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Get a git repo and make it open source.We should design a 2.5e ruleset with the best of both worlds...
Get a git repo and make it open source.We should design a 2.5e ruleset with the best of both worlds...
Hey guys, aside from the settings that are being released for the fifth edition in the form of adventures, do you guys could recommend me some Cool stuff that are more focused on setting and less on adventure, preferably some original stuff, not necessarily 5th and that could be used as seeds for my own stuff? More neutral in rules would be better, because actually I am more inclined towards the 5th edition rules. Thanks in advance!
depends on what flavor of stuff you're interested in.
Lamentations of the Flame Princess has some interesting settings.
Vornheim - A setting book that's 65 pages long. Full to the brim with random tables of shit, shops, shopkeepers, contacts, nobles, etc.
A Red and Pleasant Land - Basically a tool box for running Alice in Wonderland but everyone is a vampire.
Veins of the Earth - It's the BEST underdark book. It can be used with 5e if you like. Really flavorful and interesting monsters. Takes the underdark into more of a "spelunking" territory with you exploring caves instead of just gigantic underground areas that are are just 2d maps.
Goodman Games produces cool setting shit, but to make it compatible with 5e, you'll need to up the damage of most of the shit.
Peril on the Purple Planet Boxed set - Basically Dark Sun meets Numenera.
The Chained Coffin Boxed set - Imagine if everyone in a certain area was a hick and they feared "witch-men" and knew folk magic to fight spellcasters and shit.
Well, the vampires in Red and Pleasant are okay....
They're only...okay. They're not just Strahd Knockoffs, but let me be clear: Red and Pleasant is only like, 20% of the setting. There's a new class, the Alice, a whole bunch of cool monsters, a regional map(with a lot of named/keyed locations with no actual detail) and then he only really fills in two major dungeons.
Veins isn't one major regional map either, he instead gives you the ability and tools to quickly make months and months of sessions by drawing maps and interpreting them a certain way...it's actually kind of strange and hard to wrap your head around at first. He also provides a F U C K T O N of random tables for monster encounters, cave shapes, madness afflictions, random smells and sounds, etc.
Should be noted that Veins is meant to be run without darkvision. Like, money in the Veins setting is literally fuel for light sources, and gold isn't nearly as valuable as being able to see around yourself. He has regional maps and cave system maps which you can make yourself, and he provides four different cultures: the Dero, which are little mind-fucker alien things, the Deep Janeen, which are giant and annoying faerie assholes who fuck with you, the Aelf-Adal, which are like, living nightmare fuck you in the eye elves, and the Dvargir, which aren't really dwarves because they're automatons more than anything but let's call them dwarves it's easier than having to explain that.
Vornheim is fantastic, it's mostly useful for the fast mapping system for its interiors of buildings and the city itself. It comes with a lot of interesting ideas, superstitions and flavors and it comes with three dungeons and a handful of monsters.
He also published a bunch of other adventures which you can run in DnD without much conversion and have a giggle at, but be warned, they're fucking HARD.
Blood in the Chocolate - What if you were being paid to break into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory and all of the oompah loompahs were trying to murder and rape you?
Tower of the Stargazer - excellent low-level module. Notable for its trap, which is a wizard trapped in a circle of salt. If the players are dumb enough to actually believe the wizard and let him out of it, the adventure(and campaign, maybe) ends.
Death Frost Doom - The world's first Negadungeon. The major takeaway here is that a cursed shrine is not a great place to snoop around in. There's one monster at the very end - if you kill it, 10,000 undead rise up out of the ground near the dungeon and immediately start to fuck shit up in the neighboring countryside - because what the fuck are you doing in a place you don't understand?
The God That Crawls - Interesting chase dungeon where a gigantic goo monster is constantly trying to eat and kill the players, and cannot really be killed itself. Players have to run and shit.
Hey guys, aside from the settings that are being released for the fifth edition in the form of adventures, do you guys could recommend me some Cool stuff that are more focused on setting and less on adventure, preferably some original stuff, not necessarily 5th and that could be used as seeds for my own stuff? More neutral in rules would be better, because actually I am more inclined towards the 5th edition rules. Thanks in advance!
This is really a pretty clever way to put stats. I think I'll take the veins. And it is a miracle that I found it to buy in my country! Thanks!
P.S. said:tldr; Paolo Greco is a neurotic bag of soup and Zak Smith is an insane Apergers robot man.
Just for clarities sake - I have regular suicidal ideation, self-harm ideation, this weird self-assault thing I picked up somewhere, regular mood swings, days lost to what I suppose must be some kind of depression since I often don't have clear memories of exactly what I did and general feelings of self-loathing.
Shadow of the Demon Lord: Not D&D based but still a very good game. Author worked extensively on D&D 3e, older editions of D&D, D&D4e and WFRP2e. Game has the best mix of all, but mostly the latter (wfrp) with a streamlined system and many choices for players without getting bogged down. (and only 10 levels instead of 20, a great choice)
Hey guys, aside from the settings that are being released for the fifth edition in the form of adventures, do you guys could recommend me some Cool stuff that are more focused on setting and less on adventure, preferably some original stuff, not necessarily 5th and that could be used as seeds for my own stuff? More neutral in rules would be better, because actually I am more inclined towards the 5th edition rules. Thanks in advance!
Hey guys, aside from the settings that are being released for the fifth edition in the form of adventures, do you guys could recommend me some Cool stuff that are more focused on setting and less on adventure, preferably some original stuff, not necessarily 5th and that could be used as seeds for my own stuff? More neutral in rules would be better, because actually I am more inclined towards the 5th edition rules. Thanks in advance!
They've figured out a way to add microtransactions and lootboxes to your home D&D game?WotC President Chris Cocks will have "A HUGE, AMAZING ANNOUNCEMENT" at Friday:
Simply put, the number one thing that has turned them off from playing table top rpgs, and this is me asking them today, around 16 people: ...