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From Software Bloodborne. Discuss or die!


Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014
Is this true or some xboners pctards trolling ?

30 FPS, regularly dips down to 20. Many bosses have too little poise, meaning they can be staggered too easily with bullets. Some 'bosses' do extremely little damage which makes me wonder why they're even considered boss fights. Blood vial has 20+ charges, whereas the Estus Flask in previous DS games had far less charges. Chalice Dungeons are void of any story or lore, it's just a grindfest which makes up half the playtime.

Bloodborne is far easier in comparison to Demons Souls, Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2. FROM Software chose to make it easier so they could appeal to a wider fanbase. There's no feeling of challenge at all.

Game is repetitive, terrible story, too dark, horrible boss designs and bad framerate dips. Nothing different or new about this game. Would be worth the purchase at 15$

This game is so casual, even easier then DS2. Gameplay is boring. Get ready for DLC and ports to PC and Xbox - From Software are so greedy. Graphics in game also on DS2 level. I wish someone make comparison: trailers and gameplay shown on exhibitions VS game itself. If you are crazy enough to buy this game - dont forget to switch brightness to 100, because developers made game so dark (i guess to hide bad graphics).

You average pc butthurt fanboy

Graphics ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10
Gameplay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10
Sound ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10
Multiplayer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10
Performance ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10
PC Release never EVER/10
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)RELEASE THIS GAME FOR PC( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Jan 10, 2010
You can carry up to 20 blood vials, but it's a pain in the fucking ass to get more if you botch a boss fight. If anything, estus is more forgiving (I prefer DS1 estus the most of all souls' healing systems)

The game is in fact 30 FPS, and it does dip. This is definitely a flaw for sure, but it's pretty much a souls staple at this point, unfortunately.

The boss you're supposed to fight first does do fairly little damage, but the ones after him are pretty hellish.

Rolk's Drifter

Jul 27, 2009
Just been watching peeve and dreadedcone PVE, though not together. Looks really good. Very smooth and lagfree. Also, you can parry people when they heal. Hell yeah!


Jan 10, 2010
Just been watching peeve and dreadedcone PVE, though not together. Looks really good. Very smooth and lagfree. Also, you can parry people when they heal. Hell yeah!

Trust me, there are certain areas with flat out minor stuttering.

Frustrating because aside from a couple significant flaws (blood vial system, load screens, other technical problems) this game is so close to being a goddamn masterpiece - the first few hours of it at least, dont know about the rest


Douchebag! Repressed Homosexual
Feb 15, 2014
You average pc butthurt fanboy

Graphics ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10
Gameplay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10
Sound ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10
Multiplayer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10
Performance ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/10
PC Release never EVER/10
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)RELEASE THIS GAME FOR PC( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Jul 3, 2014
I think that the only potentially serious problem is the loading times, which can be up to 40 seconds (and with no info to read on the screen).

Currently downloading 2.7gb day one patch, let's hope they fixed it today and not in an upcoming patch. (EDIT: Actually, no, it hasn't been addressed in this patch, unfortunately.)

Will post impressions in about 6-7 hours...


Mar 2, 2015
You can carry up to 20 blood vials, but it's a pain in the fucking ass to get more if you botch a boss fight. If anything, estus is more forgiving (I prefer DS1 estus the most of all souls' healing systems)

The game is in fact 30 FPS, and it does dip. This is definitely a flaw for sure, but it's pretty much a souls staple at this point, unfortunately.

The boss you're supposed to fight first does do fairly little damage, but the ones after him are pretty hellish.

Just in case you want to know how to refill blood vials easily https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYKfnqfV0dw


Jan 10, 2010
You can carry up to 20 blood vials, but it's a pain in the fucking ass to get more if you botch a boss fight. If anything, estus is more forgiving (I prefer DS1 estus the most of all souls' healing systems)

The game is in fact 30 FPS, and it does dip. This is definitely a flaw for sure, but it's pretty much a souls staple at this point, unfortunately.

The boss you're supposed to fight first does do fairly little damage, but the ones after him are pretty hellish.

Just in case you want to know how to refill blood vials easily https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYKfnqfV0dw

I actually found more efficient ways in later areas. The problem is that if you're in a long, drawn out boss fight and you get fucked at the very end due to a mistake or whatever, you now have to go spend 5-10 minutes fucking farming blood vials. At least in Demon's Souls they gave you so much half/full heal grass that you didn't really need to farm for the grass unless you had a lot of difficulty in the very early game.


Mar 2, 2015
You can carry up to 20 blood vials, but it's a pain in the fucking ass to get more if you botch a boss fight. If anything, estus is more forgiving (I prefer DS1 estus the most of all souls' healing systems)

The game is in fact 30 FPS, and it does dip. This is definitely a flaw for sure, but it's pretty much a souls staple at this point, unfortunately.

The boss you're supposed to fight first does do fairly little damage, but the ones after him are pretty hellish.

Just in case you want to know how to refill blood vials easily https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYKfnqfV0dw

I actually found more efficient ways in later areas. The problem is that if you're in a long, drawn out boss fight and you get fucked at the very end due to a mistake or whatever, you now have to go spend 5-10 minutes fucking farming blood vials. At least in Demon's Souls they gave you so much half/full heal grass that you didn't really need to farm for the grass unless you had a lot of difficulty in the very early game.

Yea you're right. The low vial limit is a bitch.
Jan 27, 2011
Ehh.. The dude I watched finish the game didn't have any troubles with vials at all. He picked up enough to fill storage to 99. Whenever he ran out, he seemed to have enough "bloods" to buy 24/99 again.


Jan 10, 2010
Ehh.. The dude I watched finish the game didn't have any troubles with vials at all. He picked up enough to fill storage to 99. Whenever he ran out, he seemed to have enough "bloods" to buy 24/99 again.

Ok, so Bloodborne is like the super majority of RPGs in which by endgame you're swimming in resources. Doesn't change the fact that during the early bosses you will have to farm if you die. It's also possible this guy spent some time just farming vials at some point for an hour or something


Mar 2, 2015
Just want to verify, for the chalice dungeons, you do not need PS+ to generate dungeons correct? You only need PS+ to upload your own dungeons? I want to play offline (no invasions and no help beating bosses) and don't see a need to get PS+ if I can do 100% of the PVE content without it.

By 100% of PVE content I mean kill all the bosses (which looks like you will have to do a certain amount of chalice dungeons to do).


Jan 10, 2010
Just want to verify, for the chalice dungeons, you do not need PS+ to generate dungeons correct? You only need PS+ to upload your own dungeons? I want to play offline (no invasions and no help beating bosses) and don't see a need to get PS+ if I can do 100% of the PVE content without it.

By 100% of PVE content I mean kill all the bosses (which looks like you will have to do a certain amount of chalice dungeons to do).

Sorry, no clue. I picked up a chalice item to generate dungeons of something but I haven't tried using it yet
Jan 27, 2011
Ok, so Bloodborne is like the super majority of RPGs in which by endgame you're swimming in resources. Doesn't change the fact that during the early bosses you will have to farm if you die. It's also possible this guy spent some time just farming vials at some point for an hour or something

Dude I'm just stating my observation. I watched him play early > mid-game and a bunch of end-game stuff. He did not have any trouble with vials and didn't have to farm them. I'm sure it's gonna be different for other people. The blood vial drops seemed pretty good all the way through. You either get bullets or vials from mobs and there's plenty of those.
Jan 27, 2011
literally dozens of streams -- one of which as liek 18 k viewers now and all the big name souls stream figs are all over it

I'm still backin' ma boy wingman tho -- he isn't the bro we deserve, but he is the bro we need

get spoiled bitches

on the last boss, don't click if you are a storyline loser

the blood queen attacks you with teh bloooooooooooodddd you get perioded at, seriously

earlier i made a joke saying "lol get ready for great clotted blood arrow" and oh god i was too close to home with that shit

also you get an aborted baby because ultimate in edginess

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude wingman got teh super sekkrit ending. Wingman always and forever the first true bro.



Jan 17, 2008
On the topic of bloodvials, regular mobs drop up to 3 (that I've seen, even as far as the very first area in Hystrix's stream) on death. Obviously there's RNG involved and all that, but considering how fast they heal and that they are always a % of your max hp, I'd honestly say they should have stuck with the estus system of the first DS or at least made blood vials upgrading in potency through runes (so far, runes raise your max limit of 20 to 24.)

As for the boss poise-r1 stun thing, yes that's absolutely true. Wingman stunlocked multiple bosses until he was out of stamina, and on one boss he had a potentially endless combo of 4 r1s into a gunshot during the riposte of which you can regen enough stam to r1 some more. This poise break doesn't work on all bosses but the large and giantish humanoids, can't really imagine it working on say a giant cthulhu spider (tho it might.)

Wingman's title should be "The True First Hunter"


Jan 10, 2010

Regular mobs don't drop 3 blood vials. At least not in the first literal 8 checkpoints of the game. There are a few large enemies who either drop 2 vials, 2 rusty coins, or 4 vials (uncommon). In fact, it's primarily just the humanoid enemies and big guys who drop vials. For the most part, humanoid enemies have a chance to drop 1 vial, and a rare chance to drop 2. This is actually very similar to Demon's Souls in that the human enemies dropped grass far more frequently than anything else.

Anyway, you are both completely failing to see the point, which is to be expected since your experience with the game is watching some apparently very skilled players who have been playing extensively since receiving a leaked copy. This isn't a criticism of either of you as people, just pointing out the absurdity of arguing with the validity of my personal experiences because through second-hand sources you have a different impression.

I've beaten numerous bosses already, so difficulty isn't exactly the problem. The issue is that through regular play of the game, unless you're obscenely good, if you fail multiple times at a boss, you will be forced into doing farming runs for the vials.

This system is basically the worst way to go about healing items in a souls game to date. Dark Souls 1 had a nearly perfect system (rushing Pinwheel for the rite of kindling could fuck up the pacing) and I still can't figure out why they threw that out in DS2 and now Bloodborne other than to arbitrarily be different.

Also, while the dream is a nice area, being forced to warp back to it to do anything with a 50 sec load screen each transition is fucking stupid. At least DS2 allowed warping between fires.

This whining aside, I do think the game is absolutely stellar, just kind of frustrating that such basic design principles (arbitrary load screens and the vial system) are holding it back when these things were solved 2 games ago.


Jan 17, 2008
Uhhh huh. Hyrstrix didn't even own a ps4 until bloodborne got released, m8, and he was struggling to get gestures right. He killed a humanoid enemy (basic mob) and got 3 vials. Or fuckit, whatever, let's pretend it was 2. Who cares -- the point is that you can get multiple healing items per trash mob you kill and there are _tons_ of trash mobs.

And ffs, you argue all that only to then agree with me that the blood vials are a bad healing system. What?

Anyway, in terms of failing to see the point -- yeah see, I'm just reporting my observations. In terms of not buying a ps4 to play... I have 3 family members that all own ps4s that I can easily borrow and rent the game to play. This isn't really a "I don't own it therefor it has to suck for me to be OK with missing out" -- I can spend 15 minutes today and get the game and play as much as I like.

I'm glad you're having fun m8, you don't have to defend yourself to what I say. My posts aren't always just aimed at you, they're just here as part of the whole 'discussion' this thread is supposed to be about.


Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014
Over 1000 votes on metacritic in a day, dark souls 2 got 1300 since release, seems it's a big hit already.

Inb4 Soulborne 1 and 2 for PC and xbox and new IP for ps5. that's how from rolls.

Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
I am finding this much harder than the Souls games (all 3).

(I know, I know, get gud skrub)


Jul 3, 2014
First early impressions (up to 1st boss):

Game is addicting as hell. New setting needs time to adjust (personally I don't like this Victorian thing over castles, dragons etc, but it's just a matter of taste). I like combat's pace, it can create some very cool moments. It's definitely difficult but not in a disheartening way.

Blood vials are everywhere, I don't see the problem. And I remember I saw a couple of enemies dropping 3 of them (one dropped 4 of them too).

My biggest complain is the loading times, but we need to be patient as FROM works on it, hopefully it'll be resolved soon.

Also, I fought the 1st boss (didn't manage to kill it, I'm too tired to try again) and the camera seems a bit... "loose", I can't find the exact word right now. I try not to lock on enemies too much, so it's maybe my problem...


Sep 29, 2013
This game is kicking my ass. The first two bosses took me several tries, and I was stuck at Vicar Amelia for like two hours. I know it's a subjective opinion, but this is harder than the Souls series for me.

I found the new Yurt/Lautrec. There's this very sketchy person in the Forbidden Woods, and I invited him to come to Oedon Chapel with the rest. He instantly went there and murdered the NPC, so I decided to kill him before he murdered any others...and it turns out that his true form is a massive beast, who fought very similarly to the Flamelurker. It was really difficult to kill.

I'm absolutely loving this game.

So far my only criticism is that if you get stuck on a boss, you are forced to farm vials as you run out of them. Having to grind them pissed me off when I was fighting Amelia.


Mar 2, 2015
Fucking peasant systems and 30fps (with dips). Feels like such a downgrade from playing both Dark Souls games on PC.

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