The Insanity Must Go On...
Update #21 · Mar. 19, 2013 ·
It was a cold, sad day. An eerie wind was howling. No birds where chirping. Tumbleweeds passed by. The Asylum Kickstarter campaign, once a mandatory point of encounter for deranged people from all over the world, was essentially over. With the exception of the usual suspects making politically incorrect posts about human body parts, the comments section was a tiny fraction of the massive, ever-growing snowball of insanity and decadence that rolled during February.
All wasn't lost, though. A new update was looming on the horizon… A new chance to rejoin the madness, to be freed from the shackles that modern society has imposed on us and descend into a New Dark Age where sanity is eradicated. A day may come when it's normal to greet people by waving severed limbs at them.
But it is not this day. Today you can join the Senscape forums and earn your Backer Badges.
To Forum Or Not To Forum
Seriously, all our backers are encouraged to register and
become part of the Senscape community. It's a nice and cozy place with loads of kind and intelligent fans of the adventure genre, but just as importantly, you will gain access to the Backers Loungewhere we will periodically post cutting-edge news about Asylum, including materials that not even the press will get. For example, right now you can have a glimpse of the exterior of the Hanwell Mental Institute at dawn (which is how the game begins), a sneak preview at our upcoming offices, the place which thanks to your funds we can rent to give together a final, decisive blow to the development of Asylum, as well as downloading all three blueprints that will be shipped with the game in high resolution. And this is only the beginning!
The process is straightforward: you
simply need to register with the same email that you use on Kickstarter. Within the hour, your profile should get the corresponding badge and gain access to the private area. VIPs (Very Insane Persons - thanks Serena!) will additionally gain access to the Beta Testers Arena.
Link: Senscape forums
If for some reason you can't use the same email, or you're already registered with another one, just send me a private message and I'll add you manually.
We hope you enjoy your stay! Needless to say, regular Kickstarter updates are also being prepared, so it's not mandatory to register in our forums to get the latest news (but highly recommended).
Game Developers Conference 2013
My socially acceptable personality will be attending GDC next week in San Francisco. If enough backers are also going, I'd be happy to arrange a meeting to give you an inside look at Asylum and its ongoing development. We could even tape the meeting and share with the rest of the backers upon my return. Let's
discuss in the Kickstarter comments section, and if we can make this happen I'll announce the exact date and time slot this weekend.
Be warned, though: you'll be disappointed to hear that I won't be wearing a purple mullet.