Sounds like entire Witcher 2 to me.reminds me of the notorious final act of Witcher 2. Boring, drab, this time also buggy as fuck
Sounds like entire Witcher 2 to me.reminds me of the notorious final act of Witcher 2. Boring, drab, this time also buggy as fuck
Not loving Arx, and some of the battles there are pretty annoying. Worst one yet is the Lizard Embassy with those cursed revenants. I cleared out every bit of cursed fire, even the crap on the complete opposite side of the map, and yet the room that has 3 of them they keep respawning
Just sneak past the one on the balkony (invisibility is even better), lockpick the door and voila, you're in the clear. Problem solved in like 10 seconds.
I present you Ifan's writer
Now I know why Ifan suddenly wanted to shove his crossbow deep inside my turd cutter.I know we shouldn't judge people by how they look but fuck me,stop hiring these fucking weirdos
I present you Ifan's writer
Now I know why Ifan suddenly wanted to shove his crossbow deep inside my turd cutter.I know we shouldn't judge people by how they look but fuck me,stop hiring these fucking weirdos
FYI Charlene is pretty cool. When we told her to make the Codex's in-game character like Miltiades from Age of Decadence, we didn't have to explain because she'd played the game extensively and knew the character.
Not sure if he actually made it in, though? It might be Grog the troll instead. We should probably ask about that.
Stay back in the area with the mines. Her AI seems bugged and she never goes in there so you only have to fight the bugs and the zombies and you can set a chokehold on the narrow passage between the areas. At least that's how I did that fight.I am getting raped by Radeka. Gotta stay out of the killzone.
Didn't attempt it because of the way the area is designed I never got into a position to try it but I imagine it's the same as what I complained about someStay back in the area with the mines. Her AI seems bugged and she never goes in there so you only have to fight the bugs and the zombies and you can set a chokehold on the narrow passage between the areas. At least that's how I did that fight.I am getting raped by Radeka. Gotta stay out of the killzone.
Is it just me, or do the height LOS shenanigans mean you can never teleport any of them into the lava? Just seems like all the crazy shit you could do with teleport and telekinesis in DOS1, they've designed the levels to neuter a lot of it.2040 (how long have I been away?) pages back that you can't teleport enemies off the ship straight into the ocean.
Actually, after reviewing the conversation, I think what they may have done is created Grog the troll but gave him a Miltiades-like personality or character traits. Does he attempt to rip you off or something? If not, maybe that got cut. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not even sure it is not a tranny.FYI Charlene is pretty cool.
Actually, after reviewing the conversation, I think what they may have done is created Grog the troll but gave him a Miltiades-like personality or character traits. Does he attempt to rip you off or something? If not, maybe that got cut. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Afaik there are two Grogs the Trolls. One of them absolutely tries to rip you off, demanding an extortion of a fee to cross his bridge. But you can also become a hitman and kill someone for him, then he buggers off.
He either reappears in the 4th act or it's his twin or some such.
Okay, so basically:
1. Troll "Grog".
2. Villain/opportunist/asshole.
3. Reoccurring.
4. No obvious RPG Codex dialog references a la 'Kingcomrade'.
5. If asked about the past he should rumble about the good 'ol days.
6. It should be impossible to win an argument with him. It can only be done in the very last encounter and be difficulty. And in case you do manage to win the argument he will acknowledge his loss and then try to kill you because of that.
While I don't have knowledge about Militiades or Patches I get the general point and agree it should be a sorta scamming/lying character that it memorably irritating.
Hey there CB,
Sounds very good to me - I do indeed know both of those characters [i.e. Militiades and Patches]. I played a lot of AoD earlier this year, and DS3 is my GOTY (though I'm more into Greirat than Patches)!
I think we can work well with what you've provided and create a character that you guys will enjoy. If you've any other thoughts, ideas, or questions - do feel free to get in touch with me
And yeah - hope you have a great holiday time too! I'm off to our mother office in Gent tomorrow for our party, so feeling pretty festive already!
Yeah, nah, that's just a conversation after she killed someone. My choices then consists of taking her hand and asking her if she'll be able to sleep tonight, or call her a fucking psychopath. It's a painfully ill-written dialogue.Cannibal sex time!
The only acceptable companions are the one who is possessed by a demon, or the one who looks like a demon.
Spoilery, but:Actually, after reviewing the conversation, I think what they may have done is created Grog the troll but gave him a Miltiades-like personality or character traits. Does he attempt to rip you off or something? If not, maybe that got cut. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so what you mean is that it's an achievement for a game to cut content for one guy if the other guy solved a quest, killed a quest giver, bought the best ring a merchant had to sell...You might not like it or you might not care for it, that's fine, but the fact that it manages to do it without the entire game just sorta breaking down is actually really fucking impressive, and nobody has really done anything like it before, to the best of my knowledge. It's an actual RPG environment where each character can actually act independently. Comparing it to MMO:s or ARPG:s is bullshit, because they work entirely differently, and are completely constrained by the preset set-pieces.what the fuck are you people talking about? world of warcraft let 10 million people run around the map independently. what does that achieve?
I liked D:OS1 better, because D:OS2 seems to be going for some kind of competitive co-op or something, and it feels like the system had some considerations for PvP or something, almost like it's balanced around it (or at least partially), and I just happen to prefer full co-op - I loved the arguments and such in D:OS1 and the mild conflicts you could have as player characters, or how both could often participate in a single conversation - I think all of that was top notch and really added to the game, whereas in D:OS2 one seems to always be a passive observer (which, if you really want to play together, and not run around willy-nilly, is meh).
But is it an achievement? Yeah, it is. It might not be my cup of tea, but it's pretty damn impressive. If MMO:s were like this, they wouldn't be half as shit (but they'd also be a complete mess because of the sheer number of players being retarded all at once).
Yeah, it's painfully obvious that none of the journos actually played very far before phoning it in. I don't think Larian does this, but games seem to be increasingly front-loaded in order to skew review scores, because developers know that out of the few journos that actually play the games, most don't play more than a couple of hours right at the beginning.TIL act 4 is just pretty bugged in this game. NPCs like Jahan literally don't appear, and the area has actual issues. Feels super unfinished and none of the reviews picked up on that fact because nobody got that far in Divinity before filing copy.
I'm pretty sure tons of journos just read some other journos review and apes it, which is why we see these hyperbolic chain reactions that lack all reason and criticizes nothing.
Like jesus christ, I really like the game too, but fucking 10/10? No issues? Fucking hell.
what makes you think this is an RPG and not an MMORPG? what makes you think this is an RPG forum? what makes me think you have the capacity to think?Are you... asking the difference between RPG multiplayer and MMORPGs, on an RPG forum?what the fuck are you people talking about? world of warcraft let 10 million people run around the map independently. what does that achieve?I can go ahead and shit on Arcanum for a week, if that makes you happy, it's just that it's about 16 years too late, you muppet. Arcanum was an amazing, amazing game, but it was broken in so many more ways than D:OS2 is, even if Arcanum more than made up for it as a whole in other parts.Sure there is also the guy with the Arcanum avatar going on incessantly about the supposed systemic failures of this game. The irony!![]()
And in case you missed it - and you likely did, seeing as how you're a cum-guzzling fuckwit - I actually like D:OS2.
That's why I'm criticizing it. If I wanted to do was nitpick and bitch, I could've just done that and been done with it, but that has never resulted in a better game in the history of game development. While intentionally harsh, and harsher on the worse points, all of the criticism was constructive when even remotely possible - the only one where I have no answers or suggestions is on the Attributes, because I simply have no idea how to resolve it without relevant subsystems. It also wasn't like most of this criticism wasn't already pre-existing; I merely compiled it.
The journalists won't even care in 6 months. They don't even understand what a massive fucking achievement that is.Frankly it's a miracle the game works as well as it does. Baldur's Gate and NWN had restrictions placed on multiplayer to keep them from turning into a logistical nightmare, but DOS2 lets up to four human players run roughshod around the map independently. I'm only just starting to understand how ambitious that is. It's a topic that'll keep the journalists busy for years.Sure, some things need improvement and a couple of bugs need to be fixed but out of the gate it's maybe the most complete rpg experience since BG2 and less flawed at release than most Codex classics from yesteryear.
Yeah, I really should've addressed the scaling and the numbers bloat, but for some reason, it completely slipped my mind. In my defense, it was all written in two (-ish) sittings spread over 4 days or something.I can absolutely see why people would have many complaints about the game.
Mine are still armor system is not my cup of tea and the way enemies that are above your level can sometimes destroy you no matter what. The way stats go up and how you need to buy equipment (not that I dislike getting new equipment, the scaling is broken) that scales is a bit broken. Animations in combat are slow, but that is a complaint I had in the first game.
The thing for me is: I'm having fun. It has solid content coupled with some not so solid content. I'm happy the game is getting positive reviews. We need more of these types of games (turn-based rpgs), and despite some flaws, I am finding the game to be enjoyable.
The scaling really is grotesque.
you get the cat without pet pal. it just follows you everywhere and if you manage to escape the fort without letting people kill the cat you get the skill.Also, I have no idea what you're talking about in regards to Pet Pal. Now, I think it's a bad talent for several reasons, because it's the only one that gates content like that, and I consider it almost essential - way, way, way more essential than in D:OS1, where the effects were much less pronounced - but the content itself is awesome.
I'm genuinely, authentically baffled by this. Seriously.
Essential? My memory is pretty fresh and I don't remember ANYTHING essential about Pet Pal. Vast majority of animal dialogues is pure fluff. Sometimes you get a nugget of information about where to find what but it's usually superfluous if you explore reasonably thoroughly. You can get some pet summons (a cat and the condor I think) which are pretty useless unless you have high Summoning. And if you have high Summoning you always want to summon the Boner Widow anyway since you can't have more than one summon per character.
Plus the writing and voices are terrible, unless you straight up enjoy chipmunk chirping or an occasional actress trying to voice a turtle with bad female barytone.
Anyway name me a few animal quests that are essential or awesome in your opinion and we can discuss it in depth in the time honoured Codex tradition.