This is exactly right.The ranger? Screw using any magical arrows it will only gimp you. I actually think the default attack does the most damage.
Ofc, because they're elemental. Give a lightning arrow to character with 15+ Aeroteurge and it will do as much damage as Chain lightning. Then pump Huntsman maybe and stand on a cliff. Can also use bow with same element, elemental arrows & talent that does more damage depending on a surface enemy standing on.This is exactly right.The ranger? Screw using any magical arrows it will only gimp you. I actually think the default attack does the most damage.
A charming arrow won me the Malady combat, where there was one turn left and she was badly injured, but I made sure the Gheist wouldn't harm her.
The more I'm reading about this, the more I feel as if this was rushed out the door.
Killed magisters for Hannag. Saved Gwydians family. Saved Gwydian. Can only tell Gwydian "I don't know where your family is." Go to his family, see his goodbye scene. He tells me "I have no idea where Hannag is" and leaves. Wut? Is that very confusing line of events intended behaviour?
The more I'm reading about this, the more I feel as if this was rushed out the door.
Three years for a same-engine sequel isn't rushed.
I haven't encountered such a problem.Loading is rear as whole in the game.Still didn't see any significant increase in times.If there is some it will be around a few seconds.I read that for many people the further they got in the game, the slower the loading times. Can anyone confirm? Apparently it's due to the game remembering all the shit you sold to vendors and crap like that.
Killed magisters for Hannag. Saved Gwydians family. Saved Gwydian. Can only tell Gwydian "I don't know where your family is." Go to his family, see his goodbye scene. He tells me "I have no idea where Hannag is" and leaves. Wut? Is that very confusing line of events intended behaviour?
I really applaud Larian for making a game where quests can be done out of sequence (as opposed to the linear borefests most other RPG's are), but someone forgot to test these things. You'll routinely break or mangle quests if you don't do them how they're intended to be done. I didn't run into this problem, but my bet is that you skipped some NPC who was supposed to 'set off' some part of the quest, and now the remaining sequences are fucked up.
I know this doesn't solve your problem, but expect this to happen at least three or four times during the rest of the game. My best advice is to check the D:OS 2 wiki and see if you missed some conversation or event. I had this issue where Ifan was supposed to have a quest specific conversation with Hannag, but nothing happened until I talked to some irrelevant dwarf who was hiding in Wrecker's Cave, as she was apparantly the only person who could trigger the conversation (even though the information she had was something you could come across in many other places).
And yet everything is broken.
Here are a few other fun issues I've run into:
- Characters forget memorized skills at random times for no reason.
- When I rearrange my hotbar skills become unmemorized. I had to forgo a particular spell because it kept disappearing whenever I wanted to move things around.
- The journal constantly makes references to things you don't know what are when you do quests out of sequence. Go to dungeon X and pick up item Y, and the quest log will update with something like "I finally found item Y for person Z", even though I haven't met this character yet.
- General performance seems to drop the further you get into the game. I'm in act 3 and suddenly the game is stuttering whereas before it ran smoothly. Sometimes it freezes for 5-10 seconds when quicksaving.
- Like I just mentioned, quests are broken and important events will sometimes not trigger. Several important CNPC quests can be impossible to complete.
- The fucking journal has about 10 entries that should be closed because I have already completed the quest, but they just stay there.
I don't know what they did during those three years or the one year of early access, but they seemingly didn't give much of a fuck about bug fixing or optimization.
Blood arrows + ranger skills.This is exactly right.The ranger? Screw using any magical arrows it will only gimp you. I actually think the default attack does the most damage.
That's why you wait a few months/a year for them to fix everything. Most RPGs (if not games in general) release in early beta phases nowadays. You also need to wait for mods to fix everything else that needs fixing.
So did RK slaughter everything that no longer served any purpose?Finally finished the game in coop with RK47.
Heavy spoilers below;
One-shot him with the Rain of Arrows, and I became THE DIVINE. he got really butthurt that he didn't get to watch the ending
People who say that initiative doesn't matter, it literally makes you Divine