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KickStarter ATOM RPG - Wasteland Soviet style! - now with Dead City update

Will you back?

  • I will consider it!

    Votes: 39 54.9%
  • No! I would never!..

    Votes: 9 12.7%
  • kingcomrade

    Votes: 23 32.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
Gif to showcase ragdolls?
Ragdolls are old news! But those exploding barrels on the other hand... That's the innovation we're showcasing!


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
And meanwhile, It's time for our traditional announcement of things to come in the new version, that will be uploaded on Steam and for our sweet backers on KS in the beginning of October!

- This expansion will expand our world with three new locations, and a whole new second region map (WIP, just for sightseeing);
- We livened up Krasnoznamenny and some other locations with many new characters;
- New craft recipes for weapons and even custom meds;
- New books, anyone? Did you even read the adventures of Dick Popov the Member of the Communist Party vs the She-Pharaoh? That's some quality reading! Update: Sorry, but I'm just going to add some Dick Popov to this post
Two Earth men, surrounded by the elite guard of Dattria the She-Pharaoh stood still, holding their hands up to state they wish nothing but to end this silly conflict.
- Hey, doc. If these savages kill me here, please, tell everyone I was a capitalist. - Whispered Dick Popov, while trying to find an escape route.
- Don't say that, Dick! You're a tough, githy, strong Member of the Communist Party, you're a communist number one! - Answered the old doctor.
- Yeah, I know, but that way if I die, there will be one less capitalist in the universe! - Laughed Dick. The elite guards that were standing close to the young man laughed too. They did not know what communism or capitalism were, but Dick's charisma and good nature made them jolly through empathy.
- Many new quests, as well as the ability to finally finish some of the old ones...
- Enhanced visual effects;
- Remastered sound;
- New order system for followers;
- Improved AI;
- Meet Tourist Corallov the sex tourist!
- Slot machines;
- A NEW CAR?!?!?!??! (no, but almost)
- Make a man's family and reasons to live go away!
- Hunt down a crazed murderer turned peasant;
- Change clothes for your guy;
- A castle?

This one is going to be really huge! Thanks for sticking with us!
...and let there be Atom!

Look at the screenshots below!







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Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
Sorry, I didn't get your post. What did you want to say? Is that a typo you found and wanted to point out or something? I sometimes do mess up words with that '" thingy like "it's vs. its". Tell me more and we'll fix it. Or did you maybe want to say you're getting the game? :DD


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
There in the tweet:
Propane canister get's hit for 11hp.
Oh god dammit! I'm going blind I guess... Well, back to the old find/replace tool!
Thanks for pointing that out, man! I would never even guess to look at that window ;(

Iron Balls McGinty

My first EA purchase on steam.

I have only played with character creation due to limited time right now but do not regret my purchase.


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
My first EA purchase on steam.

I have only played with character creation due to limited time right now but do not regret my purchase.
Very happy to head that! Thank you very much :) And don't you forget to update the game today! 60 more NPCs and 20 quests are being added to the build as we speak!
I'm here to make an announcement!


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
Eyyyy! 0.8.5. IS UPON US!



Here's what our Steam page says:

Hello again, friends!

Our work on another large update, numbered 0.8.5. has finally reached it’s end and we are ready to upload it for your enjoyment!
What has been done this time? Well, like we said in the announcement, we are continuing to liven up the locations with new characters, some of which aren’t just ready to tell you their stories, but also ask for your help in various side-quests. A huge work has been done with the crafting system - we added new recipes for not only firearms but meds as well.
Lots of hours were spent behind the stage, where we again tinkered with some of the mechanics to further balance out the game. Also, we have made clothes change possible - you can finally get rid of that sweater for something more fitting your playstyle!

Change log:

- Locations filled with 60+ new characters (look for them in Krasnoznamenny, Peregon, Fogelevka and some other places)
- New crafting recipes. Not just for firearms, but also for medicine and armor;
- 20 new quests and juicy solutions to some of the old ones, including Dan’s quest line, Kostya the Yob’s quest line and more;
- Change your clothes!
- New visuals for character on the global map;
- New visual effects such as cloud shadows on the ground, fog on location borders, etc;
- A large portion of sounds remastered, new sound effects added, footstep noises now depend on terrain;
- New demo global map;
- New location - The Container Yard;
- Rebalanced the perks;
- Rebalanced trade, also some wares turn to money in time;
- Rebalanced and improved AI;
- New follower commands (point to target, or move to location);
- Various bugs fixed

As always, we will spend the next few days hot-fixing new issues, if there will be such. Then it’s business as usual, and by that we mean constant work on the next big update!

Here are the screenshots:



Here's what I'll be adding:

After talking to Codex's very own Sloul and everyone else who thought this might take away from the role-playing, we have removed our tiny scaling% from the trade formula. Now the wares you get will be more or less dependant on the location you are trading in, and the random. Well it was like that before, but you had around 10% more to random find good stuff if you're high level. Another thanks to Sloul for inspiring some of the other changes we have started behind the curtains during this update.

But the best part of this update is the ability to finish many old quest lines and the characters. They are all pretty fun, and set a certain mood. You will meet them all - From a guy with a case of Soviet Tourettes, to a man you can completely destroy by making him commit murder-suicide, to a criminal turned pious peasant, to many more. There are plenty of hard choices in the new quests, too. And no references at all! And you can walk the new map we made, that has a castle! See rumors come to life, get an eldritch statue, pet a giant and, mock a professional victim, cause a MASS STROKE!.. and many, many more fun things all around!

Update translation status around 90%, the last 3-4 dialogues in English will be added in no time at all!

Have a great journey, guys!
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Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
After talking to Codex's very own Sloul and everyone else who thought this might take away from the role-playing, we have removed our tiny scaling% from the trade formula. Now the wares you get will be more or less dependant on the location you are trading in, and the random. Well it was like that before, but you had around 10% more to random find good stuff if you're high level. Another thanks to Sloul for inspiring some of the other changes we have started behind the curtains during this update.

You guys are so awesome! Very glad I decided to support this project.

Great update, as always. I'm getting more and more excited to play it every day.


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
After talking to Codex's very own Sloul and everyone else who thought this might take away from the role-playing, we have removed our tiny scaling% from the trade formula. Now the wares you get will be more or less dependant on the location you are trading in, and the random. Well it was like that before, but you had around 10% more to random find good stuff if you're high level. Another thanks to Sloul for inspiring some of the other changes we have started behind the curtains during this update.

You guys are so awesome! Very glad I decided to support this project.

Great update, as always. I'm getting more and more excited to play it every day.

Thanks a lot! Not long to wait now, we're on the finish line! :)


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
Great to see you talking to our Sloul :incline:
I still have to properly reply to the man! He wrote like... this monumental thesis in my private messaging inbox, and while we loved a lot of his helpful suggestions I could not find the time to properly thank him yet! Gonna do so now I guess.


Sep 3, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again!


Apr 16, 2004
Keep some mystery in the game, don’t make the same mistake of blockbuster American movies and divulge all twists and nuance in the hype-building phase!


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
Keep some mystery in the game, don’t make the same mistake of blockbuster American movies and divulge all twists and nuance in the hype-building phase!
No worries! We keep the real twists so deep, not all crew members know them :D

Posting the car was important to check for "why are you making a made-up sci-fi space alien car in a game about USSR?" reactions. Thank God there were almost none. Makes me think I was always the only one who never knew such weird designs actually existed :D

Right, but that's a sweet car.


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
Second biggest dungeon in the game mapped out in CP437 and sent to the 3d modeller man. See? We member the good old games even when creating new age fancy 3d dungeons! Wow!
This one is going to be so good! You got a bunker, but then you got a natural cave that made it's way into the bunker, there will be skeletons and a monster nest and puzzles and everything, mmm, belissimo!
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Second biggest dungeon in the game mapped out in CP437 and sent to the 3d modeller man. See? We member the good old games even when creating new age fancy 3d dungeons! Wow!
This one is going to be so good! You got a bunker, but then you got a natural cave that made it's way into the bunker, there will be skeletons and a monster nest and puzzles and everything, mmm, belissimo!
What did you use for making that? Just a text editor?


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
Second biggest dungeon in the game mapped out in CP437 and sent to the 3d modeller man. See? We member the good old games even when creating new age fancy 3d dungeons! Wow!
This one is going to be so good! You got a bunker, but then you got a natural cave that made it's way into the bunker, there will be skeletons and a monster nest and puzzles and everything, mmm, belissimo!
What did you use for making that? Just a text editor?
I wish I had such skill! I aligned the CP437 characters into a 16x16 grid, made it into a tileset for RPG Maker MV (a make your own jRPG software) made the map inside the RPG Maker editor, and used a built-in java function to print said map into a PNG! Kinda counter-intuitive, but much cleaner than drawing on paper or in Paint like in the good old days.


Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
Second biggest dungeon in the game mapped out in CP437 and sent to the 3d modeller man. See? We member the good old games even when creating new age fancy 3d dungeons! Wow!
This one is going to be so good! You got a bunker, but then you got a natural cave that made it's way into the bunker, there will be skeletons and a monster nest and puzzles and everything, mmm, belissimo!

Pic remind me of Cataclysm roguelike.


Atom Team
Oct 1, 2016
Second biggest dungeon in the game mapped out in CP437 and sent to the 3d modeller man. See? We member the good old games even when creating new age fancy 3d dungeons! Wow!
This one is going to be so good! You got a bunker, but then you got a natural cave that made it's way into the bunker, there will be skeletons and a monster nest and puzzles and everything, mmm, belissimo!

Pic remind me of Cataclysm roguelike.
Yup, it's basically the same charset. It's a character set that was used in original IBM PCs, so whenever a guy needed pseudo-graphics he just used those ASCII characters. Nowadays much more ASCII code pages and Unicode are available, but since Rogue popped out it's like a tradition of sorts. CDDA uses it, Dwarf Fortress uses it. Even LARN does, I think! While no eggplant or poo emojis are available, it's really simple and awesome to use for map mock-ups. As long as the other person understands that an Y standing near an ] is a giant ant guarding an assault rifle! ::D

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