Would the world be a better place without those games?
The world would be a better place without any video games for sure.
Folks would have other ways of passing their time, all of which relate to the real and tangible, the more creative, or actual social interaction; as in with physical contact and everything.
Fuck it, some folks would even read books.
On topic however, since games and social media we do have
You and the other guys here miss the point.
You night try new games and you might enjoy them if they have a number of qualities, sure.
But MMOs you're meant to stick around to; when that alone isn't really an option, when worse yet, you know that statistically speaking it won't be an option, do you bother? Sane answer is no.
The average 'Dexer won't stick to an MMO anyway, or will but only log in to infrequently, or will but uninterested in bothering with the community at large. Which i'd agree with
I get your prism, but it isn't the one to have for the average player these games cater themselves to.
The player that stays.
That's the central bit, genre-specific, be it or be it not to your personal preference. It's what MMOs are supposedly all about.
So if the game isn't to last..
Why do i bother stating the self-evident in gaming forums, i know.
Yeah I get your point re. MMOs, but I've never felt it to be a realistic goal for an MMO to aim for infinite longevity. To me, there's always only a "peak" period of maybe 3-4 years, when the first few waves of new people for the first few years get to endgame and have fun together there. Even if you've got the fever for the game for a few years, it eventually wears out, and I don't think it's realistic for developers to try to make it stretch out. They just end up fixing things that weren't broken, and adding content that invalidates earlier content.
What they should aim to do is to make those "peak years" as good as possible. I think only a small minority of people really stick around for years and years, and that's only because they've made friends, so it's more of a social thing at that point. In terms of gameplay, etc., stretching out MMOs only makes them worse and worse.