A fucking awesome
update : camping option.
made in the spirit of the Realms Of Arkania system, with more options.
But some questions it brings
A fast reaction: according to the food supply, don't you know that
Why my bredrens must be killed?
Secondly, I think that craft/brew and repair items phases should be made under a "falling asleep" save test, as it can be long duration actions.Or at least, give them a requirement condition like "must not be tired".The more time those kinds of action demand, and the more there are chances of falling asleep.
Also, what is the default action for those who have nothing to do during a camping session?Standing up and watch, or resting action?
About the "guard duty", can several characters be affected to this option, or is it only a one character option?We should be able to choose more than one character, like it was in the Realms of Arkania
If we are taken into a surprised encounter, will it be always an hostile one?Can't it be a NPC encounter with why not a random quest giver effect?
When entering a camping sessions, does the game firstly ask us for the duration we want to camp, or can we do whatever we want then the game will calculate the global duration of a camping session?I personnaly think the game should ask us the amount of time we want to camp, it will force us to plan precisely all the actions we intend to do.It will also prevent from a "you have camped for 2 days and are fully replenished"situation.It must be a matter of choices and consequences.Being able to do everything, assuming the conditions are met (extoriors environnements), it could be like a rest in town (safe place).But in nature/dungeon, it should not be the same as in town.It will keep in mind a risky effect.
If "focusing at will" attempt is a failure, what can be the effect of weakness?How long does it lasts?Can it be cured with potions?
Does the climate is taken in consideration, like in the Blade of Destiny, with sometimes, a risk of getting ill due to the cold if characters are not equipped with blanket?
I love the sleep in armor option, it could be fun.
But again, very nice update.You really killed me with the "guess who's comming to diner"!!!