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⊃∪∩⊂ Awakening - Funcom's survival MMO coming early 2025


Oct 23, 2017

Dune: Awakening combines the grittiness and creativity of survival games with the social interactivity of large-scale, persistent multiplayer games to create a unique and ambitious Open World Survival MMO. Rise from survival to dominance in a vast and seamless Arrakis shared by thousands of players.

  • Survive the most dangerous planet in the universe. Build shelters against sandstorms, maintain your stillsuit, and master the old ways to walk even the deepest deserts. Avoid or be devoured by the colossal sandworms that dwell beneath the sands.

  • Explore the ever-changing face of Arrakis. Walk the ruins of long-forgotten biological testing stations, scavenge the wreckage of fallen spaceships, and wander the dusty halls of abandoned sietches. Head into unmapped sectors and be the first to discover secrets and riches before the coriolis storms once again shift the sands and alter the landscape.

  • Control the spice, control Arrakis. Hunt for spice blooms and deploy your harvester, then protect it from opportunistic raiders and rival factions. Soak the sand in blood as massive battles shift seamlessly from foot to vehicles and from ground to ornithopters in the sky.

  • Make plans within plans. Make a name for yourself among the inhabitants of Arrakis. Wield intrigue and force to influence the Landsraad and impact the world. Build your own faction through spice harvesting, trade, subterfuge, and open conflict.

  • Awaken the sleeper. Tailor every aspect of your character. Consume spice to conquer your senses and acquire powerful abilities. Hone your craft to become sought out for the finest creations. Construct your fortress in the style of your choosing. The journey is yours to shape.
Conan Exiles was pretty fun.
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Jan 17, 2015
This game [dunc awoke-ning) is not yet available on Steam

Planned Release Date: TBA​

Remember the Vampire the Masquerade MMO?

World of Darkness confirmed, based on Vampire: The Masquerade​

by Justin Olivetti Sep 24th 2010 at 11:22PM

"Some secrets are best taken to the grave..." While it wasn't that closely guarded, we were waiting on the edge of our seats to hear the official word of CCP's World of Darkness this weekend. At The Grand Masquerade convention in New Orleans, the developers not only confirmed the project, but revealed that it is set in White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade setting. Vampire: The Masquerade was indeed the old World of Darkness RPG, so this MMO should send fans into paroxysms of joy.
Ardwulf's Lair reports that the MMO will come out in 2012 at the earliest, and that it "will have a focus on player politics and social interaction." The two-minute video reveal sets a gothic tone as a woman narrates the secret world of the vampires: "They're all around us, they control everything, they've always been here, waging their secret wars, devouring everything that gets in their way... It all begins after you die."
We'll bring you more details as they pour in, but in the meanwhile, check out the video reveal (NSFW, this is World of Darkness after all) after the break.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
The topic title has a typo, it is clearly spelled ⊃∪

I'm not sure how much MMO this would really be regarding players per server, if they want it to be a survival game as well with the sandstorm regenerating the landscape gimmick. Also would that be localized and player-owned sietches or outposts immune to it?

It is certainly one of the better ideas regarding what to do with the setting.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
running around leroy jenkins style to attract worms sounds awesome.

Imagine pvp build putting all points into running speed, just to outrun the danger while leaving bodies behind


Aug 27, 2014
Le Balkans
I really do not understand why Funcom keeps churning out these janky mmos when they could make proper single player storyfag rpg games (single player Secret World anyone?).
For shame!


Jun 17, 2012
> MMOs in 2022

lol someone really wants to go broke

It's interesting because Conan Exiles was server-based survival. The guess was they'd do something similar here. So either that's not the case, or "semi mmo" is some tech to link worlds together or something. But the way they describe it, unless it's just super misleading, sounds more like a traditional MMO with "thousands of players" & faction mechanics.

I'm skeptical and somewhat disappointed personally, since I find the individual server structure of CE a lot better than MMO structure, the latter almost always end up in ruin and are very susceptible to going down in flames the moment FOTM factor wears off. Plus the sheer atomization and anonymity factor of being one among thousands instead of one among 20-40.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
Sand, huh?

... seriously, though, I do wonder how they are planning to make the landscape more interesting to look at for longer periods of time.

I guess they'll have to expand on the idea of greening parts of Arrakis, or the Sietches perhaps. Unrelieved desert is pretty boring to be in for a long time in games.
Aug 27, 2021
Sand, huh?

... seriously, though, I do wonder how they are planning to make the landscape more interesting to look at for longer periods of time.

I guess they'll have to expand on the idea of greening parts of Arrakis, or the Sietches perhaps. Unrelieved desert is pretty boring to be in for a long time in games.

The dune landscape still sounded pretty varied in the original books and such. Some was flat sand, but there were a lot of rocky areas and cave systems and such. I mean, nothing wrong with some... oases? Oasises? But I mean, it's fucking dune, it had better be pretty sandy lol.

vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
I really do not understand why Funcom keeps churning out these janky mmos when they could make proper single player storyfag rpg games (single player Secret World anyone?).
For shame!
Conan exiles has fun dark souls style combat but everything want to kill you and very few things are explained. For example you have to randomly drug yourself and make a human sacrifice for the first quest. For single player Is still fun but Funcom loves obscure mechanics


Apr 28, 2021
Suppose MMOs magically became the next gen RPGs; as in for real, it happened. I said suppose, just for a minute :)

Why would anyone give Funcom another chance is beyond me; Anarchy? Conan? TSW?
Name me one fucking MMO they made, ever, that wasn't:
- Bug-ridden
- More and more unpolished if not half done the further you went from the starter areas
- confused about whether it wanted to be just different, good, or massively multiplayer afterall; with all a befuddled direction entails in terms of actual gameplay
- left to die soon, well before its time and slowly. So that even the most hardcore retard would feel it happening

And yet..
I don't understand gamerz; i most certainly don't understand MMO gaemrz.

Nice to know Bylam still has a job and i sincerely hope it pays well, this isn't a jab by all means. But from a customer's perspective, lol..


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
Suppose MMOs magically became the next gen RPGs; as in for real, it happened. I said suppose, just for a minute :)

Why would anyone give Funcom another chance is beyond me; Anarchy? Conan? TSW?
Name me one fucking MMO they made, ever, that wasn't:
- Bug-ridden
- More and more unpolished if not half done the further you went from the starter areas
- confused about whether it wanted to be just different, good, or massively multiplayer afterall; with all a befuddled direction entails in terms of actual gameplay
- left to die soon, well before its time and slowly. So that even the most hardcore retard would feel it happening

And yet..
I don't understand gamerz; i most certainly don't understand MMO gaemrz.

Nice to know Bylam still has a job and i sincerely hope it pays well, this isn't a jab by all means. But from a customer's perspective, lol..

Would the world be a better place without those games? Yes, they're flawed, but for all their flaws I had great fun with two of them (Conan and TSW) for many weeks. Like, it's true that Conan was sketchy after Tortuga (Tortage?) - but Tortuga was amazing (the art design vibe of it, the main questlines there, the night/day thing, the music), and showed what a game like that could be like. TSW, again, it had bags of immersion for ages (they actually sustained its questage density this time), and that initial build wheel system was pretty cool, but ultimately its combat let it down (it never really felt smooth to play).

I wouldn't want there to not be developers like Funcom, who push the envelope, even though they never seem to have quite the organization, resources or management to pull it off. I've had a fair amount of ... well, fun .... playing their games :)


Oct 30, 2006
I think gurugeorge summed it up. We *try* shit. Like I have been on this forum since 2006 and watched the steady conversations about decline and hell, I've seen it as well. Big games have moved away from risk taking. But Funcom games always try new stuff. Anarchy Online *invented* the concept of instancing (whether you think that is good or bad :D). Age of Conan tried to do "realtime" combat and a bunch of other things that were ahead of its time (and probably our capacity as a company). The Secret World - we tried to bring ARGS into the game and intertwine the real world and the game world in new ways. Even Conan Exiles, we put in the dong slider etc.

Big companies don't do that stuff. They won't take the risks.

Dune: Awakening still has that ethos - we're trying a few things in the game that (if we pull them off) companies are going to emulate for years to come.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
I think gurugeorge summed it up. We *try* shit. Like I have been on this forum since 2006 and watched the steady conversations about decline and hell, I've seen it as well. Big games have moved away from risk taking. But Funcom games always try new stuff. Anarchy Online *invented* the concept of instancing (whether you think that is good or bad :D). Age of Conan tried to do "realtime" combat and a bunch of other things that were ahead of its time (and probably our capacity as a company). The Secret World - we tried to bring ARGS into the game and intertwine the real world and the game world in new ways. Even Conan Exiles, we put in the dong slider etc.

Big companies don't do that stuff. They won't take the risks.

Dune: Awakening still has that ethos - we're trying a few things in the game that (if we pull them off) companies are going to emulate for years to come.

My only complaint about FunCom is that I'm unable to use my old AO account as a free to play player. Otherwise, I always enjoyed the games from your company.
Mar 3, 2010
flawed game doesn't necessarily mean bad game. hell, new vegas and bloodlines are as borderline case as it gets. still they're praised. i still have wet dreams about anarchy online's crafting and implants system. and i appreciated characted growth too, guiding but not outright handholding development, in fact as a fixer, a support class, i often managed to be the tank, the dps, or even both, of the team. and tsw was fine, just wasted into the wrong genre.

the dong slider
well, i wouldn't brag about it.


Oct 23, 2017
Anarchy was awesome and so was The Secret World. Took Age of Conan a couple years and an expansion to be worthwhile but it eventually got there. Funcom games might be buggy as hell and sometimes arguably unfinished but they're still fun.


Apr 28, 2021
Would the world be a better place without those games?

The world would be a better place without any video games for sure.
Folks would have other ways of passing their time, all of which relate to the real and tangible, the more creative, or actual social interaction; as in with physical contact and everything.
Fuck it, some folks would even read books.

On topic however, since games and social media we do have :)

You and the other guys here miss the point.
You night try new games and you might enjoy them if they have a number of qualities, sure.
But MMOs you're meant to stick around to; when that alone isn't really an option, when worse yet, you know that statistically speaking it won't be an option, do you bother? Sane answer is no.

The average 'Dexer won't stick to an MMO anyway, or will but only log in to infrequently, or will but uninterested in bothering with the community at large. Which i'd agree with :)
I get your prism, but it isn't the one to have for the average player these games cater themselves to.
The player that stays.
That's the central bit, genre-specific, be it or be it not to your personal preference. It's what MMOs are supposedly all about.
So if the game isn't to last..

Why do i bother stating the self-evident in gaming forums, i know.


Aug 9, 2020
Big companies don't do that stuff. They won't take the risks.

Dune: Awakening still has that ethos - we're trying a few things in the game that (if we pull them off) companies are going to emulate for years to come.
Well I can say the worst thing Funcom could do is just put a Dune skin on Conan Exiles so I hope you're not doing that. The concept art looks good and funcom is usually good at translating concepts into final game art so the art style is on point there, one of the big draws for Conan Exiles was that it looked great, I just didn't like how it played. The whole Rust/Ark progression model is so tired now I hope that Dune is not that.

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