Larian promised a lot, and it has absolutely followed through, crafting a singular game that juggles a bounty of complex, immersive systems, and never drops them.

Larian promised a lot, and it has absolutely followed through, crafting a singular game that juggles a bounty of complex, immersive systems, and never drops them.
Stolen stuff can be sold to anyone. Just don't carry any stolen stuff whatsoever (or barrels of ooze, apparently - maybe some other stuff) when you get questioned.Can I sell stolen goods to anyone? I mostly steal gold and Resurrection scrolls for now.
Can I sell stolen goods to anyone? I mostly steal gold and Resurrection scrolls for now.
Same here. The "evil" dialogue options are usually equivalent to being stupid, behaving irrationally, hurting people who want to help you, and makes no sense being "evil" in the way the game offers you to. But with all the reactivity you have even for behaving like a classic good guy in a fantasy story, I don't have the heart to complain.My main gripe so far apart from inventory management is how often I feel force into typical good guy choices in dialogue. It feels like there's no neutral or "gray morality" choices, and I'm either left with a dumb and brutish answer, or archetypical hero answer.
I think the realtime expiration of effects is paused while you are in conversation. Even though people continue to walk about.Completely useless? No.Is food completely useless?
I heard it works as healing, but have never used it so far. Out of combat, a single click on a bedroll item added to the hotkey bar heals the whole party instantly.
Practically useless? Yup!
There's some stuff you can make that's not bad, exactly, and I guess that if you (for whatever insane reason) took the talent that doubles the bonuses, that might be worth it. Usually, though, it's not the bonuses that's the issue, but the duration. You want to eat before combat, but it's entirely possible for it to run out before you actually end up going into combat, especially if there's a dialogue beforehand. And if it doesn't, it may still end up maybe lasting just for a single round, maybe two. Especially with the round robin turn orders, it's pretty useless to buff beforehand, because in most cases, the bonus won't really matter.
I certanly hope so. After killing 12th FROZEN VOIDWOKEN DESTROYER HALLOWER KILLER I am somewhat spent.In Chapter 6...I traded with Lord Kemm, and bought his own journal from him for 2 gold pieces. Working as intended :D!
Please tell meis the last island.Arx
Bring some corpses with youYou can't blame summoning for not synergizing with necromancy when necromancy doesn't even synergize with itself. Half the skills get a bonus from nearby corpses, and the other half destroy nearby corpses.
Do you really want to be even MORE powerful till complete boredom?But let's only allow one summon of any and all types at once
Not that it's not smart, but nothing I would show people as "look 'I'm Tesla of this game" message, this is self-evident tactic.RK47 discovers a clever tactic
A solid game?Let's be honest, what does Divinity: Original Sin 2 add to genre or games in general?
Can you launder that "stolen" tag if you sell item then buy it again?Stolen stuff can be sold to anyone.
If anyone is interested, there's a mod that sets the cooldown of all skills to 1 turn.
A paladin lesbian married couple rght near at same square in Arx as lesbian dwarf married couple. Hmm, what do developers want to say...
...Arx is city of ancient lesbian queens?
the turnorder system is indeed code-based. As one would expect this is not a simple data file, but an integral part of the underlying game system. Many iterations were done, as it evidently is not the same compared to DOS1, and a lot of balancing and combat design accounts for this system.
It saddens us to hear you do not like it, but we're happy to get your feedback on it. Both for modding improvements as general combat design experience, it would be great to hear what you guys would think is a better/optimal combat system. So please, do leave some systemic explanations below for us to take to heart and we'll go over them
Hahahaha you must be lucky to only see this faggot couple.I have met quite a few in my travels,you would think that 50% of the population are faggots.