Early Access is
It is a shame they are bringing back tactical RPGs but didn't try to bring back decent business practices in gaming too.
If you don't like early access you can just not play it until it releases?
Yes but it is part of a huge systemic problem.
How is marking your game as early access a problem compared to flat out just releasing an unfinished product like every other developer does?
Lots of ways. Really it is the exact same thing, sell something that isn't finished, and some small print that says early access. People should be more savvy but they aren't, so, companies exploit this by selling unfinished crap all over the place. This is also normalising the whole concept of selling unfinished crap like it is somehow ok. It isn't ok. I think the worst thing of all is that people have given away all our power. You used to get great value in gaming, you would buy a game for a fixed price, a fair price too, and there were no extras. They may release more content but it would be an expansion pack and it was huge and it was also fairly priced. But over the decades, shitlords have been constantly seeing how far they can push it. Horse armor, paying for mods, releasing empty crap games and then put some content in later as DLC and charge them again, selling games in an 'episodic' way, games as a service, etc. There is no putting the genie back in the lamp now! Companies are lions and gamers have proven they are an injured 3 legged retarded sheep in handcuffs.