Hobo Elf
The DaS2 stress test had Huntsman's Copse, so maybe it'll be another slice of the playable world rather than a simple pvp arena.
all my suspicions are confirmed. I will play this game, and so will praetor!
I didn't see anything objectionable, aside from the insta-estus that's already been discussed to death. Still looking forward to this.
of course i will. i'm just not particularly looking forward to it. like, at all
It's probably the first level, I'm not expecting the enemies to put up any more of a fight than the ones in Undead Burg or Forest of Giants did.you didn't see the easy backstabs, the fast and far rolls with tons of iframes (not that you'd need them with how slow enemies attack and how little tracking they have), the lack of poise (stunlocks galore!), the slo-mo enemies with the usual 3-hit combos you'd have to be blind to get hit?