Oblivion was again a precursor of the incline and that's a FACT.
Of course once the design started leaning towards classic CRPG design with quests, storylines, cutscenes and voiced dialog - smart AI started to be an obstacle - not a strength.
AI should put the fire under the ass of those lazy writers. Imagine the hit on their egos when a robot can be more creative than them; friendly competition of muses
Vast majority of game "writers" just write a script for a movie, ignoring any possibilities of emergent gameplay
I'm actually quite curious how Wayward Realms will turn out.
Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay got my Kickstarter money for breaking Internet walkthroughs back in 1996. You could not
google altavista the solution to one of the quests, because the name of older brother of the prince was unique to each playthrough.
Of course this quote from manual was a big fat lie:
When the players ask what the story to Daggerfall is, I imagine Macbeth asking what the story to Macbeth is before the play begins. You are the protagonist, the hero of the game - the story is what you decide to make it.
because in 1996 the possibilities were not endless:
However, in 2024 it should be possible to generate it on the fly, evolving in unpredictable directions with NPCs having their own agendas, pressing issues and secrets. I want NPCs to behave like this: