , source bugs that can freeze your party if you are not careful , bears knocking characters down , dwarves using chicken claw . One time I even saw a dwarf casting poison on herself while standing in fire to create a smoke to protect herself from my archer , it's so refreshing after the first act where enemies just try to throw as much damage at you as possible . Too bad even with all of that this there is rarely a threat and your party is so powerful it steamrolls everything . I will definately go for tactician playrhrough if I won't burn myself out with this one .