The Kodex never fails to provide with entertainment.
Well, where to begin...
Even in 1.0 HoI3, AI-led Germany blitzkrieged Poland in historical time frame, often simultaneously fighting off a French invasion. German AI never sends all its troops to Norway either.
Ooo RLY ?
I'll give you a hint, and it's called Google. I'll even give you another hint : "Paradox forums Germany AI Norway". Pick ANY of those threads, just so you can't accuse me of having initiated them, or fighting my
lone crusade on some forums for shits & giggles.
In exchange, I'll take the freedom to pick just one (I have to concede it's my favorite) :
Just had the worst single player experience of all time
To be honest, I'm about ready to give up on this terrible game. I'd like to share with you one of the worst single player experiences I've ever had.
I decided to have a go at Ethiopia with the hopes of gaining access to the sea and assisting Italy in Africa. I acquired peace immediately with Italy so as not to be a puppet. The experience that followed was horrific to say the least. Japan joined the axis and began the war in Shanxi with an AI that had no rhyme or reason. They moved back and forth between the Shanxi border and the Russian border as if they couldn't make up their mind. This resulted in Shanxi annexing Manchuria as early as April 10, 1938. They continued on to conquer Korea and pretty much end Japan in the span of a year. I thought ok, maybe I should keep playing as there is always a chance Germany and Italy have success. Things couldn't get any worse right? Wrong.
Germany invaded the lowlands around April as they usually do only to send hundreds of thousands of men into Norway. This resulted in Belgium holding and the French pushing Germany back towards Berlin. To make matters worse, the hundreds of thousands of men in Norway literally got stuck because of supply issues never making it to Narvik. Italy of course was pushed out of Africa a few months after triggering the "It's Our Time" event.
The game was essentially a waste of my time. I had managed to upgrade the entire starting 16 militia brigades of Ethiopia into Infantry with up to date weapons in all areas ready to carve a slice of Africa but by then it was already over. What disturbs me more than Paradox's lack of interest in fixing well known AI issues such as the German Norway Invasion is the fact that no one else complains about it. I see not one single person on the forums besides myself trying to hold Paradox to the standard they set for themselves. If Hearts of Iron 3 fails, the blame will be on not only the developers, but also the community who stayed silent and content with a flawed product. Hearts of Iron 2 fans, many of whom I know well, will be vindicated in their hatred and predictions of failure for HOI3 if this nonsense continues.
But it was you that called me out for "lying"...
Calling the LUAs stupid is as logical as calling hammer and nails stupid
I happen to call LUAs stupid whenever their integration leads to stupid situations in-game. LUAs aren't stupid by themselves. But keep invoking semantics whenever it suits you, and drawing fancy parallels to DA2, Red Alert, Icewind Dale, HoI2, Alice in Wonderland, whatever, to detract from the reality of the subject.
they are tools of the trade. LUA's are very good for finetuning the AI of certain countries for certain situation.
The scope and capabilities of LUAs are much broader than "finetuning". You, if any here, should know that. Ask any decent HoI3 modder, preferably one belonging to the BIG four or five projects on the Paradox site, and they should confirm that good LUAs can make, or break the game. The popularity of Lothos' scripts, that come to supplement and improve on a failing stock AI patch after patch, probably isn't warranted either, right ?
If you play Germany but let AI take command of most your troops, stuff like what you described would never happen.
Because the same AI that operates when you aren't in control would suddenly know better ? Right on, dude. Does the outstanding fallacy of your logic not hit you straight in the head sometimes, you feeling so exceptionally
superior intelligent and all ?
Additionally, if you let the AI handle production, it follows its production LUA, which doesn't include "air defence infantry" or any shit like that.
No shit, Sherlock. Air defence infantry doesn't exist, but if the
shitty unreliable AI that is behind the reorganization process of the OOB could invent it, it would. There is strictly no benefit whatsoever to hand the AI global control over your OOB in-game. None. Well, except if you had some twisted fantasies about messing with illegible blurbs of armies, divisions, officers and theaters.
While it won't be as min-maxed as a player would get it, it's good enough to fight other AIs.
Now THAT is quite the understatement. No serious HoI3 player would rely on the AI for offensive purposes beyond the tutorial stage, not even on Army level. For defensive purposes, beyond the basic behind the lines garrison duties, the AI quickly shows some pretty bad shortcomings too, if you happen to play the UK, Japan or Italy, and to a lesser degree the US and France :
Oh hi, what's my garrison suddenly doing on the frontline ? (EDIT: yes, you can prevent this from happening, but not without reassigning troops to custom-created theaters, otherwise said, not when playing on auto)
But I forget the advice we were given in this thread,
play a minor instead, lol!
If your entire plan is wasted because ONE DIVISION got attack delay when it wasn't supposed to, I got bad news for you son - you're not going to conquer USSR or USA. Your plan is inherently flawed from the beginning. Even the AI sometimes launches spoiling attacks.
I don't want to sound rude, but are you dense, or are you faking it ? Who's talking about ONE division ? At this point, I am starting to not only wonder whether we've been playing the same game, but also to question the
superior knowledge thereof that many here seem to credit you with. The issue with HQs (brigaded or unbrigaded ones) and attack delay has been a long standing one, discussed over and over and over at the Paradox forums.
Once again, I invite you to use Google and educate yourself on the matter. Open your browser, type in "Paradox forums attack delay HQ" and read. Just do it.
If you can't be bothered, I'll pick some random quotes from some random threads :
Sometimes its seems I am fighting more HQ units than actual combat units. Oh yeah, just love that one Theatre unit that commands one Army Group that commands one Army that command one Corps that commands one Division of Miltia.... Four HQ's and one actual combat unit. Gotta love getting an attack delay each time each of those enemy HQ's moves in the way. I just roll around in hysterical bouts of delerious delight when I have to fight the same battle several times because the AI moves a new HQ into that VP I am trying to take...
My main problem is that HQs refuse to fight but still manage to trigger the attack delay. It's like my 50.000 man are delayed for days because they were briefly aware that 1000 enemies were behind those hills, but they retreated rather than go and fight....
Its worked this way in early HoI3 (pre 1.02 patch IIRC) - currently your units will always have attack delay after battle (unless battle takes several days to resolve).
Everyone but you is unknowing, and stupid, I got it. I will spare you dissecting your previous posts, because quite honestly you bore me at this point.
[ TLDR; ]
Your overall bullcrap level regarding the matters at hand in this thread is closer to 100% than a cheap Smirnoff.
Keep massaging your ever-growing
neurons e-peen, if such is your inclination, since it seems that you suffer some kind of complex in the matter. In the meanwhile, you fail to display the knowledge proper to any authority over HoI3, and the maturity required to deal with documented (and dare I say reasonable) user feedback, be it partly negative such as provided in this thread.
I admit that I had a rather high esteem of your contributions on these boards till now too. You sound no more than a vulgar and rabid fanboy at this point. Make of it what you will.