I liked Oblivion and I liked Fallout 3. They definitely are not up there with Fallout 1 and Morrowind, but anyone who says they are terrible games need to have their brain checked.
I say that Oblivion is even worse.I liked Oblivion and I liked Fallout 3. They definitely are not up there with Fallout 1 and Morrowind, but anyone who says they are terrible games need to have their brain checked.
I liked Oblivion and I liked Fallout 3. They definitely are not up there with Fallout 1 and Morrowind, but anyone who says they are terrible games need to have their brain checked.
ban him. ban him with fire before he lays eggs.I liked Oblivion and I liked Fallout 3. They definitely are not up there with Fallout 1 and Morrowind, but anyone who says they are terrible games need to have their brain checked.
ban him. ban him with fire before he lays eggs.I liked Oblivion and I liked Fallout 3. They definitely are not up there with Fallout 1 and Morrowind, but anyone who says they are terrible games need to have their brain checked.
I know what you mean, Sawyer has shit taste.There are times when I consider giving Skyrim a try to see what a 10+ million-selling Josh-enjoyed RPG is like but my better senses have always won out so far.
I liked Oblivion and I liked Fallout 3. They definitely are not up there with Fallout 1 and Morrowind, but anyone who says they are terrible games need to have their brain checked.
I liked Oblivion and I liked Fallout 3. They definitely are not up there with Fallout 1 and Morrowind, but anyone who says they are terrible games need to have their brain checked.
For all their mediocrity, I like Bioware way more than Bethesda. Bioware may be playing it safe in the mainstream RPG department, but Bethesda can't into outdoor<-->indoor transitions since 1995, their renderers and UI are shit, their world design is inane, and their writing could barely be recognized as English.
While there's a term "programmer art", Bethesda is a shining beacon of the phenomena called "programmer writing".
I liked Oblivion and I liked Fallout 3. They definitely are not up there with Fallout 1 and Morrowind, but anyone who says they are terrible games need to have their brain checked.
They are terrible games. The only brain that needs to be checked is yours.