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Bioware's no-homosexuality rule in RPGs


May 8, 2003
I once read this confession on GroupHug.us where some guy talked about how his best friend for many years came up to him one day and told him that he was gay and asked if he was, too, because he was interested in a relationship, and the guy who was at the time raking his yard turned the rake on the homosexual former best friend and beat the shit out of him. Spat on him, too. Left him for dead, but it turns out he only broke a few ribs and then some, if the confession is to be believed. The guy confessed that years after he'd done that, he'd been thinking about it and realized he too was secretly homosexual and was very regretful of what he did. So not only did he lose his best friend, he beat the shit out of him and probably lost his only soulmate, if you believe in that sort of thing. He seemed pretty torn up about it. Are you sure you aren't gay?

Even if you aren't secretly gay (Homophobes usually are. Straight people are relatively secure in their sexuality. They don't need to beat gays up to prove it), how would you feel if you thought a girl was flirting with you and you tried to ask her out and she ended up pulling a gun or a baseball bat and seriously hurting you with it? That's psychotic! Take my advice man, if a gay hits on you, just treat him like you would an ugly girl and tell him you don't swing that way. It's not that hard.

reasonable words from a reasonable man


Jun 4, 2009
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Indeed. You don't have to start your own blog and twitter and cry there and various message boards about how some places are racist and homophobic. Just be like Sol Invictus, a reasonable man.


Feb 24, 2005
Oh my gawd, the horror of gay romances was initiated on the Codex by a tranny?

Well, when I knew her she was a self-professed biodrone and proud of it. I don't think she had started transitioning though at the time this thread was originally posted.


Sep 15, 2011
My opinion is that they should make content instead of writing g romances for a small minority.This is not discrimination its just easy to see that the whole thing is just waste of manpower and resources.Got the same opinion about female protagonists too(like female Shepard with all that VA),I bet that less than 10% of the players play as female,they should add another playable race instead(like turian or dwarf(DA obviously),I cant imagine something more boring than playing a fucking human in a fantasy or scifi game,thats so retarded).


Aug 10, 2004
I really do not get the point of romances in games. I have yet to see one done very well. And yes, that includes Planescape, which for some reason I occasionally see held up as an example of romance done right.

Yeah, the romance with Annah is pretty terrible, it was so bad I ended up kicking her out of my party. The one with your former wife was a bit better, though, although there were still a number of cringe worthy moments (the whole part with her memories in the stone). The latter was actually something that fit in with the story, the former was just thrown in for the hell of it. That's one of the main problems with most romances, that they're just thrown into the game for no reason. If they actually fit the narrative, they'd make a lot more sense, but you'd still run into the problem of the poor writing making them laughable most of the time.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
My opinion is that they should make content instead of writing g romances for a small minority.This is not discrimination its just easy to see that the whole thing is just waste of manpower and resources.Got the same opinion about female protagonists too(like female Shepard with all that VA),I bet that less than 10% of the players play as female,they should add another playable race instead(like turian or dwarf(DA obviously),I cant imagine something more boring than playing a fucking human in a fantasy or scifi game,thats so retarded).

Well personally I always play human female if possible. If there are no female chars, I play human male.

Fuck other races, I'm a human supremacist. :M
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Oh my gawd, the horror of gay romances was initiated on the Codex by a tranny?

Well, when I knew her she was a self-professed biodrone and proud of it. I don't think she had started transitioning though at the time this thread was originally posted.
This is proof that Bioware games turn you gay.:p



The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
It's cool seeing how many current posters were still alive back then and how few posts they actually posted since. That must be the secret to longevity on the Codex. VD for obvious reasons being an exception.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Things change so much I'm glad I didn't turn homosexual over those years.

Despite Bioware's repeated attempts at making me a lesbian, of course.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
I really do not get the point of romances in games. I have yet to see one done very well. And yes, that includes Planescape, which for some reason I occasionally see held up as an example of romance done right.

Yeah, the romance with Annah is pretty terrible, it was so bad I ended up kicking her out of my party. The one with your former wife was a bit better, though, although there were still a number of cringe worthy moments (the whole part with her memories in the stone). The latter was actually something that fit in with the story, the former was just thrown in for the hell of it. That's one of the main problems with most romances, that they're just thrown into the game for no reason. If they actually fit the narrative, they'd make a lot more sense, but you'd still run into the problem of the poor writing making them laughable most of the time.
Annah was ToRmEnTeD because of her tsundere love for TNO! She loved him more than her own life!


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
How about putting gay romances in the form of DLC ?
This way, Bioware will only focus initially on the heterosexual romances we all crave, we won't be accidentely shoved muscular's guys cocks by selecting the wrong dialog option.

Another possibility is when you start up the game for the first time, the game asks you : "ARE YOU GAY ?". Or maybe the Xbox could ask it to you the first time you turn it on, making it then fully transparent to the game developer.

Man, why doesn't Bioware hire me !


In My Safe Space
Feb 3, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Go whole hog and include:
are you racist? Of what ethnicity?
sexist? male/female
religious? ( no need to specify, because its crystal dragon jesus)


May 25, 2011
I don't care if i sound like I bigot. (cause I kind of am)

I am offended when I see Gay romance material in my game or even mildly gay conversation choices. it makes me seriously, not want to play. The rest of it I don't give a shit.
I support the question at the start of the game. ARE YOU A SAUSAGE SQUATTER? If you click no, all homosexual content and references are removed from your game. Romances in general are fucking gay anyway.

It doesn't make any fucking sense for gay people to be offended by a lack of homosexual romance in games. It's a fucking fantasy setting, and in the real world you assholes are all products of heterosexual relationships...


Jan 9, 2012
It doesn't make any fucking sense for gay people to be offended by a lack of homosexual romance in games. It's a fucking fantasy setting, and in the real world you assholes are all products of heterosexual relationships...
It doesn't make sense for fags to be offended...right, no problem here. But it does make sense for heteros to be offended by homo stuff? You see two pretty girls kissing each other and you ragequit? I don't get homophobes. People are afraid of stuff thats somehow dangerous to them. For homophobes the danger are cocks. Or in other words, the reaction of society to them sucking cocks. Doesn't mean all homophobes are closet gays. More that they are somehow deeply afraid of being closet gays and getting socially outcasted.

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