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CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 + Phantom Liberty Expansion Thread


Jul 21, 2017
first impressions is, you gonna need a current CPU to play this game. I got a 4790k, 8GB of RAM, 1080Ti, running off a SSD on medium settings and still got a lot of skips/stutters. Granted I was trying to stream the game, performance may be a bit better without that and if you have more RAM, but game was nearly unplayable during high action sequences. Unkillable NPCs are cancer because unlike Skyrim they don't even react if you toss grenades at them and if you try to run them over your car will slow down automatically until outright forcing you to leave the vehicle. Lot of bugs in the first few hours too, but the majority did seem to be visual in nature except for a certain boxing subquest at the very beginning of the game, I initiated the fight and suddenly the opponent kinda fell over and I don't think I completed the quest properly but whatever. Awful lot of dialogue in the beginning too and they don't really let you 'off the leash' until about an hour and a half into the game. Oh and people were right about the character creator, you don't really get to be white at all, there's only one shade of white and it looks more Asian than white. I'm a mulatto boy, I like to make my charas like a very light tan to reflect that but there's not an option for that.

still, it's got potential. Don't know if it's got potential to be a good RPG, but it's got potential to be a fun game. The gunplay is neat and if you're using melee it's easy to cut off limbs/heads and stuff which is nice. Driving physics are horrible though but I also can't drive very well on a keyboard so that's on me I think.


Huge and Ever-Growing
Nov 5, 2014
The Centre of the Ultraworld
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Pathfinder: Wrath

Green, blue and pink eyebrows fully catered for of course

Edit - And by ginger hair I mean brown with ginger highlights because of course.
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Feb 7, 2016
first impressions is, you gonna need a current CPU to play this game. I got a 4790k, 8GB of RAM, 1080Ti, running off a SSD on medium settings and still got a lot of skips/stutters. Granted I was trying to stream the game, performance may be a bit better without that and if you have more RAM, but game was nearly unplayable during high action sequences.

I was having a lot of stutter with Bannerlord which is supposedly a lighter game(although unoptimized as fuck) and getting another 8GB RAM stick did it for me with my old build(i7 2600k and GTX 970). Most games nowadays are requiring atleast 16GB to run properly even if the min. requirements say otherwise. I don't know if only that will be enough for Cyberpunk though but it's worth a try before upgrading the whole system.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Is there a way to turn off objective markers? Nothing in the menus I can see.
I was watching gameplay and saw nothing about it, so it seems the "Hardcore Mode" they advertised in June 2019 is yet another axed feature.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is no way to remove them since quest objectives seem really random and specific, like "check computer" in a room full of computers. Really disappointing, but after Witcher 3 I guess it should be expected.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Is there a way to fast travel without driving, because driving looks like shit.


Jul 21, 2017
first impressions is, you gonna need a current CPU to play this game. I got a 4790k, 8GB of RAM, 1080Ti, running off a SSD on medium settings and still got a lot of skips/stutters. Granted I was trying to stream the game, performance may be a bit better without that and if you have more RAM, but game was nearly unplayable during high action sequences.

I was having a lot of stutter with Bannerlord which is supposedly a lighter game(although unoptimized as fuck) and getting another 8GB RAM stick did it for me with my old build(i7 2600k and GTX 970). Most games nowadays are requiring atleast 16GB to run properly even if the min. requirements say otherwise. I don't know if only that will be enough for Cyberpunk though but it's worth a try before upgrading the whole system.

for me I need a whole new system because my motherboard is jank and shits the bed whenever I put a second stick of RAM in. So I guess that kinda negates my whole thing about performance since I have an atypical situation, but i think under normal circumstances you'd be right.

Driving physics are horrible though but I also can't drive very well on a keyboard so that's on me I think.
Nah. The driving is atrocious.

oh good, my ego is assuaged; i'm not a bad driver


Feb 7, 2016
first impressions is, you gonna need a current CPU to play this game. I got a 4790k, 8GB of RAM, 1080Ti, running off a SSD on medium settings and still got a lot of skips/stutters. Granted I was trying to stream the game, performance may be a bit better without that and if you have more RAM, but game was nearly unplayable during high action sequences.

I was having a lot of stutter with Bannerlord which is supposedly a lighter game(although unoptimized as fuck) and getting another 8GB RAM stick did it for me with my old build(i7 2600k and GTX 970). Most games nowadays are requiring atleast 16GB to run properly even if the min. requirements say otherwise. I don't know if only that will be enough for Cyberpunk though but it's worth a try before upgrading the whole system.

for me I need a whole new system because my motherboard is jank and shits the bed whenever I put a second stick of RAM in. So I guess that kinda negates my whole thing about performance since I have an atypical situation, but i think under normal circumstances you'd be right.

Driving physics are horrible though but I also can't drive very well on a keyboard so that's on me I think.
Nah. The driving is atrocious.

oh good, my ego is assuaged; i'm not a bad driver

The game also has a setting for people playing the game on HDDs. Try turning it on if you're not on an SSD.


Jul 21, 2017
first impressions is, you gonna need a current CPU to play this game. I got a 4790k, 8GB of RAM, 1080Ti, running off a SSD on medium settings and still got a lot of skips/stutters. Granted I was trying to stream the game, performance may be a bit better without that and if you have more RAM, but game was nearly unplayable during high action sequences.

I was having a lot of stutter with Bannerlord which is supposedly a lighter game(although unoptimized as fuck) and getting another 8GB RAM stick did it for me with my old build(i7 2600k and GTX 970). Most games nowadays are requiring atleast 16GB to run properly even if the min. requirements say otherwise. I don't know if only that will be enough for Cyberpunk though but it's worth a try before upgrading the whole system.

for me I need a whole new system because my motherboard is jank and shits the bed whenever I put a second stick of RAM in. So I guess that kinda negates my whole thing about performance since I have an atypical situation, but i think under normal circumstances you'd be right.

Driving physics are horrible though but I also can't drive very well on a keyboard so that's on me I think.
Nah. The driving is atrocious.

oh good, my ego is assuaged; i'm not a bad driver

The game also has a setting for people playing the game on HDDs. Try turning it on if you're not on an SSD.

I'm on an SSD but I'll check it out, thanks
Dec 17, 2013
Don't listen to these retards. Driving is fun, as long as you are expecting realistic driving, not GTA V type driving. Do it in first person, and it's pretty immersive.

If anything both driving and combat feel a lot more weighty than I expected. There is no sticky cover, just regular old school crouch to cover behind shit, and melee combat (fist or sword) has timed counter-attacks, blocking, fast and powerful attacks. If enemies have AI to block (haven't checked yet), it's already better than Witcher combat.

Very, very immersive game.

The only thing that really gets my goat so far, aside from bugs/glitches, is the fucking in-game markers. Need to check if there is a way to disable them, if not, that should be the first mod.


Oct 1, 2018
"Driving = good" runs contrary to pretty much every review of the game.


Feb 7, 2016
Is everyone here playing with Raytracing enabled?

I disabled it to get better framerates but contrary to every other game released so far, it seems in this case it has a heavy impact on the visual quality.


Jun 15, 2017
Dead city :positive:




Feb 7, 2016
Turn on RT reflections and DLSS on Quality then.

DLSS is on even without RT.

With some RT settings on it was running 45-55 fps at 1440p but it's so much smoother at 60+ fps I'm not sure I wanna go back.

I'm trying to find a compromise while fiddling with the settings other than RT.


Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
I watched stream with playthrough, which was mostly speedrunning it for 17 hours.
I would say we have severe case of movie-game type of game.
Plot is nothing special. Ideas are not new. A lot of cutscenes.
Streamer used melee build, his weapon was augmented dildo, which did more damage than automatic fireweapon.
I can't see in this piece of shit Game of the Fucking Year (no doubt it will get GoTY anyway).
It all looks like that The Emperor's New Clothes tale, where when game ended I had urge to yell - KING IS A FUCKING NUDE FAT OLD MAN!

But maybe I didn't undrstand something, maybe there is something in this game that left in the areas streamer didn't touch. Lol.

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Feb 7, 2016
Dead city :positive:



There's a setting that controls the number of people in the city. Some users here might've watched streamers playing either with this setting at low or on old gen consoles which might've given them the impression the city was empty.

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