Dead game

Nigger this quest works just like the quest in Gothic 1 where you collect diary entries they dont spawn until you read them.The worst quest so far is the one where you talk with some ghost in a tower that wants you to find 4 confession letters. Loved how i decided to check the how it works and got to the place where a letter should be,but it was not there,then i read the previous one and when i clicked rmb the new one got spawned before me eyes. Every quest objective spawns once you had taken the quest or triggered certain trigger. Also that phantom quest is not worth it,you run all around the world on a fetch quest and end up with 2k exp and some shitty scrolls,just sad fetch quest.

Nameless hero is far from chad he is more of a cuck getting ordered by Xardas and doing all his work for him for 2 whole games just to get played again by Xardas at the end of Gothic 2.
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