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CKII is released.


Mar 10, 2011
Looks like I'll be getting it through, Amazon. Thanks for the heads up.

And Xeno, you covered basically all my questions. That should be the first thing to come up if I were to google CK2 tutorial or something.


Multi-headed Cow

Just started playing. EARL AED OF TYRONE! Also married a flamboyant schemer, cruel, paranoid, envious and patient woman. Heard Ireland was best for learning the game since it's a bit isolated and laid back, so figured a horrible wife would spice things up.

Also wanted to ask if council members are doing anything if left to their own devices, or if I need to manually set them on missions on the board to get them working on anything. Plopped them all down doing fairly innocuous things for now until I'm sure.


Jan 23, 2011
Just started playing. EARL AED OF TYRONE! Also married a flamboyant schemer, cruel, paranoid, envious and patient woman. Heard Ireland was best for learning the game since it's a bit isolated and laid back, so figured a horrible wife would spice things up.

Also wanted to ask if council members are doing anything if left to their own devices, or if I need to manually set them on missions on the board to get them working on anything. Plopped them all down doing fairly innocuous things for now until I'm sure.

The spymaster will still uncover plots if not specifically assigned something, but everyone else does nothing while they are free. Give them work and never a days rest. Well and I guess the marshal too because if he isn't assigned a job he can lead your armies.

Multi-headed Cow

Thanks bro. Still haven't advanced in time since last posting since I've been looking at more menus and buttons and figuring out what's what. Currently trying to figure out why my marshal is at -50 opinion of me due to "Pretender to the barony of Aileach" when I have no idea what the fuck the barony of Aileach is. Used the title search button and that pointed me at my province of Tyrone, but I don't see that title listed anywhere.
Since I'm an earl I thought that would put me above barons, but I guess I'm a pretender to a barony that doesn't seem to exist and that really pisses him off.

20 Eyes

Nov 23, 2010
Thanks bro. Still haven't advanced in time since last posting since I've been looking at more menus and buttons and figuring out what's what. Currently trying to figure out why my marshal is at -50 opinion of me due to "Pretender to the barony of Aileach" when I have no idea what the fuck the barony of Aileach is. Used the title search button and that pointed me at my province of Tyrone, but I don't see that title listed anywhere.
Since I'm an earl I thought that would put me above barons, but I guess I'm a pretender to a barony that doesn't seem to exist and that really pisses him off.

Aileach is probably one of your holdings. Maybe the castle in Tyrone?

Multi-headed Cow

Thanks bro. Still haven't advanced in time since last posting since I've been looking at more menus and buttons and figuring out what's what. Currently trying to figure out why my marshal is at -50 opinion of me due to "Pretender to the barony of Aileach" when I have no idea what the fuck the barony of Aileach is. Used the title search button and that pointed me at my province of Tyrone, but I don't see that title listed anywhere.
Since I'm an earl I thought that would put me above barons, but I guess I'm a pretender to a barony that doesn't seem to exist and that really pisses him off.

Aileach is probably one of your holdings. Maybe the castle in Tyrone?
... Jesus, I'm retarded. I had looked at Tyrone multiple times, and never noticed the castle was separate from the church and city, and was closer to my dude's portrait. Thanks! Looks like I can't make a barony of it, presumably since it's my only land thus far. So I guess my marshal's a pretender to the barony and is pissy that I own it.

20 Eyes

Nov 23, 2010
Thanks bro. Still haven't advanced in time since last posting since I've been looking at more menus and buttons and figuring out what's what. Currently trying to figure out why my marshal is at -50 opinion of me due to "Pretender to the barony of Aileach" when I have no idea what the fuck the barony of Aileach is. Used the title search button and that pointed me at my province of Tyrone, but I don't see that title listed anywhere.
Since I'm an earl I thought that would put me above barons, but I guess I'm a pretender to a barony that doesn't seem to exist and that really pisses him off.

Aileach is probably one of your holdings. Maybe the castle in Tyrone?
... Jesus, I'm retarded. I had looked at Tyrone multiple times, and never noticed the castle was separate from the church and city, and was closer to my dude's portrait. Thanks! Looks like I can't make a barony of it, presumably since it's my only land thus far. So I guess my marshal's a pretender to the barony and is pissy that I own it.

We're both retarded, because I didn't realize this at first either.

Multi-headed Cow

10:43 PM - Multi-headed Cow: Current ruler of Ulster is a 3 year old
10:43 PM - Multi-headed Cow: Can I make a babby sign over unconditional surrender?
10:43 PM - Steambro: A tactical genius you mean.
10:43 PM - Steambro: His regeant can!
10:44 PM - Multi-headed Cow: The fuck
10:44 PM - Multi-headed Cow: I have 97% victory
10:44 PM - Steambro: Welcome to AI!
10:44 PM - Multi-headed Cow: WHAT THE HELL
10:45 PM - Multi-headed Cow: THE REGENT IS CRAVEN
10:45 PM - Multi-headed Cow: AND HE WON'T SURRENDER
10:45 PM - Multi-headed Cow: CALLING BULLSHIT
10:45 PM - Multi-headed Cow: GAME'S BAD


Multi-headed Cow

I bitched too soon, apparently. I had that from checking my diplomacy options for demanding a surrender. Almost immediately after being frustrated by that, the little shithead sends me a message requesting surrender. I'd normally be bloodthirsty and say no, but since my army is almost entirely made up of mercenaries I'll say yes just to keep my costs down.


Mar 10, 2011
I feel like I should pick some small duke in cluster-fuck central Europe and do a blind LP. Or maybe be one of the emperors and just watch everything go to shit.

EDIT: I went with some Serbian duke in the Balkans. My heir was a horrible douche so I tried to imprison and then assassinate him. Medieval Serbs don't compare to their modern brethren so both attempts failed. Civil war of sorts ensued. I decided to get a raging homosexual guy to be my heir and started imprisoning my sons left and right like a mad man. One guy snuck off and got himself married without me knowing. I imprisoned the couple; killed the guy; and then forced his wife to marry someone else. Eventually everyone just hated my guts including the homo and that kinda broke my heart. I have no idea what the fuck I am doing.

Multi-headed Cow

This game is pretty goddamn great. I'm shamefully neglecting my zombie LP as I rise from earl to duke and HAVE MY SIGHTS SET ON CREATING THE KINGDOM OF IRELAND!


Jan 8, 2009
I'm holding off until the new patch. :( Hoping it will rejig the rebellion stuff enough so I can play a more satisfying game as some Earl in middle England. Or make a HRE territory playable.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
Just a handfull of assassinations and I've turned both France and the HRE into a whirling vortex of civil war, machette rape and general doom. Europe is eating itself and my Jihadist forces are ready to cross the Pyrenees to march into the fray. Allah akbar!

If only my son wasn't such an utter incompetent retard then I'd be a lot more relaxed. Inshallah I guess.

Multi-headed Cow

THIS FUCKING GAME. Managed JUST BARELY to hold my land against a duke from Norway being an asshole. Daughter hit adulthood, king of Scotland liked the look of her and married one of his sons to her. Instant alliance and brofist with Scotland, request aid, scots swoop in and kick Norwegian ass. WAR OVER. Scots get a minor rebellion and request aid, I stomp over and help. Best of bros.

Now my starting character died of old age, and his son is not yet an adult and the regent is his evil scheming mother. Seems to be working out alright. Was able to fabricate a claim on a single county and take it over, which then gave me the ability to usurp a second ducal title, which then let me de jure my way in to war with another county. This is kicking all kinds of ass over Total War. I hope they put out an expansion with a ton more random events and delicious backstabbing since the game's pretty great as-is I'd just like more of it. Since it seems to be the Paradox way to put out AT LEAST one expansion I imagine it's a safe bet.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
And then a civil war starts and every family member whom I've given a title decides to rebel as well. Got to love those spreading civil wars Wiz modded in. While I'm trying to contain that situation the pope starts a crusade for one of my provinces and next thing I know the entire christian world is marching over as well.

And then my lord dies in some shitty skirmish.

Multi-headed Cow

That's what I chose for my first play, and now I'm one county away from being able to create THE KINGDOM OF IRELAND in 1090something. I have been savescumming a little due to learning how the fuck things work though. Sharmfur dispray.

Multi-headed Cow


Just shortly before that Scotland completely flew to pieces and THE KINGDOM OF SCOTLAND is just one county now I believe. England is also pretty goddamn fractured and fucked up. Nothing can stop Ireland, NOTHING.


Mar 10, 2011
Nicely done. I'm still learning the game as I go; I watched a short tutorial on YouTube before starting afresh. I picked a lady-count in Spain beneath the King of Leon.

Boy. Has some shit happened. I married a Scottish prince/super-general, but never got to use him. Pumped out two sons. Scot dies. Marry a Portuguese guy after that. I finally assassinate a count in another territory I had been feuding with forever. The King of Leon chastises me and then gets excommunicated by the Pope. Nice. He invites me to dinner. I reluctantly go and surprise, he tries to kidnap me. I escape and we go to war. He sends a huge army after me and I hole up in my castle and send out pleas for help. Some kid is the ruler of Castille and he's like sure whatever. Giant fucking army arrives; King of Leon gets decimated. And now I'm sitting in a whirlpool of utter chaos that is Spain. (Muslims are everywhere.) Is there a way to take pics other than the print-screen? I should snag a pic before I inevitably get squashed or something.

Multi-headed Cow

Is there a way to take pics other than the print-screen?
Since it's Steamworks, F12 will take a Steam screenshot. Then upload it (Private or public doesn't matter), browse over to it, view it, then copy image location and slap it on the Codex. It's what my picture up there is.

That sounds more exciting than my adventures so far, though I had Scotland try to jump me (After the big civil war, a different noble house came out on top. Naturally they didn't honor my alliance with the previous one) as I was unifying my island. Had to hire two groups of mercenaries to fight my war on two fronts, but managed it. And mostly got my money back from beating on Scotland until they surrendered, and ransoming back some minor nobles I captured. Game's pretty damn cool.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
F11 is the default key for a screenshot in CK2, IIRC. It's .bmp only though, so get a converter.


Jan 28, 2011
F11 takes a screenshot and exports it to the relevant directory (e.g. You\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II). F10 will give you a map with the current overlay (top liege / culture / religion), which can be retrospectively interesting if you're a huge dork and take a number of them over the course of a campaign.

Nothing can stop Ireland

First time I've heard those words not immediately followed by "from its inevitable decline." Anyway, now that you're their rightful liege, the remaining independent Irish nobles might swear fealty to you if you ask nicely.


Apr 7, 2012
It is a really, really great game from what I've seen so far (handful of games until the mid 1120s before being curbstomped by someone). It will need some serious balancing though, mainly because of the HRE always, always becoming the grey blob of doom, unshakeable because of a pretty damn huge elective law bonus for vassals (too huge, it's +50 iirc). The political and intrigue aspect though is seriously good, in my opinion this game beats the first on pretty much every level.


Mar 10, 2011
Screenshots will not be necessary, men. For my evil queen biotch died, presumably because her insanely cold heart, lashing out so fiercely, turned on itself. She left her two sons -- one of which was a ugly psychopath plotting to murder a lonely, seventy-one year old widow -- to a dark, dark peninsula. The Kingdom of Leon had a new King at this point, the previous one having abdicated on account of getting his shit rocked. Well this new guy was pretty popular with everyone and also had a health dose of not-being-excommunicated. So he saw fit to squash our shit and my poor heir, within a month of his rule, was left on the field with no allies to come to his aid -- even though our armies had just gloriously aided them in their lust for Muslim blood in Toledo. Friendless, and probably torturing people by pouring his mother's ashes into their eyes, he was quickly surrounded by a giant, vengeful army. And, as they say, that was that.

Highlight: I was feuding with an old asshole just north of me. Eventually, about -100 piety later, I assassinated him. Some time goes on and I meet his son (now Count) in the field in an epic battle of 70 vs. 70. To my surprise, we capture him. So I throw him in the dungeon. And then I poisoned his one and only infant son back home. Nice. And then I saw fit to go ahead and just torture the guy, horribly maiming his body. And then he died in that cold, dark place.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 14, 2009
Yes, CK2 is lovely like this. Cool stories everywhere.

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