So, how is the lorebook? Does it clear up the timeline of Rivellon or is it mostly about the immediate background of DivOS2?
So far it seems like a must, I did 3 melee based characters (abilities related to physical armour) and one wizard (spells related to magical armour). All elemental damage is vs magical armour so don't bother using elemental unless you deal magical damage with at least 2 party members or more. Have basically given up on using the barrel meme from Div:OS 1 or using elemental surfaces since only one character in my party can capitalize on the removed magical armour. Might be more viable if you have a ton of bombs later or give everyone at least one magic tree. The physical/magical armour system is weird and not really adding playstyles, if anything I find it stifling and railroady.Do you really have to stack either physical or magic damage? Or is that more of a requirement on Tactician? Because I'm aiming to have a mix-match of both.
So far it seems like a must, I did 3 melee based characters (abilities related to physical armour) and one wizard (spells related to magical armour). All elemental damage is vs magical armour so don't bother using elemental unless you deal magical damage with at least 2 party members or more. Have basically given up on using the barrel meme from Div:OS 1 or using elemental surfaces since only one character in my party can capitalize on the removed magical armour. Might be more viable if you have a ton of bombs later or give everyone at least one magic tree. The physical/magical armour system is weird and not really adding playstyles, if anything I find it stifling and railroady.
Edit: I am playing on Tactician. Outside of the AI being unleashed it also increases vitality and both armours of enemies by 50%, disappointed they still felt like stat cheating would make it more challenging instead of annoying.
That's the one thing I don't like about the game, but I am now burning through enemy shields, and I actually have my own shields now that I have found some decent gear. I wish this Dragon Age/Mass Effect style shield thing wasn't in the game because it is simply not my cup of tea.also, given that i'm just 3 hours in, it's likely that i might be missing something
the physical/magical armour forcefields that block all status effects are a completely, utterly, massively, abhorrently megaretarded feature
also, given that i'm just 3 hours in, it's likely that i might be missing something
the physical/magical armour forcefields that block all status effects are a completely, utterly, massively, abhorrently megaretarded feature
Yeah, some of the convos are fun if you're undead (such as the Red Prince inspecting yourteeth at the ship, noting a disconcerting lack of gum and tongue), but aside from that, they really cheapened the "undead experience" with stuff like the mask and the healing/poison converter and the derpy conversation system.Companion stories playing via recycled content while you can just larp them yourself is pretty awkward. I was pretty surprised to see them all happy and alive to join me since I killed them all because didn't want to leave any witnesses on the ship and was playing all Sandro.
For all the undead pop outs in the beginning of the game, you just wear a hat and you're cheeky breeky. Everyone is buddy bros with you. You don't need the mask, it's more of a gimmick since you can just talk as other party members who can be any races.
Oh and you can buy an item that turns any potion into poison potion at the end of the prologue.
So far the only actually impressive thing I found is stealing & awareness system. If you steal something, NPC would look for an item and then ask if you seen anything, and you have to pass persuasion check. That might be most impressive stuff I've seen for stealing in RPGs for long time.
I guess this is the first review from a (somewhat) major gaming website, Italian:
Outside of the AI being unleashed it also increases vitality and both armours of enemies by 50%, disappointed they still felt like stat cheating would make it more challenging instead of annoying.
Since these are in the hundreds even in the beginning of the game together with hitpoints.the physical/magical armour forcefields that block all status effects
oh great, tactician adds hp bloat, huh
the classic tacticool challenge
time to restart on normal then
(off to a great start)
Party is knight, polymorph, wizard & cleric. Not optimal setup but god damn would have been nice to know in advance what armour types these would counter for the most part. Only my wizard can do magical damage reliably every turn, both melee dwarves can do a petrify against magic armour every 3 turns and that's my party's entire magic damage repertoire. Every ability of knight, poly & cleric I started with or could buy was against physical armour so I'm completely out of the element game at this point. Just arrived at theI have 2 pure melee(one of them has one CC that's against magic armour), a ranger and a caster. So far I can fairly easily break both armours just fine on Tactician. My ranger's crossbow does a fair bit of elemental damage, so she's good at dealing with both.
On Classic, it should never be a problem unless you're running around without weapons.
I really want Helping Hand to return .By the way, anyone else finding themselves wondering where some Skills went? I was looking over some skill lists and some removals are just off to me. For example, while simple in what it did, Firefly was a fun skill in D:OS1, but in D:OS2, there seems to be nothing like it.