bhlaab said:Baldur's Gate isn't total shit or very very good
it's more like a "you must be at least this tall to ride" barometer of crpg quality
Gragt said:And Oblivion is the first best.
racofer said:Just saying.
DraQ said:BG 2 seemed pretty interesting, for what I've seen, but BG1 was definitely rather banal and boring.
Yes. Yes, you do. Yes, you are.LittleJoe said:It helps if you actually try playing the game, rather than relying on other peoples opinions.I fail and I am an uninformed moron jumping to conclusions.
Mikayel said:First play through its annoying because you run around checking shit/talking to people. There-after it takes me like 5 minutes tops to clear the mines.
If you plan to take an actual party then just equip everyone with ranged shit to take on the annoying kobolds until you get deep enough that the enemies have more than 1 hit's worth of hp.
Mikayel said:Then... play something that you like?
Well, it was bland, but it still had a nice atmosphere.DraQ said:I don't have problems with kobolds sniping the shit out of my party. I have problems with bland.
DraQ said:I don't have problems with kobolds sniping the shit out of my party. I have problems with bland.
I wish they'd add more details to the surroundings, though. For example all the inns and taverns were described in detail in the manual - implementing all these things, like various foods, service, etc. wouldn't require much effort but would add a lot to the game.
No person who actually played RPGs would be so biased.LittleJoe said:No real thinking person could make a top ten of crpgs without the BG saga in it.
A purely flavour thing. As I've mentioned, the atmosphere and the FR setting is the only thing I've really enjoyed in BG. The rest is mediocre at the best and couldn't be improved without a substantial effort.Mikayel said:Is this a purely flavor thing you're talking about or would this serve an actual purpose? The inns/taverns offer drinks with the possibility of rumors from the bartender already... so what difference would food serve? To heal? That's not a D&D mechanic and if it was cheap it might kind of break the whole "you pay out your ass for healing" feature the system has...
Repaired.Emotional Vampire said:They'reIt's fuckingminesBG1. SORRY
Da fuck? How can the most generic DnD setting ever (FR, Sword Coast) be even considered a possible redeeming quality? And how does it help create any atmosphere?Awor Szurkrarz said:Well, it was bland, but it still had a nice atmosphere.DraQ said:I don't have problems with kobolds sniping the shit out of my party. I have problems with bland.
The atmosphere and the setting was the only thing that I've really enjoyed about Baldur's Gate.
Play Oblivion (vanilla). It has all the bland you will ever want. This is the game that took blandness to the level of art, coincidentally making itself completely unfit for human consumption.It took blandness to the level of art. I don't know any other game or setting that could handle blandness so well.