You're all shills

I'd dare argue the success of the game is at least partially due to the awful writing. People love to slurp up this shit. It's the same principle as fan fiction, what this game essentially is anyway.
Underrated opinion
I'd dare argue the success of the game is at least partially due to the awful writing. People love to slurp up this shit. It's the same principle as fan fiction, what this game essentially is anyway.
Luckily most people love the game
Only unlucky for a marginal, small percentage of people on fringe rpg forums.Luckily most people love the game
Luckily for Larian only, and investors.
same happened to me, quit during act 2When I check my friends trophies on PS none of them finished Act 2 LOL
They all quit after Act 1 it seems.
I will say one thing in defense of bg3 and that its combat is at least 50 million times better than DOS 1/2.
Hard disagree, DOS 1/2 combat was a retarded eyerape with the whole map exploding, but it still offered occasional challenge and some "puzzle" encounters, and would only become piss poor easy in the second half of the game. And it had some mildly interesting character building and theorycrafting possible.I will say one thing in defense of bg3 and that its combat is at least 50 million times better than DOS 1/2.
Hard disagree, DOS 1/2 combat was a retarded eyerape with the whole map exploding, but it still offered occasional challenge and some "puzzle" encounters, and would only become piss poor easy in the second half of the game. And it had some mildly interesting character building and theorycrafting possible.I will say one thing in defense of bg3 and that its combat is at least 50 million times better than DOS 1/2.
BG3 character building is more streamlined than Diablo 3, it basically doesn't exist, and the combat itself is completely solved after you get haste and fireball, after ~5-10% of the game. Then it's just rightclicking everything to death for the next 100 hours. Or pushing things into pits that Swen included in every single important battle, so even retards who didn't figure out that haste is OP, can still have an easy way to finish every encounter. With the exception 2 extremely early fights (gnolls and harpies), I had 0 fun with combat, for the rest of the game, and that's extremely rare for me, since I'm a combatfag and tend to find something at least remotely enjoyable in most turn based games. 5E made even more streamlined and braindead just isn't it.
Nothing will change in their next game with all the simps praising BG3. What BG3 has shown is that you do not need a good story for RPGs. Just pack waifus and genital customizations in and you are done.This reads like a sound analysis. But I fear 'fixing the plot' is out of the question at this point. What should be possible is for Larian to learn from their mistakes, for their next games. They should make damn sure that they have a good backbone for the story in place, next time. It should be good enough to withstand and enable all story branches that are added, changed and removed later on.
Don't forget bestiality. What a world we live in today!
Not that I am doubting that BG3 made bank and was a sucess but that list was made by vginsight and they are basically just guesstimating numbers and are not reliable at all. It first went viral on Reddit (lmao) and people there thought it was official.
There are different kinds of balance. Sawyerism is balancing classes, items, abilities, against each other as a first priority. This is unnecessary. Good system will have many options, some dogshit some average, some OP, because figuring out what's good and what isn't, is part of the fun. If everything is equal, then your choice is worthless, and you might as well not have it.Hard disagree, DOS 1/2 combat was a retarded eyerape with the whole map exploding, but it still offered occasional challenge and some "puzzle" encounters, and would only become piss poor easy in the second half of the game. And it had some mildly interesting character building and theorycrafting possible.I will say one thing in defense of bg3 and that its combat is at least 50 million times better than DOS 1/2.
BG3 character building is more streamlined than Diablo 3, it basically doesn't exist, and the combat itself is completely solved after you get haste and fireball, after ~5-10% of the game. Then it's just rightclicking everything to death for the next 100 hours. Or pushing things into pits that Swen included in every single important battle, so even retards who didn't figure out that haste is OP, can still have an easy way to finish every encounter. With the exception 2 extremely early fights (gnolls and harpies), I had 0 fun with combat, for the rest of the game, and that's extremely rare for me, since I'm a combatfag and tend to find something at least remotely enjoyable in most turn based games. 5E made even more streamlined and braindead just isn't it.
It depends if you view combat as a simulation or combat as some kind of gamey puzzle that needs to be balanced.
5e balancing is extremely poor, almost as bad as BG3. But I would still prefer a poorly-balanced system that simulates combat, rather than video gamey nonsense like DOS fire puddles and armor systems.
Of course, haste and fireball are overpowered, and of course powergamers will gravitate towards them. Just like spellcasters have been OP for decades in D&D. IMO, trying to balance every element of your system like Sawyer is a lost cause and ruins fun.
You can have OP items/spells etc. or cheese that will trivialize the game available, but it should be something hard to find, or at least requiring the player to go out of his way to make the game piss poor easy for himself. When instead you have to go out of your way to make the game remotely challenging - it means developer completely failed.
???You can have OP items/spells etc. or cheese that will trivialize the game available, but it should be something hard to find, or at least requiring the player to go out of his way to make the game piss poor easy for himself. When instead you have to go out of your way to make the game remotely challenging - it means developer completely failed.
I would also argue this isn't necessarily Larian's fault. As I said in my previous post, these mechanics are similarly overpowered in 5e tabletop. I've spent many sessions completely cheesing any encounter as a sorcerer twinning haste and greater invisibility. Don't even get me started on wizard tactics or sorcadins.
If you're going to lay the blame for this on anyone, it's Wizards of the Coast and 5e designers. Larian merely adapted their system.
What’s the competition?I'd dare argue the success of the game is at least partially due to the awful writing. People love to slurp up this shit. It's the same principle as fan fiction, what this game essentially is anyway.
Underrated opinion
Of course, the reddit writing + the reddit promos. I'm 100% sure without the bear thing going viral, they wouldn't get even close to their current numbers. This shit was everywhere, and it was what made all the streamers and youtubers want to play the game, which in turn made all the normies want to play it.I'd dare argue the success of the game is at least partially due to the awful writing. People love to slurp up this shit. It's the same principle as fan fiction, what this game essentially is anyway.
Larian homebrew the haste to make it even more op.
In 5E it grants you additional action that can be used only on ONE extra attack or Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object. Which is already super strong, but not hilariously broken and wouldn't trivialize every encounter by itself.
Larian instead made it just give you + action that you can use on anything, including casting two fucking spells in a turn and doubling all the fucking attacks you can do instead of letting you do just one more.
5E is already badly balanced and braindead, very true, but how tf Larian making it infinitely more retarded is WotCs fault my dude?
Nothing will change in their next game with all the simps praising BG3. What BG3 has shown is that you do not need a good story for RPGs. Just pack waifus and genital customizations in and you are done.This reads like a sound analysis. But I fear 'fixing the plot' is out of the question at this point. What should be possible is for Larian to learn from their mistakes, for their next games. They should make damn sure that they have a good backbone for the story in place, next time. It should be good enough to withstand and enable all story branches that are added, changed and removed later on.
Don't forget bestiality. What a world we live in today!
codex is spreading![]()
Inform yourself on the lore. Noob.>killing people makes you want to fuck your childrenOh no!... A clearly fucked up person that worship murder is not a morally correct person what a shocker! Let's blame the writers to write a fucked up individual as a fucked up individual!
>checkmate, bigots