I disagree. DOS had an issue with CC chaining, DOS2 tried to fix it via armour and round robin initiative system that everyone loved so much(lmao). Not to mention the amazing idea of cursed fire.and that the combat is actually a significant downgrade from their previous efforts since they used 5E D&D, the absolute worst edition of D&D ever made, especially when it comes to combat.
No, it is not. 4E was a fantastic edition of D&D purely for the combat, which is the best D&D combat has ever been. It's a real shame it's the only edition of D&D that never got a CRPG made for it, it would've been phenomenal.the absolute worst edition of D&D ever made
4E is worse than 5E.
If we're being realistic here, an overworld map was/is just the easiest way to communicate to the player what sort of distance they're traveling and the scale of the game world, as well as their relative position. It literally changes nothing gameplay wise if your game is intended to be linear. Barring maybe Fallout which is designed from the ground up to encourage players to wander wherever they want, not seeing why it's an important gameplay feature.I don't like BG3, but I really can't understand, why would any RPG need a huge overworld map, sorry.
I mean, it's just a huge empty planes with some trash monsters. As for me, tthis is one of the most annoying things in any old game. On the same level of annoyance with "reroll attributes during the character creation until you get something suitable"
There was an isometric Action-RPG called Sword Coast Legends a while back, that was 4E-based. It reviewed quite poorly in general, however, and was eventually pulled from sale as of 2017.No, it is not. 4E was a fantastic edition of D&D purely for the combat, which is the best D&D combat has ever been. It's a real shame it's the only edition of D&D that never got a CRPG made for it, it would've been phenomenal.
It's complicated. I think Divine Divinity has an amazing atmosphere and the best soundtrack in the history of gaming ever, but the game itself... It's just a Diablo clone that tried to disguise himself as an RPG. Especially during the late stages, where you spend 99% of your time hacking and slashing repeated monsters in sewers/catacombs.Larian peaked with Divine Divinity, everything else they made has been pure trash.
The goblin camp is temp, if you paid attention to the story, you'll realise they took the temple over recently and a group went exploring and found out about it (druid goes missing).You still haven't explained what the first area in BG3 does better, you bloody cuntrag.Every single thing you’ve said is simply stupid. The Outer Worlds, as much as I loved Obsidian’s games before FNV, is one of the dumbest, flattest, most idiotic games I’ve ever played. 'Oh no, the evil factory and the exploited workers. Whose side should I pick?' There isn’t a shred of worldbuilding. It’s one of the most useless, clichéd, and bland stories in existence. There’s no gray area, no logic in anything that happens. The quests in The Outer Worlds, starting with the one where you’re given the spaceship ('Are you my captain? I can only take orders from my captain. Oh, you’re not my captain? Then I’ll follow your orders.') HOW THE HELL DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE, YOU IDIOTIC MORON? And that’s one of the better ones.Alright dumbcunt, explain how the first area in BG3 does worldbuilding better than Edgewater in TOW? I'm waiting.
"DERP, u see, in bolDurs Gayte iTs gOt tEEflings anD ders some hooomans. AnD ders a GoBBo caMp. Annd der GObLIn waNts u to kIss hiS Foot! Hahaha! ANd ders a tRoLL haVin sEx. WoW magNificent gaYme! aNd ur wroNg coz aNGry jOe gavE it a 10/10 AnD a badASS seel of aprOoovAl!
The game is just super colorful, with a pleasant-looking setting, but everything about it is absolutely idiotic. Like that other quest with the missing girl, where the reasons and the place to find her are LITERALLY written on a note on her bedside table in plain sight as soon as you enter her house.
Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t a perfect game, but it does everything better than The Outer Worlds not just once, but a hundred times over.
Anyway, in case I haven’t made myself clear: you’re an idiot.
Please tell me what the fuck is this?
And this
What the fuck am I looking at here? Help me make it make sense. What even are these roads? Who makes them? Who maintains them? Why do villages share roads so close to goblin camps occupied by goblin armies? This is Fallout 4 tier world design where another settlement needs your help because of the Supermutants living 100 yards away.
Not only is it completely nonsensical it's also the ugliest world design I've ever seen.
Minor attracted people, and incest like the porn industry that the same people run.BG3 is average Larian barrelmancy theme park RPG that they fused with globalhomo degeneracy and wrapped in uglier, souless version of Baldurs Gate wrapping paper.
All it lacked is rap 'music' and twerking for it to sell 100 million copies.
Hoping next Larian game tries that, maybe throw in pedophilia to push boundries further and retarded part of codex will call it 'new standard for RPG genre' because it doesn't have the dreaded rtwp disease.
Damn, seriously? Why not? It's not nearly the reason why I'll never buy this piece of shit, but fuck, I'd say a day/night cycle should be something basic. It's not even a downgrade from BG1/2, but most RPGs in the last 20 or so years.There's no day/night cycle, so it's strictly a downgrade from the last two games in the franchise in that regard.
There was an isometric Action-RPG called Sword Coast Legends a while back, that was 4E-based. It reviewed quite poorly in general, however, and was eventually pulled from sale as of 2017.No, it is not. 4E was a fantastic edition of D&D purely for the combat, which is the best D&D combat has ever been. It's a real shame it's the only edition of D&D that never got a CRPG made for it, it would've been phenomenal.
I played a bit of it and, going in with low expectations, it wasn't all that bad, but it's a very "diet" sort of RPG experience and not really something that would appeal to hardcore genre fans.
P.S. Still a better interface than BG3, though...
Everytime I fire up BG1/2 after having played a game of Daggerfall, I'm reminded just how pure decline the BG1/2 games were. Daggerall had full blown seasons with snow and shit, and what did these 2 shit games have? NOTHING. Winter wolves in the middle of summer, ye gods!
Imagine that, no seasonal cycle! Nothing can redeem these games!
Yes. BG3 is ass. It's characters are awful, it's filled with the usual Larian design choices which bring the whole thing down, everything is so spectacular that nothing is and everything is mundane. Every non-important NPC looks like a freak, tieflings and deep gnomes practically outnumber everyone else, it's a big retarded carnival for millennial adult children.
Are you trying to say that stores, and other locations, weren't closed or open depending on the hour? How certain NPC's didn't appear depending on it being night or day?No seasons in BG 1&2 but they both had day night cycles with schedules for the NPCs. Daggerfall didn't have NPC schedules and the NPCs in general were just bland road-signs with names.