PvP Fury Warriors have roughly 330k hp at level 100, tanks have roughly 500k.For the people in the beta: how is the global stat squish? Is it more managable or does it make stuff feel more trivial?
My Blood Knight is fairly close to that at level 90 without any raid gear, so that's a small squish indeed.PvP Fury Warriors have roughly 330k hp at level 100, tanks have roughly 500k.For the people in the beta: how is the global stat squish? Is it more managable or does it make stuff feel more trivial?
Late Mists of Pandaria tanks had over 1 million hp.Did tanks ever reach 1 million HP with all buffs and consumables? Zul gurub bosses had 300k health, MC bosses had a million. It's mind blowing to to think that regular people have that these days.
Stats and numbers didn't increase that much when going from level 60 to level 70, partially because Naxxramas gear was insanely powerful.
Resilence was to blame as well, you'd likely see higher numbers in a T2.5/T3 (even Rank 14/T2 gear) gear level 60 PvP video than in a S3 era level 70 PvP video.
Very small indeed. So the squish will most likely be repeated for next expansion pack as well.My Blood Knight is fairly close to that at level 90 without any raid gear, so that's a small squish indeed.PvP Fury Warriors have roughly 330k hp at level 100, tanks have roughly 500k.For the people in the beta: how is the global stat squish? Is it more managable or does it make stuff feel more trivial?
Given that my max hit is 125k or so I can imagine that people who know what they're doing can get pretty close to half a million already, and that's to say nothing about what they can do in WoD.Very small indeed. So the squish will most likely be repeated for next expansion pack as well.My Blood Knight is fairly close to that at level 90 without any raid gear, so that's a small squish indeed.PvP Fury Warriors have roughly 330k hp at level 100, tanks have roughly 500k.For the people in the beta: how is the global stat squish? Is it more managable or does it make stuff feel more trivial?
I think my friend started with 70k HP or so. At least the game wont reach Disgaea Numbers with attacks hitting for millions worth of damage.
If your only interest is in discussing player hit points then perhaps you should refer to it as the 'hp squish'.Most stats have been squished quite hard, yes. However, HP on the other hand hasn't been squished as hard.
Unless I grossly misread my friend's numbers and footage from what I saw outside of watching my friend play, I saw players with those hp numbers at level 100.
I have seen it personally. I was leveling my level 20s retardin through dungeons and most of the healers (and tanks) were having trouble, even with full heirlooms. It is the first time that I have had to off-heal extensively in a dungeon or face a wipe. It is refreshing, but I think most will adjust in time. I think most just have to be smarter with heals, since instants are apparently weaker.Heh, people are talking about levelling dungeons having decent difficulty again, don't remember reading about that in the patchnotes.
Then again I bet it's just an intentional "feature" of the stat squish.