
I agree, true MATSTER pieces.Comparing to BG3, DA:O(or even DA2 and DA:I)'s writiing is a matster piece.
I agree, true MATSTER pieces.Comparing to BG3, DA:O(or even DA2 and DA:I)'s writiing is a matster piece.
What do you mean? That some options are too OP and therefore others should be neglected? Because at least on surface there's plenty of options.Theres basically no player choices in how the character advances.
Just out of curiosity, what did he say?I don't take him seriously since his Risen 1 review.
Angry Joe putted Baizuo's Gate 3 as the top 1 best game of 2023. At 43:26 Hogwarts Legacy was the second and Rogue Trader was the 10th for him.
I don't take him seriously since his Risen 1 review.
He played the 360 version which is a red flag off the bat. He complained mostly about graphics, and getting stun-locked. I don't remember if he finished the game or not. I'm sure he'd complain about the ending if he did, which is a bullshit ending.Just out of curiosity, what did he say?I don't take him seriously since his Risen 1 review.
If you buy a game, you assume that it is playable in all versions. From what I remember, the port of Risen 1 was so shitty that the game was barely playable. So it wasn't anything bad so I don't know what your problem is.He played the 360 version which is a red flag off the bat. He complained mostly about graphics, and getting stun-locked. I don't remember if he finished the game or not. I'm sure he'd complain about the ending if he did, which is a bullshit ending.Just out of curiosity, what did he say?I don't take him seriously since his Risen 1 review.
Ok, I hate BG3, but DA:I is going too far, it was just as bad.Comparing to BG3, DA:O(or even DA2 and DA:I)'s writiing is a master piece.
Dark Urge (regardless of good or evil) has by far the most unique content (especially act 3) that you could say it was the default route at one point. Anything that isn't a standard race also has a decent amount of reactivity.I've done playthrough as a Human Male Paladin. Can anyone suggest a different combination of gender, race and class, which would give me more reactivity?
Or am I better off playing as one of the companion NPCs? Which one?
I don't have a problem. He played the 360, which is a red flag for having a shitty time. I know this because *I* played the 360 version initially too.If you buy a game, you assume that it is playable in all versions. From what I remember, the port of Risen 1 was so shitty that the game was barely playable. So it wasn't anything bad so I don't know what your problem is.He played the 360 version which is a red flag off the bat. He complained mostly about graphics, and getting stun-locked. I don't remember if he finished the game or not. I'm sure he'd complain about the ending if he did, which is a bullshit ending.Just out of curiosity, what did he say?I don't take him seriously since his Risen 1 review.
Just out of curiosity, what did he say?
Drow and Gith have the most reactivities in act 1. After act 1 there is barely any reactivity to your race no matter what race you are playing.I've done playthrough as a Human Male Paladin. Can anyone suggest a different combination of gender, race and class, which would give me more reactivity?
Or am I better off playing as one of the companion NPCs? Which one?
Just out of curiosity, what did he say?
Complained about everything and called the worst 360 rpg
But as I've said, Larian appeal towards "normies" is unmatched. Piranha Bytes and OwlCat can't compete in this wide market.
What do you mean? That some options are too OP and therefore others should be neglected? Because at least on surface there's plenty of options.Theres basically no player choices in how the character advances.
That's dnd though right? Remember older dnd and fighter's complains?You just don't have not many options to pick from unless you are some kind of caster. As a paladin all I got to choose was the Oath and then the feat at 4th level, everything else is automatic. No skill points or feats,specializations or whatever.
It's good for Elixirs, and trying to keep those up is a better rest-limiting mechanic than the food since there's too much.Crafting. I have never used it and unless it brings something new or needed for survival I will continue not to do it. It is an absolute waste of time.
That's dnd though right? Remember older dnd and fighter's complains?You just don't have not many options to pick from unless you are some kind of caster. As a paladin all I got to choose was the Oath and then the feat at 4th level, everything else is automatic. No skill points or feats,specializations or whatever.
It's good for Elixirs, and trying to keep those up is a better rest-limiting mechanic than the food since there's too much.Crafting. I have never used it and unless it brings something new or needed for survival I will continue not to do it. It is an absolute waste of time.
I wish there were more. It's annoying finding ingots and the like which were obviously intended for a crafting system that didn't make it in-game. The Silence Dagger (or even Sickle) is underrated I think as is the Blinding Spear. Weapons that proc relevant debuffs are nice.
Well... BG3 just achived new lvl.
I don't know. I've found this on FB BG3 group.What site is that from? Asking for a friend, of course.