Tactics Ogre. Which version to play for a first playthrough? Leaning towards psp version but ive heard some complaints about it on this forum.
Haven't played any other version besides the PSP version, but it isn't "bad". The only somewhat aggravating thing to me was that you acquired new classes later on in the game, but they were underlevelled compared to the classes you were currently using, so if you wanted to use those new classes you had to stop progressing the plot to go level grind. That being said, the game was nowhere near as bad as FFT was when it came to grinding.
The PSP version has a nice QOL feature where you can time travel back to route branching points and retain your party from before, so you don't have to restart the game and do as much of the same levelling up and ability micromanagement you had already done before. The PSP version also has nice redone art.
One word of warning is the balance. The second half of the game is overly saturated with knight enemies. There was an infographic floating around that tallied up every enemy fought in the game, and over half of the units were just knights.
I was strongly recommended to play the game using the One Vision Mod. I was told that it "fixed" the game and prevented archer spam. What I found was the exact opposite. I found that most of the classes at my disposal were utterly useless at dealing with the knights. Swords and knives glanced off of the armor which invalidates too many melee classes. Maces and lances actually did decent damage to the knights, but you're always outnumbered so you can't make a melee centric team as otherwise your guys will be swamped from all sides and killed. Mages don't have far enough range (which means they have to get within striking distance of the melee, which means near certain death for the squishy mages) and don't deal enough damage. So I found that the only real way to play the game was by having 4 archers, parking them on a hill, having a samurai use a war dance to buff their damage, and then shooting the approaching knights while I had a couple melee out in front bodyblock them from reaching the archers. I had a couple priests on standby to heal. Having never played the original unmodded game, I don't know if the mod was made by hardcore players who thought that the game was "too easy" and making it harder was their idea of "fixing it" and I got the wrong message from an evangelist of the mod, or what. I'm not going to replay a 80 hour long game again just to see how it compares to the vanilla experience. You might be better off avoiding the mod.