Are there any mods that turn off the UBISOFT open world "Just follow the pretty compass markers!" and makes it more difficult / death matter?
I started playing this a few days ago, and am playing it with interface set to minimal. I only get quest markers if I select a quest in my journal, otherwise there is nothing on my screen except the actual world. NPCs even give you rough directions so you can play a good chunk of it without markers, and questgivers will shout that they need help so you notice them even when you got the markers switched off. Pretty surprising for an Ubislop game tbh.
The only annoying thing about the interface settings is that you only get to choose from certain presets. I set it to minimal because I still want to know what I can loot and what I can't, and if I set it to disabled not even the interaction prompt shows up when I'm in front of a lootable bag. But minimal also leaves in the markers for merchants when I walk through the market street. What minimal does remove, however, is your health bar and ammo counter in combat so you just have to roll with the punches and estimate how much damage you're taking, same with how many arrows you have left. I'm fine with that, makes it a more immersive experience, but it would have been so much better to enable and disable individual interface elements rather than having to go with a list of presets that might include or exclude things you don't want.
It's quite the enjoyable game for an explorefag like me, but the one thing I dislike about it is the level system.
Not the leveling up, that's pretty solid. You gain perk points which you can invest into perks that actually give you new skills. Action RPG character development done right!
No, the problem is the power scaling attached to levels. If an enemy is 5 levels above you, you can't even stealth assassinate them because their health is too high. In a fucking Assassin's Creed game! And if an enemy's health is too high to insta-kill them with an assassination, it's no use trying to fight them, either. Their HP and damage are so inflated you have to hit them 100 times while they one hit kill you.
And when you play with minimal interface, you can't really see which enemies are too tough for you. With all the retarded interface elements turned on, too tough enemies have a skull icon above them. With the interface off, they just look like every other regular dude. They just happen to have ten times the hitpoints as all the other regular dudes you've been fighting so far. I hate it.
I like it when an open world RPG has actual level zones instead of scaling to yours. Gives you that experience of going to a place too tough for you, and coming back later when you're stronger.
The problem is when level itself, rather than the skills and attributes that come with it, is a power scaler.
This is not unique to Assassin's Creed Origins. Divinity Original Sin had the same problem. Even if you don't spend any of your attribute points on levelup, being 5 levels higher than an enemy will make you immensely more powerful, and vice versa. Just a ridiculous amount of health and damage scaling based on level.
This essentially forces some degree of linearity into the open world, as you can never explore an area that's too high level for you, no matter how good your twitch skills or your tactical decisions. It's a raw numbers game.
Really drags down what is otherwise an enjoyable game.