And I thought he's doing this only to my posts, lol!
If I had 10% of his dedication, I would have finished my game already
And I thought he's doing this only to my posts, lol!
This looks like it could really be something someday! It gives me a Mount & Blade vibe. Keep it up @Bantichal
Since your main influence was Battle Brothers I highly urge you to make it easier to cover losses somehow. In BB losing a 10 level guy is a real setback as you can never hire anyone higher than 5-6 level if I'm not mistaken.Should combat be difficult with some setbacks but easier to bounce back, or slightly more manageable losses (as I refuse to use the term easier) but harder to bounce back. This was a 12 on 12 tourney fight with only 5 survivors.
Since your main influence was Battle Brothers I highly urge you to make it easier to cover losses somehow. In BB losing a 10 level guy is a real setback as you can never hire anyone higher than 5-6 level if I'm not mistaken.Should combat be difficult with some setbacks but easier to bounce back, or slightly more manageable losses (as I refuse to use the term easier) but harder to bounce back. This was a 12 on 12 tourney fight with only 5 survivors.
This kind of "breaks" the Ironman nature of the game since it's hard to accept such a loss.
So, tl;dr : Losses should happen frequently but also be relatively easily replenished
why is that bad
lvl 10 guy is veteran superhero that has been with you for ages, having people like that be easily replaceable ruins the emotional investment
why is that bad
lvl 10 guy is veteran superhero that has been with you for ages, having people like that be easily replaceable ruins the emotional investment
Maybe your veteran has a kid or two who can reach that level slightly faster, if you can keep them alive.
Keep up the good work, really shaping up fine.
If we use BB as an example, it should be a bit easier to recover from losses at high level play. While it should be a NO-NO to have level 10 mercs available, they should go up to at least level 6-7. Plus a better training option. In that game they are definitely too short term.
Bigger rosters and easier "leveling" early should be enough to compensate for "big guy" loses late game. Also, those leveled up guys shouldn't be that easy to take down in the first place but - provided that enemy managed to kill him - it definitely should punish a player.
There is no fun if there is no risk of getting two step backwards.