That's a great thing to hear, dude is fucking retard, every game he put hands on he transform in casual garbage.Johan isn't really involved in CK3 at all.
That's a great thing to hear, dude is fucking retard, every game he put hands on he transform in casual garbage.Johan isn't really involved in CK3 at all.
Reddit said:If you don't know, in this article Paradox have talked about the new Dynamic Religion system, that will be implemented in CK3. Here is the quote:
Every religion in Crusader Kings 3 is made up of Tenets, which are mechanical bonuses that apply to everyone following the religion, and Doctrines, which represent church views on things like homosexuality and women becoming priests. Should you choose to found a heresy, you can customize the Tenets and Doctrines of your new religion freely.
I think, this system can work perfectly in potential Victoria 3 or a Cold War game. Not for religions, but for the political ideologies. Imagine the ability to create your own completely new political ideology or the slightly different version of an already existing ideology. Thing like this was very common in history, especially during 19th and 20st centuries. This also will help to portray different ideologies more accurately, so the things like classical Marxism, Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism will not be all just called "Communism".
Is there a strategy game in the Paradox catalog where i can play with these nations ?
Is there a strategy game in the Paradox catalog where i can play with these nations ?
Yes! Europa universalis 4 with the "Imperium Universalis" mod.Is there a strategy game in the Paradox catalog where i can play with these nations ?
Yes! Europa universalis 4 with the "Imperium Universalis" mod.
It does have late Egypt mate. Reading about that period and those cultures is pretty fun,but it doesn't have a material for a good grand strategy game. There is only a few known civilizations and most of the other tribes are forgotten by history. Not enough historical knowledge to make a well filled map with tribes.Yes! Europa universalis 4 with the "Imperium Universalis" mod.
Not for akkadians or classic imperial egyptians and only partially for medes or scythians (chronologically and by specific content included).
I would like some mod or even better, original campaign, with 600 b.C as the end of the period, not the start. Good Ol' Orient for once.
Yes! Europa universalis 4 with the "Imperium Universalis" mod.
Not for akkadians or classic imperial egyptians and only partially for medes or scythians (chronologically and by specific content included).
I would like some mod or even better, original campaign, with 600 b.C as the end of the period, not the start. Good Ol' Orient for once.
It's what composers do for sequels, they redo songs from the previous game but with more frills and distractions that drown out what made the original a worse version of CK2 theme
It does have late Egypt mate. Reading about that period and those cultures is pretty fun,but it doesn't have a material for a good grand strategy game. There is only a few known civilizations and most of the other tribes are forgotten by history. Not enough historical knowledge to make a well filled map with tribes.
There's like 1500 year gap between Akkadians (early bronze age) and Scythians (iron age to classical antiquity). If you want them squeezed somehow into one game, then Civilization is just for you.
Ahh i am not arguing that we don't know about the cultures about those developed nations,but the lack of knowledge about the rest of the world needed for making a decent game map. Do you know what tribes lived in modern iran are during those days and what their culture and religion was,how about north africa or Mediterranean sea? Focusing a whole paradox game on 3-5 advanced ancient civilizations is boring.It does have late Egypt mate. Reading about that period and those cultures is pretty fun,but it doesn't have a material for a good grand strategy game. There is only a few known civilizations and most of the other tribes are forgotten by history. Not enough historical knowledge to make a well filled map with tribes.
Not really, we have knowledge about Bronze and Iron Age Near East at very high levels, above what we have for any other place on the Earth for much later periods (1000, 2000 or even more than 3500 years later). The volume of information that we have about Mesopotamia, Egypt or Levant in 800, 1200 or even 2100 B.c is only partially matched in hellenic and roman worlds in some specific fields but not in all (and probably not in most). The largest amount of texts preserved before printing press in human history are those from the "pre-classic" Ancient Near East (3000-500 B.c. aprox) way over classical greek or latin, old chinese, arabic and mostly european medieval texts with very little exceptions (some zones of Western Europe in late medieval times, some very specific roman or greek knowledge fields or arts, etc).
For example in present Bulgaria's territory the knowledge of legal system, economic transactions, family structure or diet that we have for Ur III sumerian world or Middle Egyptian Kingdom is possible only at advanced medieval times, at Second Bulgarian Empire times or later.
There's like 1500 year gap between Akkadians (early bronze age) and Scythians (iron age to classical antiquity). If you want them squeezed somehow into one game, then Civilization is just for you.
No, it's not for me. The "nations" selection with their different chronology was made by A_boring_GOG_bot that was who ask in first place, not by me. In fact I specifically stated in the previous message how one of the problems of Chariots of War is the anachronistic mix of cultures and states (not at Civilization retarded level however).
I would prefer short period setting with strict historical accuracy.
Yes! Europa universalis 4 with the "Imperium Universalis" mod.
Not for akkadians or classic imperial egyptians and only partially for medes or scythians (chronologically and by specific content included).
I would like some mod or even better, original campaign, with 600 b.C as the end of the period, not the start. Good Ol' Orient for once.
There's like 1500 year gap between Akkadians (early bronze age) and Scythians (iron age to classical antiquity). If you want them squeezed somehow into one game, then Civilization is just for you.
Depends. Scythians if you believe Herodotus have a tradition going at least back as Herakles who is a bronze age figure, mythical or real. In fact andro novo culture has a strong modern central asian, read Scythian, imprint.