Graverobber Foundation

Thanks, bro!It's looking good! I like that your levels are 2 blocks high, gives it a nice feel of a large spaceship interior. Did you write the shader yourself? I would like to hear more about the shader as I might use a similar concept, if I can manage to port it to Godot. Shader coding is still somewhat unexplored territory for me.
- I've found a quick replacement by using a shader which generates lines from the edges of a mesh, which should be more than enough for now. This is not the best solution, but it works faster and produces less glitches. Unless I find a better way to handle this stuff, I'll stick to it.
Nah, shader programming is something I'm not willing to try anytime soon. As for the shader itself, I just checked a few random threads about pseudo-wireframe rendering and stumbled upon this one.
Of course, I picked the most simple one (just wireframe rendering), since I don't plan on using lighting effects (but this kinda gives me a few cool ideas, might experiment a little bit if I'll have the time).
And yeah, for some reason I dislike when the dungeon ceiling is too low. Never suffered from claustrophobia, but if the viewpoint feels higher than the middle point between the floor and the ceiling, it kinda pisses me off.

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